New stuff that goes "bang"


Resident HK Guru
Mar 1, 2006
Not in the PRM.
Feedback: 26 / 0 / 0
And now, the sequel to the summer blockbuster thread "The Arsenal is unveiled"......


(Yup, I know, I'm a dork [smile] )

You can look earlier into this forum for that thread to see a Spas-12, Calico assault carbine, HBAR and a whole bunch of pistols that give lefties fits...

First some new pistols:




In order of appearance:

1. Para Ordnance WHX1045R Warthog- The Ferrari of my pistol collection. What I mean by that is that this is a wonderful, elegant, accurate, comfortable and high-performance machine; if and when it decides to function. Also known as "The greatest gun I never shot" and "Old Unfaithful". After a visit to a very good pistolsmith and a field trip back to Para, it finally can make it through a 10 round mag without a serious jam. Sometimes. [rolleyes] It is however, replete with groovy Hogue grips, a Brownell's slide release, polished feed ramp and Pearce pinky rests on all of its mags.

2. Sig Sauer 226- A great overall shooter that was one of the LEO trade-ins over at the often imitated but never equalled Four Seasons. Accurate, ultra-dependable and just plain mean looking sum it up for me. Best 400 bucks I've spent in a long time. Also replete with Hogue grippiness, factory night sights and a pile of 15 round preban mags.

3. H&K USP 45 (full size)- A.K.A "The gun that hooked me on H&K and forever and crushed any hope I had of saving any money this year"
Holy crap on a stick, this thing is simply awesome. Built like a tank, tactical and tough looking to the nth degree, and more accurate than I'll be in 3 lifetimes of shooting. The impetus for me buying my Dillion 550 and .45acp dies. Decked out with night sights, a Hogue slip-on (more like twist, yank, stretch, beg and plead on [smile] ) and a bunch of shiny new 10 rounders.

And now the Coup de Grace...



H&K SL8 with Hendsolt integral scope and carry handle- And I thought my pre-ban HBAR was cool. SL8 is German kode for "Tack driver" [smile]. The trigger on this thing is pure magic, and it's got the nifty 20.8 inch match barrel to boot. The long rail with ghost rings is on its way, and I buckled down and bought two more 10 rounders for it (I won't say how much I paid [frown] )

And here's a picture of all the new shooters together just for grins:


Thanks for looking!
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Just... Wow.

Thanks for the info on the WartHog. I had been thinking about getting one as a CCW piece. Your review is easily the third or fourth negative one, all with the same problem, unreliability...
Yeah, I was up at SigArms, guy there with a Warthog had jams every few rounds... Not to mention the nasty muzzle flip on that thing... But other Paras are very reliable, I have 2 Para OPSes and they function perfectly all the time.
Man, those Warthogs are nice lookin' ! I've been thinking of one but everyone who has one seems to agree they are finicky.

As for the rest, nice, verrrry nice !
Man, sounds like they really screwed up the P10 when they named it the Warthog! Only problem I ever had with it was when the frame rail cracked... and Para replaced the receiver within 3 days. The new frame was utterly reliable. Only reason I sold is is that that short 3" barrel did indeed have a wicked muzzle blast... and it was making me develop a nasty flinch.

Sold it and bought myself a P12... which I love.
I actually put about 50 rounds through a used warthawg at AFS and it performed flawless.

I have though about getting one... but do keep hearing the same bad things about them.

I may just endup with a p10 single stack instead.

Nice set of firearms there Fooped

note to self... buy Fooped some beer and see if he will share his toys.
If you saw me in the basement with the cat litter pans full of Rit dye,it would justifiably been a look of sheer horror!

I saw a picture of a Spanish army sniper with a black SL8 and got inspired but just wanted something a little different to all black and thought the mag well would like nice contrasting too.The color was inspired by Russian plum AK stocks and the hue HK P7 slides turn but I'll shut up about coordinating guns too much before I start sounding totally freakish.

I'll stop the threadjack now :)
I just wish I could buy KelTec's here.They're cheap and they offer those nifty light gray frames just so you can color em like Easter eggs.

Um,I am the guy that bought a half dozen pairs of 5.11 pants from LA Tactical for $10/per just so I could experiment with different color schemes...and yeah,I discovered that the yellow Surefire G2's can be made into all sorts of nifty colors.I should've been a home-ec teacher.
It's all about keeping balance between the destructive and creative.If it ever comes to taking a Beadazzler to an AR-15 or covering a Glock in gold lame,it'll be time for an intervention.

Just... Wow.

Thanks for the info on the WartHog. I had been thinking about getting one as a CCW piece. Your review is easily the third or fourth negative one, all with the same problem, unreliability...

My Para does have a tendency to misfeed, but not that much. My father has one that jams constantly. I think it is just a matter of matching the right ammo to this gun. Smaller bullet head may also play a big part in reliability.

Anyone shoot the Para Warthog in 9mm. I am thinking it will be more reliable.
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