NFA SBR moving to a different town in Mass


NES Member
Dec 16, 2010
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I just got 2 SBR tax stamps but my barrels are not yet engraved. I may be moving to a different town within Mass (and a slight possibility of moving to CT) by the end of this year.

What happens if my barrels are engraved with town X and I move to town Y? Do I need to have the engraving redone or (hope not) get a new barrel? Same question if I move to CT or another state. (I already know I have to notify ATF if I take the weapon out of state for any reason).

Side note these are in a trust. I may be able to locate the trust in town Z and engrave the barrels with town Z even thought I live in town X or Y.
Engraving is done at the time of manufacture by you of the item. Nothing changes who/where they were manufactured which is what you are recording. You are not recording ownership or where they are kept/owned/stored.
Unless there has been a rule change at the ATF, it is the receiver that is the part that requires engraving, not the barrels.

An Intrastate move with an SBR requires no action dealing with the ATF.

If you eventually move to CT, the SBR must be legal in that state and you file a 5320.20 with an address change, then wait for it to be returned to you approved.

I suggest you file that 5320.20 WELL IN ADVANCE of your anticipated move to alleviate dealing with any potential delays.
Thanks for the reply I did some quick research. The receiver needs the serial # on it. Other information can go on other parts:

"The serial number must be engraved or stamped on the receiver of the firearm and the caliber, model, and identification of the maker must be engraved on the barrel or frame or receiver of the weapon. The marking and identification requirements for a maker are the same as for a manufacturer."

I will probably engrave the barrel with the maker in case I ever want to un-SBR the receiver. Just file the paperwork, put the original barrel back on and figure out what to do with the SBR barrels.
Thanks for the reply I did some quick research. The receiver needs the serial # on it. Other information can go on other parts:

"The serial number must be engraved or stamped on the receiver of the firearm and the caliber, model, and identification of the maker must be engraved on the barrel or frame or receiver of the weapon. The marking and identification requirements for a maker are the same as for a manufacturer."

I will probably engrave the barrel with the maker in case I ever want to un-SBR the receiver. Just file the paperwork, put the original barrel back on and figure out what to do with the SBR barrels.

Are you making this from a non-serialized receiver blank?
No. Both of my receivers are existing weapons and are engraved with the original information from the manufacturer including serial #. I am just changing the barrels. So I am not the manufacturer, only the maker, is that correct?
No. Both of my receivers are existing weapons and are engraved with the original information from the manufacturer including serial #. I am just changing the barrels. So I am not the manufacturer, only the maker, is that correct?

Right, and as the "MAKER" of the SBR, you are required to add (engrave per ATF regs) YOUR name, city and state on the receiver in addition to the existing information already on the receiver from the manufacturer of said receiver.

The manufacturer of the receiver is required to put a serial number on their product.....YOU cannot deface that marking and it remains as the identifying number of that receiver until it is demilled by ATF specs.

What YOU are doing is using that receiver and making the configuration of it and an upper into an SBR, at which point you must engrave YOUR information per ATF regs.
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