NH bill takes secessionist tone over gun laws

+1 to everything.

When it comes to Ridley I just wish there were more people like him, goofy maybe but at least he gives a damn enough to get out there and do something. Too many of us just sit around and play armchair quarterback.
My sentiments exactly. You may not like the guy, but at least he's doing something. Can we all say we've done as much, whether it be the "right way" or "wrong way"?
<snip>when he's on, he's on.


he gives a damn enough to get out there and do something. Too many of us just sit around and play armchair quarterback.

That's what counts, get offa yer lazy butts and do something !
Otherwise shut the hell up.

Me ? I write letters. I make phone calls. I just earned instructor status with the Appleseed folks. I just passed my NRA instructor certification and am working on additional certifications.

Get out there, and get active !
Well, I'm not an LEO in MA, and I can't stomach the guy either--or his band of well-intentioned nuts.


He's out of his tree. I think a lot of times he does more harm than good with the way he presents himself.
I admire Dave Ridley for putting himself in big brothers way to prove that we have more rights than we realize and we don't have to bow down as long as we're respectful of LEO.
rep point... a pat on the back for being a thoughtful poster... part of the software package. Center icon just above the post reply at the bottom of this post.
I admire Dave Ridley for putting himself in big brothers way to prove that we have more rights than we realize and we don't have to bow down as long as we're respectful of LEO.

Very well said..but in the case of Ridley the "respectful of LEO" is an issue that is up for debate.
Very true. It took some gumption just to put that down on paper.

Let it be said, again: "As an advocate of reason, egoism and capitalism, I seek to reach the men of the intellect-wherever such may still be found." -Any Rand

They may be found ... in New Hampshire.

As well as other places. [grin]
So they can get arrested for wiretapping or whatever stupid law prevents private citizens from filming our betters at work?

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but you assume no right to privacy in public and therefore it wouldn't be considered illegal. I should really know this since I got in trouble once for something similar.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but you assume no right to privacy in public and therefore it wouldn't be considered illegal. I should really know this since I got in trouble once for something similar.

I don't think that's stopped anyone from getting charged, though.
Cross-posted at NLB:

Just getting in from my trip to Concord, where I attended and videotaped the public hearing on NH House Concurrent Resolution 6, previously blogged here.

As was expected, the public turnout for the hearing was larger than the capacity of the hearing room. The hearing was recessed after an hour of testimony, due to the number of people who signed up to address the committee, and a conflict with a smaller hearing scheduled for 2:00.

I will post the video of the first hour's worth of testimony later tonight when I have a chance. Of the sixteen people (if my math adds up) who testified this afternoon - this number doesn't count the two who spoke who were sponsors of the resolution - all spoke in favor of passing HCR-6.

I look forward to taking apart some of the misleading or poorly reported news accounts of this hearing, which I predict are on the way.

I'll have more later.

As you were.
Let's see,

Fags toss prophylactics at people coming from mass. Now Fags are, not only acceptable, but able to marry in a few states.

Blacks riot burning businesses in various places, affirmative action is on our books now, for years.

MR is not even civil disobedience correct?
It's just not bowing, scraping or cooperating fully
I got more than a dozen videos still to upload, of people testifying in favor of this resolution.

Try holding a hearing like this in the MA State House and see how many city and state employees, along with members of every labor union in town, are given the day off to storm the place in their attempt to marginalize the "whack-job secessionists".

I didn't see or hear ANYONE in that room opposed to this measure.

Tell me again there's no difference between NH and MA, and I'll tell you to go suck eggs.

EDIT: Correction...

Representative Timothy Horrigan (D) expressed his "support of the general principles" of HCR-6.

As you'll see in the video, once I get it uploaded, he has issues with some of the details contained therein. Specifically, he believes the Federal Government and the New Hampshire General Court do, in fact, have the "Constitutional power to regulate firearms".

So, perhaps we shouldn't count his vote on the good side of the ledger quite yet.
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I didn't see or hear ANYONE in that room opposed to this measure.

EDIT: Correction...

Representative Timothy Horrigan (D) expressed his "support of the general principles" of HCR-6.

Words cannot express how proud I am to be a citizen of New Hampshire.

As for Horrrigan the horrible, he's a Dim-O-rat voting with the herd along party lines.
My goodness, If NH passes this and a federal ban is enacted you guys had better set up checkpoints at the borders because the mass exodus will be huge. On the other hand, at least you'll have more bodies to defend against the federal troops that will inevitably come next.
I'm about to send the following email to my local Reps and State Senator. Please tell me what you think:

Dear Representative Elliott,

I recently learned about HCR 006, "A RESOLUTION affirming States’ rights based on Jeffersonian principles".

From my readings about this bill on various forums and videos it sounds like a badly needed wake up call to the Federal Government that the States aren't happy with the Federal Government overstepping their Constitutionally granted authority. I have considered myself to be a "Strict Constructionist" when it comes to interpreting the Constitution. Congress has been flying fast and loose since the days of FDR when the Feds began overstepping their Constitutionally granted authority. This needs to stop. We can't afford it anymore as Americans, and the people of NH can't afford it anymore.

Please support HCR 006.

Thank you,


Navy Moose
Merrimack, NH 03054

(cross-posted at NLB)


Despite the overwhelming volume of telephone calls and e-mails from the citizens of New Hampshire, not to mention the unanimous testimony from the public, in favor of HCR-6, the NH State-Federal Relations Committee voted this afternoon to ITL (Inexpedient to Legislate) the resolution.

The vote to kill HCR-6 was 11-7, with one Democrat supporting it, and one Republican against.

HCR-6 sponsor, Rep. Dan Itse, aptly labeled the proceedings as a "shameful event".

Biker Bill has the video from the kangaroo court.
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