NYPD Detective Busted With MG, "Ghost Guns" & Other Weapons Deemed Illegal In NYC


Road Warrior
NES Member
May 14, 2008
Living Free In The 603
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Another case of evil lying in wait thwarted for the greater good.

They lie on a regular basis and expect everyone to believe it without question.

No mention of how they got onto him. My guess is that someone is tracking packages being delivered to people's houses.

Looking at you...UPS and Fedex.

I am waiting for somebody to accuse a firearm owner of having enough weapons to smash a continent.
That would be a bar that would be hard to surpass.
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He must have arrested an illegal immigrant for possession of a firearm.
So they went after him as a warning to others to look the other way instead of arresting them...
I don't know the regulations for non-firearm 80% lowers in NY, or what they were when this detective acquired them. The fact that they were kept unmodified but with the other parts (not sure about the trivver/action groups) suggests he was playing the "stockpiling but not breaking the law" game, with the idea he could complete them later when in a friendly jurisdiction or post teotwawki. Any the machine gun charge was reported, but way short on specifics so that may (emphasis may) be a legal contortion.

Plus "above the lawedness" can lead some otherwise good cops to think that because what they are doing is harmless, that the law does not apply to them, only people who might present a danger to the public (ie, civilians*). I remember a case years ago when a NY (not NYPD) cop with decades of honorable service lost his NY Pistol Permit and hunting license for three years (according to the news report) in NY for similar alledged chicannery.

* Please spare the "cops are civilians" arguments. I am using one of the Merriam-Webster accepted definitions in this context.
my brother‘s girlfriend is from France. She was convinced that there was a northeast fire permithad to shut that down real quick.

I thought it was a typical New York thing to piss on everything because this New Yorker was pissing on the Blarney Stone so I didn’t kiss it
“Purposefully failing to report these firearms to the NYPD, these illegal and dangerous weapons could have exacted untold amounts of harm to our fellow Staten Islanders,” District Attorney Michael E. McMahon said in a statement.”

UNTOLD amounts of harm! Just by themselves.

“Sciortino also allegedly used “his position as an NYPD detective to access personnel records for unauthorized, unofficial, and nefarious purposes,” the DA charged.”

Sounds like he used LE databases/infosheets on companies known to ship to NYC

“Simply put, this brazen act of misconduct undermines the noble mission of law enforcement, weakens the public’s trust in the criminal justice system, and makes those we are sworn to protect and serve less safe.”

How much you wanna bet that this DA McMahon doesn’t put this much effort into arresting brazen acts of misconduct involving NYC officers violating people’s rights?
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