It's still idiotic, designated smoking areas where everyone else never goes are always better than property smoking bans, every time. You know why? because when they ban it from the property entirely, then people resort to doing stupid shit. Like going to the end of the driveway to smoke. So if you're walking in on foot... you end up crossing paths with smokers, that wouldThe right to smoke ends when it interferes to my right to fresh air, if someone can't wait a few hours then they have bigger problems.
have NEVER BEEN THERE if it wasn't for the f***ing ban. I work at a place that just did this. 3 years ago the smokers were invisible. (there was a place in the back of the main building underneath an overhang where 95% of them went, that you wouldn't know was there otherwise. ) Now anyone driving or walking by will encounter them on the street outside the facility.
![ROFL [rofl] [rofl]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/013.gif)
![ROFL [rofl] [rofl]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/013.gif)
Full on property/campus wide smoking bans are just virtue signaling garbage. They never exist "because people complained about the smoke" they exist because it made some pious a**h***
feel good about themselves or something.