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In case of evacuating on foot. Male, 50 years old, 350 lbs, 70 lbs rucksack/weaponry, goal of around 20+ miles per day. What would be the needed calories per day, in 75 degree weather?
In case of evacuating on foot. Male, 50 years old, 350 lbs, 70 lbs rucksack/weaponry, goal of around 20+ miles per day. What would be the needed calories per day, in 75 degree weather?
Other than a respirator, kidney dialysis machine, and a Lark stolen from the local Stop & Shop, absolutely nothing.
Other than a respirator, kidney dialysis machine, and a Lark stolen from the local Stop & Shop, absolutely nothing.
You might be surprised what a determined individual, who has been properly trained and motivated, is capable of pushing themselves to accomplish.
Don't be a dick.
Like you, having lived long enough to experience much, not surprised by much. Nothing more than levity, stealing a page out of Frenchman's playbook.
Not anymore. I'm thinking a 2 mile per hour average, two half hour and one one hour break, plus orientation stops. 2 days (40-45miles) maximum, to get where I need to go. I know I'm heavy, but I'm also tragically funny and good looking. I used to be able to do 45 miles per dau with 25 kilos ruck, FRF2 bolt action, backup FAMAS, 120 rds of .308 and 250 rounds of 5.56, plus water. At some point, your head stops marching and your feet just keep going.That is a pretty lofty goal. Do you frequently hump that kind of distance, carrying that kind of weight?
Not anymore. I'm thinking a 2 mile per hour average, two half hour and one one hour break, plus orientation stops. 2 days (40-45miles) maximum, to get where I need to go. I know I'm heavy, but I'm also tragically funny and good looking. I used to be able to do 45 miles per dau with 25 kilos ruck, FRF2 bolt action, backup FAMAS, 120 rds of .308 and 250 rounds of 5.56, plus water. At some point, your head stops marching and your feet just keep going.
Not anymore. I'm thinking a 2 mile per hour average, two half hour and one one hour break, plus orientation stops. 2 days (40-45miles) maximum, to get where I need to go. I know I'm heavy, but I'm also tragically funny and good looking. I used to be able to do 45 miles per dau with 25 kilos ruck, FRF2 bolt action, backup FAMAS, 120 rds of .308 and 250 rounds of 5.56, plus water. At some point, your head stops marching and your feet just keep going.
Well, in my case it's more like 3-4 years.My plan for bugging out deals more with clean water than anything else, food you can acquire in the short term. You won't be dealing with fat deprivation in just 3-4 days.
If he has the will to prevail why does he weigh 350 lbs? Or are you saying that in a crisis he can persevere? Lately I've not had the will nor have I had the ability due to an injury and am -80 lbs overweight.
Most of the will to prevail is mental. I know Frenchman personally, and I also know he is the real deal and has been there and done that. Age and physical condition will put limitations on things, no doubts about that, but attitude and the triumph of the will is first and foremost over any other consideration.
Bingo. It's got way more to do with mental toughness than being in shape. Obviously, being in shape is a great asset, but I've watched guys with 5% body fat that could do all kinds of physical superman shit cower in a firefight. Full on fetal position cower.Most of the will to prevail is mental. I know Frenchman personally, and I also know he is the real deal and has been there and done that. Age and physical condition will put limitations on things, no doubts about that, but attitude and the triumph of the will is first and foremost over any other consideration.
The French assault positionBingo. It's got way more to do with mental toughness than being in shape. Obviously, being in shape is a great asset, but I've watched guys with 5% body fat that could do all kinds of physical superman shit cower in a firefight. Full on fetal position cower.
I was stuck at the bottom of my driveway after I lost traction and slid into a snowbank at my place in NH - with 32 cases of tile in my truck, and it was 7 degrees out with a stiff wind.
I needed to unload the 50+ pound cases of tile and I walked up and down the 800 feet from where I was stuck to the house, 1600 feet each round trip. It was so fricken cold the sweat on my head froze. I figure I went almost 9 miles that day humping that tile up the driveway then walking down, no backpack. I am in my late 40's, not in peak shape, and overweight. It is ALL about attitude and perseverance. My back was toast, I had blisters and was just about crippled, but I could have done more if I had to.
In that 75 pound pack, make sure you have ibuprofen and tylenol, and even some Aleve (naproxen) as well as socks to change and gold bond powder. Alternate the advil and tylenol every 3 hours. It will help with the inevitable inflammation that is going to happen from that kind of exertion.