Nightmare Dealers

While I agree with this, and I'm guessing most of NES does as well, it's not reflective of new shooters.

A lot of gun shops in 2020-21 pandemic mania were getting tons of glocks returned. The internet said "go buy a glock", then people realized it doesnt have a safety and werent comfortable carrying it. Yeah, it's not logical, but thats just how it is.

What is your source for this data?


NES wins the Mental Gymanstics event every year.

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What is your source for this data?
Some older guy with red suspenders wearing a pair of dickies that he's blasted about 6400 coffee and jimmy dean sausage grease mix farts through that day... like one of those guys you refer your annoying friend to when he asks about the Sig Fury. "Da Millutary...... "
The internet said "go buy a glock", then people realized it doesnt have a safety and werent comfortable carrying it.

Remember when the US Army forced Glock to put safetys on the trial pistols and how everyone on the planet laughed at that idea and there was zero interest in the civilian/outside US .mil market in such bullshit?

It's the same US Army that told rifle makers to make sure they add the top charging handle to the new proposed rifles becuase apparently everyone is so retarded that they could never figure out how to rack a rifle that isnt exactly like the M4/M16 family. Then Sig being big brains decided to have 2 charging handles on the M5, I mean M7 rifle.

Same military big chubby Milley was in I think. And "I wear 8 masks and a medal" Llyod.
I think you got the wrong guy there. You meant me and not @Rob Boudrie .

But yes, I do think a lot of folks on here might qualify as "knuckle-dragging, gun-toting community" who buy an excessive number of guns. For heaven’s sake, spending thousands upon thousands of dollars, satisfying some boyhood fetish for guns, cheered on by the ecstatic firearms' industry exhorting "buy buy buy, shoot shoot shoot", who like nothing better than the dumb clowns swallowing it all up; millions and millions of dollars just going up in smoke, just to hear something go bang. I mean, if you are capable of just one rational thought, you have to see how absolutely dumb all this is.
Just out of curiousity what are you other hobbies?

Btw I definitely fall into what you would consider knuckle dragging neandetheral who really likes hearing shit go bang. But I'm curious why do you care?

Every hobby is just that a hobby right and you can over generalize and simplify the hobby into base stupidities...who cares what other folks do as long as no one gets hurt.

I'm not one who gets offended I do know what I am...but I also value the diversity of others opinions and understand that everyone comes from a different perspective and if I listened instead of assumed stuff about them i may learn something.

You are definitely coming off as an entitled dickhead who probably would really benefit from a good self evaluation and really being careful around firearms. You sound like an ND waiting to happen... as someone who will think they mastered guns after 300 rounds at the range. So this isnt me being insulting this is just me telling you how your coming across and to be careful
but I also value the diversity of others opinions and understand that everyone comes from a different perspective and if I listened instead of assumed stuff about them i may learn something
You know what - I think that's what I am doing. Learning by asking my questions about the strange (to the rest of us) ways of folks really into guns.
The more I hear you all talk about it, the easier it is to see where it is all coming from. Without the necessary context, it does seem to have its absurdities.
You know what - I think that's what I am doing. Learning by asking my questions about the strange (to the rest of us) ways of folks really into guns.
The more I hear you all talk about it, the easier it is to see where it is all coming from. Without the necessary context, it does seem to have its absurdities.
If you think so man good luck... just remember don't point it at anything you're not prepared to shoot
Just out of curiousity what are you other hobbies?

Btw I definitely fall into what you would consider knuckle dragging neandetheral who really likes hearing shit go bang. But I'm curious why do you care?

Every hobby is just that a hobby right and you can over generalize and simplify the hobby into base stupidities...who cares what other folks do as long as no one gets hurt.

I'm not one who gets offended I do know what I am...but I also value the diversity of others opinions and understand that everyone comes from a different perspective and if I listened instead of assumed stuff about them i may learn something.

You are definitely coming off as an entitled dickhead who probably would really benefit from a good self evaluation and really being careful around firearms. You sound like an ND waiting to happen... as someone who will think they mastered guns after 300 rounds at the range. So this isnt me being insulting this is just me telling you how your coming across and to be careful
I think you are not too sharp.

Can’t you see he is just pulling your leg? Nobody could be that stupid as what he writes here (him).
They were right on the safety.
A safety is just another thing that can go wrong when you need the gun.
I agree with this 100%. On a range toy single action with a 2-pound trigger, that's one thing. But on a carry gun, I don't want a safety. Not only is it something that can fail, but it's one more thing to have to think about in a high-stress situation. In a situation like that - it could get you killed. So I'm a hard no on safety on carry pieces dawg... If it's more complicated than pull the trigger - go bang, then I don't want it... Grip safeties, trigger safeties, manual safeties, etc. No thanks.
I agree with this 100%. On a range toy single action with a 2-pound trigger, that's one thing. But on a carry gun, I don't want a safety. Not only is it something that can fail, but it's one more thing to have to think about in a high-stress situation. In a situation like that - it could get you killed. So I'm a hard no on safety on carry pieces dawg... If it's more complicated than pull the trigger - go bang, then I don't want it... Grip safeties, trigger safeties, manual safeties, etc. No thanks.
I don't hate grip safeties on the xd lines it never bothered me on them... that said i also don't own any any more lol
Can’t you see he is just pulling your leg? Nobody could be that stupid as what he writes here (him).
That's the funny part (and I am not sure if you find it funny).
It is funny that you find it absurd that people find some things that you do absurd.
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You just never know when something will get caught in the trigger guard.

