New Office of Gun Safety Enforcement

Stand by! I'm sure that we'll all get to see what she does shortly. As we saw in 2016, if she "orders" MA dealers to do something (or not do something) 97% of them will click their heels and salute her. Scaring many/most non-MA dealers to not ship to MA was very effective many years ago, so stomping her feet and doing it again will probably work again.

There are no real republicans in MA gov't.
These libtards are the best arms dealers in the country. Official hints of this will skyrocket the market again with absolutely zero change to M.G.L. 🤣
These libtards are the best arms dealers in the country. Official hints of this will skyrocket the market again with absolutely zero change to M.G.L. 🤣
I've got my credit card in stand by. I even emailed my favorite Littleton gum dealer to make sure it was business as usual for him.
I don't understand why there is a priority to stop hoarding of guns and ammo. What does that have to do with crime?

“Hoarding” is amassing something in short supply with the intent to utilize that something in the future in times of scarcity. The term applied to guns and ammo is intended to associate negative connotations with having more than a few guns and boxes of ammo.

In terms of the Overton Window, regarding the political and societal acceptance, owning guns and ammo has moved from simply Acceptable to Sensible, as more acquire firearms for self-defense. The “Hoarding” plan is to apply one of Alinski’s Rules for Radicals “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Since fewer gun owners own 10+ guns, the idea is to attack that small subgroup and drive Acceptable back down to Radical. Once owning 10+ guns is Radical, then the bar drops to 5+ guns, then to more than 1 gun of a given caliber, then more than one handgun, shotgun or rifles, etc.

Such plans have been successful in countries without strong umbrella gun owner organizations - in the UK, the shotgun/rifle clubs looked the other way when pistols were restricted then banned, semi-auto rifles came next followed by semi-auto shotguns, then the remainder were restricted. The “Hoarding” idea start the slide down the slippery slope.

Love them or hate them, the NRA remains the symbolic gun owner umbrella organization in the US. While other great 2ndA organizations are fighting the legal battles, none have taken on the symbolic power of NRA. Democrats/Liberals are in the habit of trying to jump from Sensible to Policy on gun laws, claiming 80%+ support based on polls. But when gun laws pass/fail by referendum, is usually by < 1% - not a Popular consensus. For them, it’s “We Rule” under the guise of “Majority Rule” but that pesky US Constitution keeps getting in the way.
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Since when does that have to do with anything?
In this crooked cesspool? Not since King George...

But on a high profile case like that I figured there'd be some national legal charity looking to put points on the board in federal court against the state for that level of misconduct.
Stand by! I'm sure that we'll all get to see what she does shortly. As we saw in 2016, if she "orders" MA dealers to do something (or not do something) 97% of them will click their heels and salute her. Scaring many/most non-MA dealers to not ship to MA was very effective many years ago, so stomping her feet and doing it again will probably work again.

There are no real republicans in MA gov't.
No law for gun owners, just optics.
Stand by! I'm sure that we'll all get to see what she does shortly. As we saw in 2016, if she "orders" MA dealers to do something (or not do something) 97% of them will click their heels and salute her. Scaring many/most non-MA dealers to not ship to MA was very effective many years ago, so stomping her feet and doing it again will probably work again.
She'll click her ruby slippers while muttering "there is no law like my law, there is no law like my law....."
And searching our homes, you know, for safety checks.
I changed propane suppliers, so the new company pulled the old tank, and dropped in a new one.
The new supplier told me that we needed to pull a fire permit to have the install inspected. When I asked why we needed an inspection when they were just dropping in a new tank, I was told that it was the law.

So they pulled the permit, installed the tank, and reported to the fire department that the job was done.

A week went by. Two, three, a month, two, six, and a year.

Finally after a year, I get a call.

"This is the fire department. We need to come out and do an inspection."

"Why on earth do you have to do that?"

"Propane is a serious danger. We need to check the install to make sure you dont' blow up."

"Serious danger? Really?"

"Yes. Serious danger."

"So if we don't do the inspection, It would be really bad?"

"Yeah. Really bad."

"Well, they put the tank in more than a year ago."


"Well, we still gotta inspect."

They came out, looked at the tank from 25 feet away, pronounced it safe, and left.

It's all about the benjamins.
I changed propane suppliers, so the new company pulled the old tank, and dropped in a new one.
The new supplier told me that we needed to pull a fire permit to have the install inspected. When I asked why we needed an inspection when they were just dropping in a new tank, I was told that it was the law.

So they pulled the permit, installed the tank, and reported to the fire department that the job was done.

A week went by. Two, three, a month, two, six, and a year.

Finally after a year, I get a call.

"This is the fire department. We need to come out and do an inspection."

"Why on earth do you have to do that?"

"Propane is a serious danger. We need to check the install to make sure you dont' blow up."

"Serious danger? Really?"

"Yes. Serious danger."

"So if we don't do the inspection, It would be really bad?"

"Yeah. Really bad."

"Well, they put the tank in more than a year ago."


"Well, we still gotta inspect."

They came out, looked at the tank from 25 feet away, pronounced it safe, and left.

It's all about the benjamins.

They did the same to us when we installed a propane dryer. Guess they don’t trust plumbers or something. Oh and nothing against plumbers but it is kinda a pita to have to get one just to thread the propane hose to the propane hookup. I get it. Some idiot would blow themselves up.
The real problem is the dem hoodbooger constituency. They are the gun crime problem
Chris Rock said it best. There's black people. And there's hood boogers.
There's white folks, and there's trailer park trash.

Good and bad with every group.
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