NRA to Aide Canadians UPDATE goes whenever it can with its message that freedom and liberty ought not to be infringe and that enforcing existing laws against crime is more effective than restrictions on gun ownership, which "only affect law-abiding citizens."

Now if all the people in the gov't seats would just understand this...things might be a little different.
Pilgrim said:
How about if they use my money to help fight for my rights first. I'm a life member and big supporter of the NRA but when have you ever heard the words NRA and Massachusetts used in the same sentence?

That's been my gripe with the NRA for a long time. They seem to ignore the states that are "lost." When we're the states that needs their help more than any. Yes, we have GOAL, but it would be nice to also have the backing of some big bucks like the NRA.
I don't like NRA's politics either, but in fairness . . .

NRA has given large chunks of money to GOAL at least a few times in order to allow GOAL to fight the battles in MA. Someone at GOAL can probably flesh this out a bit more as I don't recall any specifics that I can point to.
LenS said:
I don't like NRA's politics either, but in fairness . . .

NRA has given large chunks of money to GOAL at least a few times in order to allow GOAL to fight the battles in MA. Someone at GOAL can probably flesh this out a bit more as I don't recall any specifics that I can point to.

Don't get me wrong. I'm a memeber of the NRA as well. But imagine if we had not only GOAL, but the NRA as well fighting the fights in MA and CA. Not just GOAL with some money from the NRA. Full fledged involvment from the NRA would make a difference. At least I think so, they have ways of putting pressure on people.
+1 with C-Pher. The NRA NEEDS to lend it's name to the fight. Politicians aren't afraid of local organizations, they're afraid of NATIONAL organizations.

I wish the NRA would become as vicious as GOA or JPFO.

Don't get me wrong either, the NRA is far better than they used to be. But they still need to get better. If they were to turn around a couple of the "lost states", they might just wake up the majority of gun owners in this country.
Glad to see NRA help *SOMEBODY*. Up to now, I see the 2nd Amdnt Fdn, GOA, and Legal Defense Fund carrying the real brunt of of the national gun-rights fight. All the while the NRA panders to their "gentlemens' shooting club" membership, and postures for photo shoots.

I dropped out of the NRA after the gun-clubbers destroyed all the gains made at the Pheonix Revolution. No desire to go back; even if I can't join the 'better' gub clubs without NRA membership.
im out too, they did nothing about the barrel ban, and said nothing about the NOLA confiscations til 3 days later. they are just an advertising firm now. id rejoin if Uncle Ted became president
Dirigo said:
im out too, they did nothing about the barrel ban, and said nothing about the NOLA confiscations til 3 days later. they are just an advertising firm now. id rejoin if Uncle Ted became president

The NRA is also the only organization that did anything about the NOLA gun confiscations. You'd think the ACLU would have jumped in to defend 2A rights, but they didn't. Okay, I was just kidding about that.

I have to disagree here. The NRA has done a lot for us, even if it's not at the local level. I'd have to wonder what % of Mass. gun owners belong to the NRA. I'd also wonder what % of Mass. residents are gun owners. Finally, I'd like to see what % of gun owners belong to GOAL. I was both a gun owner and NRA member for years before I joined GOAL. Which was pretty dumb on my part, frankly.

The NRA is going to put their money and their effort where they see the most benefit to their membership. GOAL does a pretty good job of representing us here, so maybe there isn't that much need or incentive for the NRA to become active here.

I'd like to see more NRA activities here, but I wonder how many members have asked for them to bring more programs here?

Wikipedia: It has been estimated that as many as 900,000 gun-owning Canadians have not registered their firearms. ... Currently, all provinces and territories save Quebec ... oppose the registry and refuse to prosecute violators. Supporters ... state that it makes no sense to abandon the project midstream, while opponents point out that the 110% error rate (many registry entries have multiple errors) means that there is nothing worth saving.

Maybe the Canadian gun fight is a fight that can be won, but I do wish the NRA would put more money into reversing /over-riding all those Clinton-era executive orders on guns that Bush isn't willing to reverse.
The NRA is also the only organization that did anything about the NOLA gun confiscations. You'd think the ACLU would have jumped in to defend 2A rights, but they didn't. Okay, I was just kidding about that.
Were you kidding about the NRA & NOLA, too? GOA took direct action. What did the NRA do besides complain?

Maybe that was a bit out of line. But GOA is a lean organization with political action as its only goal. NRA has many other activities vying for limited $ (like national shoots, support to local clubs, membership drives, shooter education, and non-shooter safety training) .
If the National Rifle Association didn't do anything, than I wonder who the NRA that's listed here, is? Ahh, I know, it must be the National Restaraunt Association. If you read the suit, you see NRA and Second Amendment Foundation, you don't see GOA, even filing an Amicus brief. Here is the consent decree Again NRA and SAF.

GOA did assist a LA house member is pushing through a "Sense of the Legislature" resolution. That's a non binding measure that urges the Gov. to do certain things. You'll also note that the GOA measure passed in mid November, almost two months after the Sept. 23 consent decree.

Your statement wasn't out of line, but it certainly was 100% wrong.

100% wrong? That's never happened before. Right. Probably happen again, too.

The first link works. From their past activities, I expect SAF to be active. I do have a high regard for Alan Gottlieb's group. I am stunned to see the NRA do something meaningful. I don't expect this action will change my opinion of them, though. I believe Neal Knox was wrong to stay a member after Pheonix. Just my belief.

Ok, got to the consent decree via the 2nd Amndmt Fdn site. As a part of the decree, the mayor continues to assert his right to confiscate legally owned firearms under LA law (LSA-RS 29:721)?

Kind of a "I didn't do it; my Sheriff didn't do it. But We'll return the guns we didn't confiscate; and I maintain that we can do it again, if I want."
Ray that's the great thing about this country. You can have one opinion, I can have another, and anyone else can have a third. The best part is no one will hold your being wrong against you! <G>

Maybe it's their PR machine, but the NRA seems to do quite a bit for gun owners. Certainly at the federal level.

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