See, no issue with a safety!

Safeties are for people who are smart enough to know how to use them (and train with them). Or old guys who are used to them. One or the other.
And it's not ghey unless it's in .40

On the draw? Even assuming that happened, it would be pushing the trigger forward, not pulling it back. Every holster I've ever worn had the trigger and trigger guard completely covered. Nothing was getting in there. This feels like a stretch man... Hey if you like a safety, more power to you I guess. But this argument holds no water in my eyes.
I think the owner of that rack has an unnecessary number of interests/hobbies that require specialized footwear.
Primary hobby: collecting rich, white-boy hobbies that demand protective equipment... and special shoes

I think he needs a shoe shine boy…
I know that one pair of tankers probably hurt the souls of a couple of members here, but they're now old enough to vote; they've seen things and that "patina" tells a story. I need to get them resoled, but I need someone who won't apply any black to them when he does.
While I agree with this, and I'm guessing most of NES does as well, it's not reflective of new shooters.

A lot of gun shops in 2020-21 pandemic mania were getting tons of glocks returned. The internet said "go buy a glock", then people realized it doesnt have a safety and werent comfortable carrying it. Yeah, it's not logical, but thats just how it is.
Glocks have a safety. It's in the trigger. If you said Glocks don't have a MANUAL safety, then you would be correct.

On the draw? Even assuming that happened, it would be pushing the trigger forward, not pulling it back. Every holster I've ever worn had the trigger and trigger guard completely covered. Nothing was getting in there. This feels like a stretch man... Hey if you like a safety, more power to you I guess. But this argument holds no water in my eyes.
Not a stretch on reholstering.

1) Pull cords on windbreakers

2) Cheap leather like well worn old Galco holsters where the flap that should cover the trigger guard goes soft and gets caught inside the trigger guard on holstering
On the draw? Even assuming that happened, it would be pushing the trigger forward, not pulling it back. Every holster I've ever worn had the trigger and trigger guard completely covered. Nothing was getting in there. This feels like a stretch man... Hey if you like a safety, more power to you I guess. But this argument holds no water in my eyes.
How many times do you reholster in your pants either?

When i get home i take my whole holster out not just my gun

And i reholster after cleanings and what not outside my pants lol
What is your source for this data?


NES wins the Mental Gymanstics event every year.

View attachment 820447
Entirely anecdotal, both personal and from gun stores. YMMV

Glocks have a safety. It's in the trigger. If you said Glocks don't have a MANUAL safety, then you would be correct.

View attachment 820544

Manual thumb safety was implied. Glocks actually have like like 3 separate safeties, 2 of which are internal. There's a certain type of person who either doesn't understand this, or just doesn't trust anything but a manual thumb safety. Usually novices, and it's often an irrational fear, not a lack of knowledge.

How common is the kind of person? I have no idea, but they do exist.
Not a stretch on reholstering.

1) Pull cords on windbreakers

2) Cheap leather like well worn old Galco holsters where the flap that should cover the trigger guard goes soft and gets caught inside the trigger guard on holstering
Yeah but i stand by what i said to @Broc
How often does the situation even arise where the gun leaves the holster? Never mind you holstering it in your pants

Sure maybe dry fire drills at home but I'm not doing them loaded

Idk seems easy to me to take the extra second when i holster with live ammo on me
How often does the situation even arise where the gun leaves the holster? Never mind you holstering it in your pant
If the house gets it way, every time you park your car to enter a government owned facility to place it secure storage to leave in the car, and again when you re-holster after returning to your car from Lowell or Fitchburg city hall (for example) to retrieve the gun, assuming it has not been stolen while you left it in your car.

Idk seems easy to me to take the extra second when i holster with live ammo on me
Which is why the handgun action sports don't include any exercises when you re-holster under time pressure.
If the house gets it way, every time you park your car to enter a government owned facility to place it secure storage to leave in the car, and again when you re-holster after returning to your car from Lowell or Fitchburg city hall (for example) to retrieve the gun, assuming it has not been stolen while you left it in your car.

Which is why the handgun action sports don't include any exercises when you re-holster under time pressure.
I feel like you people live far more interesting lives than i do

Things i avoid like the plague...federal buildings

But unless there is a metal detector i am not pulling out my gun
Not a stretch on reholstering.

1) Pull cords on windbreakers

2) Cheap leather like well worn old Galco holsters where the flap that should cover the trigger guard goes soft and gets caught inside the trigger guard on holstering

1. Training. If you can't re-holster without pulling the trigger, you probably can't properly use a safety. In fact, a safety might give someone a false sense of security until the idiot forgets to use it and shoots him/her self.

2. Cheap holsters + guns = stupid.

Skinflint on a holster, you will eventually pay the price.
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