NRA not going to challenge Eric Holder as AG

The NRA is nothing more than the "Let's make Wayne LaPiere an effing multi-millionaire" program.
The late Neal Knox was right and the NRA was become a useless drain on the wallets of American gun owners since LaPiere siezed control.
Ever try to get NRA help with anything?
All you get is some limp dick story about how , "while your problem is truely tragic, we are committed to the Bigger Battle".
BULL SHIT![angry]
Join GOA
Screw the NRA
The difference between NRA and GOA, etc is that while the smaller organizations can afford to set their stance and not budge an inch since nobody actually listens to them anyway, the NRA has to toe the line. If NRA takes just a few major defeats, then their effectiveness goes straight into the shitter and we're completely screwed. They have to pick their battles because they really are the last line of defense for firearms owners.
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