Obama team targeting FFLs

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Nice going. Your strong support for irresponsible f***sticks to kill the babies that they were unfortunately capable of producing, put the right of us responsible citizens to self preservation into the frying pan. It's no suprise then at all that self preservation isn't at the top of your list.

I hope your daughter takes some responsibility for her own actions and learns this lesson from someone willing to teach her these things.

And by the way, I am pro choice. But the support I have for the rights of those individuals who are too irresponsible to practice safe sex in a time where it is so readily available, sure as hell does not in anway take precedence over the rights of those who do the right thing and make the right choices in life.

Oh, and keep in mind that the right to defend your life is an actual right. The right to take another because you were horny and lazy is not actually a right at all.

Uncalled for...

Because he wants to leave any choices up to his daughter is not a reason to say that she's some slut.

I have two daughters as well...and I'm VERY pro-choice. It's not just because they are "horny" that unwanted pregnancies happen.

My wife and I had to have some serious talks about possibly going that route. All because her last pregnancy almost cost her her life. And it was looking like the only way my wife would live would be to terminate the pregnancy.

We were lucky and some things changed, but she still hemorrhaged on the operating table...and I still almost lost her. We did have a wonderful little girl...and I hope she still has the chance to make her own decissions when she's older.

SO, before you start spouting off, obviously not knowing a word of what you are talking about... Think before you speak...because it leaves you with the sound of a more unintelligent person than I know you to be.
It is my feeling that if you are going to be a one issue vote, then you need to treat that one issue as if it is the only issue you get a right too. If you vote purely on abortion rights than you have a right to have an abortion, and everything else is out the window. If you vote purely on the war you get to have or not have your war... and everything else is out the window.

That leaves only a few real issues that can be considered a one and only issue to vote for. I think it should be obvious which rights protect the others. These are the only monolithic issues to be debated.
Uncalled for...

Because he wants to leave any choices up to his daughter is not a reason to say that she's some slut.

I didn't say that his daughter was some slut. And how in the hell did you get out of my post that I was suggesting that someone would be a slut becuase their parent left choices up to their daughter? You're way out of the ballpark.

I have two daughters as well...and I'm VERY pro-choice. It's not just because they are "horny" that unwanted pregnancies happen.

No. You have to be horny and irresponsible. And incase you missed the memo as well: Responsibility is a thing that you can use to make a decision before you have sex with someone that you do not want to have a child with, to use the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of disease and to prevent having to pay a doctor to insert a medical vaccum cleaner into your vagina and suck out your unborn babies so that they die before you have to raise them.

My wife and I had to have some serious talks about possibly going that route. All because her last pregnancy almost cost her her life. And it was looking like the only way my wife would live would be to terminate the pregnancy.

We were lucky and some things changed, but she still hemorrhaged on the operating table...and I still almost lost her. We did have a wonderful little girl...and I hope she still has the chance to make her own decissions when she's older.

I'm glad that your wife and daughter are alive and well. But I think your again taking things out of context. I wasn't discussing abortion for medical reasons in my original post. If you can find it in there let me know, that means I have multiple personalities and don't remember what the other one did.

SO, before you start spouting off, obviously not knowing a word of what you are talking about... Think before you speak...because it leaves you with the sound of a more unintelligent person than I know you to be.

So, before you start spouting off, obviously not in regard to the subject matter......Think before you speak... because it leaves you with the sound of a more unintelligent person than I know you to be.
Oh - and one more thing; what is so wrong with the position of returning the right to decide to the states? This is the constitutional way to do things in this country, this is one way in which federal power should be diminished. It is unchecked federal power that is at the root of many of the problems we have in this country. You are so wrong on many levels when you imply that "legislating from the bench" is good - and returning power to the states - is somehow a bad thing.

Amen to that. +1
Oh - and one more thing; what is so wrong with the position of returning the right to decide to the states? This is the constitutional way to do things in this country, this is one way in which federal power should be diminished. It is unchecked federal power that is at the root of many of the problems we have in this country. You are so wrong on many levels when you imply that "legislating from the bench" is good - and returning power to the states - is somehow a bad thing.

Nothing wrong with it at all. Unless you believe that a fetus is jut a part of a woman's body until it is capable of maintaining life on it's own. If you believe that then any law that prohibits a person from having a medical procedure on their body is oppressive. EDIT TO ADD: Maybe not surprising, but Roe V. Wade is a dead issue for me. I think that the majority of Americans support it as is. I see no reason to buck that trend on such a very personal issue.

