NRA News Conference at 11:00 AM Fri. (TODAY) Will broadcast on NRA website.

Oh boy... my coworker just posted this on his Facebook [thinking]

This is your big solution NRA? Put more guns in schools? How about hospitals. Libraries. Public parks. The NRA would have be in a permanent state of martial law... mainly to pad the gun lobby's bottom line. The NRA is now a terrorist organization and should be treated as such.
Yes I did watch. If you haven't a clue as to why most Americans are going to be appalled by this guy and the present day NRA, I'm afraid it's no use my trying to explain it to ya. Just sit tight and vote for the American in 2016. [rofl]
Hey, your co-worker has a functional brain capable of higher order thinking skills. Get close to him. Maybe it'll rub off on ya. [grin]
I was surprised by the same thing in our town. I had to go to my daughter's school to drop off an assignment yesterday that needed to be turned in so she could get credit even though she was home sick. I was a bit nervous thinking I would have to go through a TSA style patdown on the way in being an angry looking white male and all![laugh] But no, I actually walked right through the door with a student holding it open for me that just got buzzed in. I seriously thought they would have been on high alert at least this week, but apparently they went back to "business as usual".[rolleyes]

I was picking up my daughter at the high school last month and one of the local LEO's buzzed me in (Littleton has security camera's and double entry doors), I was surprised to see that it was a cop in uniform and clearly armed. I was going to ask why, but this was the same guy that towed my car for an expired registration (by a week) and I was still pissed at him lol.

Then two days ago there wasn't a cop there at all - so I'm not sure what the policy is for security at the school. But I will be asking. And if all of you parents want to make an impact along these lines - ask the principal of your school or superintendent what they are doing about protecting our kids. With enough input from parents the school system will at least have to think about it.

I read the NRA transcript online and I was very much pleased by what I read. I had a sinking feeling that he took a left turn with the video games and movies, but it was to make a point and I'm ok with the logic.
and after you poke them in the eye give them a boot in the old mommy daddy button if its male or a purple nurple if female [smile]
exactly Cold, I am an avid gamer as well and have played many a violent game and in no way has it made me want to do something crazy

I have to disagree. After playing Medal of Honor Warfighter I wanted to do something really crazy like buy a LaRue OBR. . .

Sent from my SPH-P100 using Tapatalk 2
It is only okay to have armed police officers/security, metal detectors, prison-like schools, uniforms, and see-through backpacks in the inner-city schools.

It is only okay to have heavily armed police officers in Massachusetts state colleges and universities, but the same approach in suburban public schools is somehow wrong?

I saw a midnight screening a couple of weeks ago and every theater had a police officer standing outside the entrance with an AR. The reality is if you are going to keep and expand and enforce “gun free zones” you are going to need a visible armed deterrent.
I like the kinder gentler NRA, easing the azzhats out. If this was a stop handgun violence or Brady news conference a disruptor would have been sapped and tazered.
I have to disagree. After playing Medal of Honor Warfighter I wanted to do something really crazy like buy a LaRue OBR. . .

Sent from my SPH-P100 using Tapatalk 2

Yup. Or just end gun-free zones! Unfortunetly, don't see that happening.
And now 15 year old movies.

Natural Born Killers. American Psycho.

Jesus, i was with him till Video games and movies.

NBK was 18 years ago. Gotta play to your audience. Those are the last two violent movies that made enough media stink to be recognized by people who don't watch violent movies. I guess Fudds aren't big on SAW, Rampage, Human Centipede, etc.
I like the kinder gentler NRA, easing the azzhats out. If this was a stop handgun violence or Brady news conference a disruptor would have been sapped and tazered.

Yup. Typical liberal hypocracy. Ban all guns, so that we can all be peaceful, but disagree with me and I will open up a can of whoop-a$$ [laugh]
and only police or ex-mil are professional enough to protect children.

He didn't say that.

Wayne said:
Now, the National Rifle Association knows there are millions of qualified and active retired police, active, Reserve, and retired military, security professionals, certified firefighters, security professionals, rescue personnel, an extraordinary corps of patriotic, trained, qualified citizens to join with local school officials and police in devising a protection plan for every single school.
NBK was 18 years ago. Gotta play to your audience. Those are the last two violent movies that made enough media stink to be recognized by people who don't watch violent movies. I guess Fudds aren't big on SAW, Rampage, Human Centipede, etc.

Or foreign movies like Battle Royale!
I would have mentioned that the top three grossing movies this year (Dark Knight, Avengers, Bond) are all violent action movies and one of the biggest cultural phenomenon for kids since Harry Potter is a book/movie about kids hunting down and killing other kids.

Bringing up movies that are 10+ years old seems out of touch.

Not that I agree with it anyway.
hello? Hunger Games? anyone??

The plot is survival of the fittest... between kids. (yes yes with tons of subtext and transcendent messages)
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