Non-resident + firearms + NYC

Mar 23, 2010
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I was hoping to gather some information regarding non-resident possession of firearms in NYC. I'm considering going to school in the city for a number of reasons and am trying to figure out if I could continue at least one of my two hobbies (cars is the other but I already ruled that out). How do I go about legally possessing and target shooting in NYC? (I know CCW isn't happening). The complicated licensing procedure doesn't necessarily deter me, but I would really like to remain a NH resident, yet I've read that NY has no provision for non-residents to bring handguns into the state. But even if I became a NY resident every pistol I would want to bring into the city would need to be registered, and then it could not leave the city per NYPD regulations, and on top of that I am restricted to 200rds...correct? Any other restrictions I missed? I'm just trying to wrap my head around this.

How about rifles; what are the licensing provisions for something like my 1899 Krag? I noticed a range (Richmond Boro Gun Club) on the southwest end of Staten Island that actually looks pretty respectable. Is there a limit to how many times I can visit a range per month? And how am I supposed to transport something like a Krag on the subway for an hour, just in a rifle case?

ANY input would be appreciated.
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Don't overlook the possibility of residence in Westchester or Nassau Counties, or New Jersey. (up)Chuck Schumer used to belong to a gun club - in Roslyn, I think.
Don't overlook the possibility of residence in Westchester or Nassau Counties, or New Jersey. (up)Chuck Schumer used to belong to a gun club - in Roslyn, I think.

I probably should have mentioned that living outside the city isn't an option; a generous family member has an apartment that I can use rent-free.
Exposure to liberals will rot your brain.

Stay there long enough and you'll be carryin' a murse, wearing crocs, and talking about your shoes on the internet.
Exposure to liberals will rot your brain.

Stay there long enough and you'll be carryin' a murse, wearing crocs, and talking about your shoes on the internet.

There is no opportunity good enough to lure me to that shithole
I get that you guys don't like NYC because it's liberal blah blah. But you should know that once you get out of the city (by city I refer to Manhattan) there are a lot of hard working conservative folks in the outer boroughs who probably feel a lot like you do about the way the city is run.

But back on topic. How about my 10/22 with a 10rd mag? Is there any way to for a non-resident to legally bring even that into the city?
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