Here's a question: 2A is left as a states rights issue. The US constitution guarantees that the federal government can't infringe, but the states are have the freedom to do so within their state constitutions. If you had the choice between 2A being incorporated and therefore forced into all the states, but as a result Roe V. Wade also had to stay in place as a guaranteed right everywhere OR Roe V. Wade could be relegated to the states to regulate as 2A is, which would you choose?
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I didn't say that his daughter was some slut. And how in the hell did you get out of my post that I was suggesting that someone would be a slut becuase their parent left choices up to their daughter? You're way out of the ballpark.

No, you said that the right to take another because you were horny and lazy is not actually a right at all. That's implying that the only reason that someone would get pregnant is for that reason...and that would imply that she would be sleeping around.

While that's a valid reason, it's not the only reason, and that's a very closed minded way of thinking. As stated below, there are many other valid reasons that someone would go down this road.

No. You have to be horny and irresponsible. And incase you missed the memo as well: Responsibility is a thing that you can use to make a decision before you have sex with someone that you do not want to have a child with, to use the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of disease and to prevent having to pay a doctor to insert a medical vaccum cleaner into your vagina and suck out your unborn babies so that they die before you have to raise them.

I see, so lets say that my daughter was drugged, or raped... She was being irresponsible? Someone attacked her...say on a college campus where she's unable to carry a gun... She's irresponsible?

I guess she should tell her attacker...wait. Here's a condum...before you violate me without my consent, please put this on. [rolleyes]

I'm glad that your wife and daughter are alive and well. But I think your again taking things out of context. I wasn't discussing abortion for medical reasons in my original post. If you can find it in there let me know, that means I have multiple personalities and don't remember what the other one did.

No, I wasn't...you keep saying that the only way to prevent this is to be responsible. I'm saying that there's other reasons to need to go this route...and by your statement above...you're still saying that the reason for abortions are unwanted pregnancies. I'm saying that they are not...

But you seem to be stuck on one train of thought...and I'm just saying that there's no reason to blast the guy because he wants the best for his kids.

I for one think that there's too many women who vote to ever let Rowe vs Wade to be overturned... I don't think that abortion will every be a real concern in the political world. This is what we have...and the past with all the back alley abortions will keep us from ever going down that road again.
And over abortion? Are you freaking serious? All McCain wants to do is send it back to the individual states - you're talking like McCain's first act is going to be to immediately outlaw all abortions.

To a lot of people this is akin to a ban on abortion. Also Palin *does* want a ban on abortion.

Other people I know are against McCain/Palin because of the fact they pro-same-sex federal marriage ban.

A lot of life-time republicans I know have stated "I don't want to be a heart beat away to Palin being president."

I even told my mom, "If Obama wins, there's a 80% chance, I'll be dead or in jail by the end of his presidency." She didn't believe me, but it's most likely true. If they come to take my guns, I will be dead or in jail, period, end of story.
then those people who voted for him should be ostracized. b

I'm going to make it hard for some people to feel like they are a gun owner if Obama wins and he takes away our 2a rights. They are going to hear, "so buy any ammo lately?" "Remortgage your house for a new pistol/rifle lately?" all the time.
Are you saying that all of the states will ban abortion if given the decision?

Most of the states?

Some of the states?

All sending the abortion issue back to the states does is allow each state to make its own rules.

You know, like they do about the allegedly Constitutionally-protected right to keep and bear arms. Void in MA, NJ, CA, MD, WI, and IL, among others.

That's a BS cop-out. Plain and simple. Abortion belongs to the individual states to do with as they see fit; there's simply no reason for it to be a Federal issue. None.

Sarah Palin is at least as qualified to be President as Barack "143 days experience as a US Senator" Obama. Since the only viable choices are either John McCain and Sarah Palin or Barack Obama and Joe Biden, not voting for McCain/Palin is a vote for BO/JB. That's nonsensical at best. I'd say downright idiotic.

Either that or your "life-time" Republicans haven't educated themselves on the candidates beyond the caricatures painted by the mainstream media.

Maybe it's best they don't vote. SRSLY.

To a lot of people this is akin to a ban on abortion. Also Palin *does* want a ban on abortion.

Other people I know are against McCain/Palin because of the fact they pro-same-sex federal marriage ban.

A lot of life-time republicans I know have stated "I don't want to be a heart beat away to Palin being president."

I even told my mom, "If Obama wins, there's a 80% chance, I'll be dead or in jail by the end of his presidency." She didn't believe me, but it's most likely true. If they come to take my guns, I will be dead or in jail, period, end of story.
OK. Let's not act surprised that there are gun owners who have voted or will vote for Obama.
Good point especially because more than a few of us here live in the very liberal state of Massachusetts and aren't single issue voters. I'm not saying it's right but nationwide I think you'll see many voters supporting Obummer because they are disappointed with Bush's stance on Iraq and the economy.
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