New to the forum

Oct 3, 2016
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Hi Everyone,
My name is Andrew, I'm from southern Maine, right on the border, I am mainly joined up to see if there were any Machinegun shoots or subgun matches in the area that a gone knew about. Not sure If Mass lets out of staters bring MGs in but I think NH and VT do. I was hoping to go to CT, where they have a subgun match, but the magazine laws killed that quick.

If anyone knows of any other events, I would love to hear about them. Also looking for any other Full auto people in my area, maybe we could put together a match or bowling pin shoot.
Not a MG guy, but 99.9% sure MA is no go without a MA MG license (along with a MA LTC).
Did you come here to make me feel bad, I think I need a special licence just to say the word "machine gun"[sad2]
That sucks that MA banned MG shoots! Was it due to that accident or just the crappy laws?

I didn't come here to make anyone feel bad, just hoping to find some events so I can actually shoot my MGs. I have only had a handful of chances to shoot them.

I have have heard of that place in Guilford, I'll check it out. Thanks!
That sucks that MA banned MG shoots! Was it due to that accident or just the crappy laws?

I didn't come here to make anyone feel bad, just hoping to find some events so I can actually shoot my MGs. I have only had a handful of chances to shoot them.

I have have heard of that place in Guilford, I'll check it out. Thanks!

It was a result of the 8 yo killing himself in Westfield and that MGL C. 140 S. 129C has no exemption for handling MGs w/o a MA MG License.
That sucks that MA banned MG shoots! Was it due to that accident or just the crappy laws?

I didn't come here to make anyone feel bad, just hoping to find some events so I can actually shoot my MGs. I have only had a handful of chances to shoot them.

I have have heard of that place in Guilford, I'll check it out. Thanks!

I have friends who are members but I have yet to join. One of them is big into 3 gun. My understanding is that it's an active club but I can't give actual intel.
If you head up a bit north, the Windham Indoor Shooting Range allows full-auto. Heck, if you got enough folks, you could probably convince the training director to do a full-auto league night...
You just missed a members shoot at Monadnock NH. A bunch of members being MGs and this shoot is a pumpkin shoot. A few times a year they hold car shoots and the same applies. Become a paid member and check out the shoot schedule.

The green mountain boys also hold an annual shoot.
A Colt m16a1, Group industries Uzi, M11/9 and an M10 in 45acp. I have been stockpiling ammo in hope I can do some blasting. I found a local(ish) gun club but I don't want to go there and dump 1000 rounds of 556. Might get some noise complaints and the club might ban MGs. So I have only gone there and shot suppressed. And only on "controlled" burst. I really wanna do some drum dumps!
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