Obama to Announce New Executive Action concerning guns:

I support a background check that has open critiria and a set of law to back it up. If one was unfair denied the right, he can win millions of dollars lawsuit against Gov.
Shall not be infringed. Period. No universal background checks. No common sense gun laws.
We're supposed to be second amendment advocates on here aren't we? But we can't talk about what the second amendment is for? You think armed resistance isn't something the powers that be don't already know or assume to be true?

At least you've outed yourself for the fudd that you are. As long as you get to keep trap shooting right?

Hey now, fencer is a good man, and no fudd I promise. We'd all be lucky to share a foxhole with someone like him. He's giving you some good advice, keep your mouth shut and keep training hard. I hope your cardio and hand to hand combat is good if you fancy yourself an operator.
We're supposed to be second amendment advocates on here aren't we? But we can't talk about what the second amendment is for? You think armed resistance isn't something the powers that be don't already know or assume to be true?

At least you've outed yourself for the fudd that you are. As long as you get to keep trap shooting right?

I don't shoot trap. I own several AR's and have bought them for my kids. I carry everyday, everywhere and have an extensive collection.
You are not an advocate, you are part of the problem. You are not talking about the 2nd and obviously you are not smart enough to figure out what it is that you are doing wrong.
Do you see any of the Mods or senior members on here talking about guerrilla war, Einstein? You are just giving the antis fuel that we are all militant gun nuts.
Now this is the second time you have insulted me while I was politely trying to tell you to stop public posting your efforts to start an anti gov terrorist group, and that is exactly what they will think about your post. Think what you like, do as you must, but be smart enough to keep your mouth shut about it. I bet you couldn't wait to show people your gun when you got your permit.

Go play your video game or watch your Xena movies. The grown ups are talking. Did you want another hot pocket, genius?

ETA - I guess I did draw first blood with the Rambo comment. [laugh]. Seriously though... Wolverines !!!
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We're supposed to be second amendment advocates on here aren't we? But we can't talk about what the second amendment is for? You think armed resistance isn't something the powers that be don't already know or assume to be true?

At least you've outed yourself for the fudd that you are. As long as you get to keep trap shooting right?

lol ignorant post is ignorant
You mean criminal disobedience. Anything liable to actually piss the .gov off at all these days is probably a felony of some sort or another at this point.


Three felonies a day - pick and choose which ones you want to commit.


The average professional in this country wakes up in the morning, goes to work, comes home, eats dinner, and then goes to sleep, unaware that he or she has likely committed several federal crimes that day. Why? The answer lies in the very nature of modern federal criminal laws, which have exploded in number but also become impossibly broad and vague. In Three Felonies a Day, Harvey A. Silverglate reveals how federal criminal laws have become dangerously disconnected from the English common law tradition and how prosecutors can pin arguable federal crimes on any one of us, for even the most seemingly innocuous behavior. The volume of federal crimes in recent decades has increased well beyond the statute books and into the morass of the Code of Federal Regulations, handing federal prosecutors an additional trove of vague and exceedingly complex and technical prohibitions to stick on their hapless targets. The dangers spelled out in Three Felonies a Day do not apply solely to “white collar criminals,” state and local politicians, and professionals. No social class or profession is safe from this troubling form of social control by the executive branch, and nothing less than the integrity of our constitutional democracy hangs in the balance.


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Better mental health services that allow someone with all types of insurance and no insurance to get the care they need and the privacy they need is what the main problem is if the .gov makes it a mental health issue.

It will not be good what ever executive orders he issues... Probably increased back ground checks. Directing the atf to enforce the laws on the books and be "more aggressive".

The media isn't helping either every time someone gets shot they are reporting it..

If the president had a brain he would stop trying to restrict our access to fire arms and either be quiet or make access easier due to the recent terrorist shootings.

I don't shoot trap. I own several AR's and have bought them for my kids. I carry everyday, everywhere and have an extensive collection.
You are not an advocate, you are part of the problem. You are not talking about the 2nd and obviously you are not smart enough to figure out what it is that you are doing wrong.
Do you see any of the Mods or senior members on here talking about guerrilla war, Einstein? You are just giving the antis fuel that we are all militant gun nuts.
Now this is the second time you have insulted me while I was politely trying to tell you to stop public posting your efforts to start an anti gov terrorist group, and that is exactly what they will think about your post. Think what you like, do as you must, but be smart enough to keep your mouth shut about it. I bet you couldn't wait to show people your gun when you got your permit.

Go play your video game or watch your Xena movies. The grown ups are talking. Did you want another hot pocket, genius?

ETA - I guess I did draw first blood with the Rambo comment. [laugh]. Seriously though... Wolverines !!!

Xena? Lmao may not be a fund comment but wow blast from the past. And that leather skirt was excellent when a was a young lad.
My idea is to NOT post about guerrilla warfare on a public internet forum. Or plans or provision that I may have made.

It IS about winning, especially the fights you can win. The liberal left and the media keeps saying that the people are in favor of gun control, but they keep losing when it counts most and the number of gun owners grows daily.
Organizations like GOAL and the NRA and COMM2a are making a difference every day. I have personally introduced dozens of people to firearms and helped more than a few get their LTC's. NES is 15k members. If everyone of them got 4 people into shooting, that is enough people to sway a vote

NES's Garandman has it right. Read his signature line. "Relentless. Upbeat. Pressure". I don't agree with everything he says, but that really is the right approach.

And as bad as it is, it used to be worse. Comm2a is doing great work.

I am not saying don't prepare for the worst, but honestly, if they come for your guns, it is very unlikely you are going to have prior notice to gather the rest of the gorillas.

What is BF4 ?

Just making people gun owners - is not enough.

There's a HUGE population of FUDD type gun owners - who have proven themselves more than willing in the past to sell out the 2nd amendment incrementally - when government regulations threaten their HOBBY.

IMHO it does not necessarily do us much good - to add FUDD type gun owners - who then stand in line behind people like Obama and add their own refrain to the chorus " I'm a gun owner and I support sensible legislation".

People like this need to be told to STFU.

Gun ownersship is ultimately about revolution and resistance to government power. It is about defending individual rights in the most intimate down and dirty way there is - by shooting people who are attempting to take those rights or your life away.

If you cannot come to grips with this - you're not doing it right.

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how heavy is a mini nuclear bomb ? kidding...

See this is the problem - you jackasses are not serious.
So what's your idea?

It's not about winning the fight or only picking fights you can win. It's about showing them that you will fight; something the republican's don't seem to understand either. Their M.O. has been "oh we don't have to votes to to do that so let's do nothing at all".

But seriously, what IS your idea? What you are going to do? I'd love to hear it.

Now excuse me, I have some BF4 to play.


Has everyone forgotten what the second amendment is for? Why does anyone own a AR15? If you aren't going to do what the second amendment is for when the time comes, why give a shit whether or not they ban your guns?

Because people have seen some shit such as the marine your going back and forth with. Or some of us appreciate what he did and don't want to see that shit ever. I fall into the latter category, will I step up of the time comes. I'd like to think I will, do I ever want to see that time come on us soil. No sir I do not and you'd be wise not to want it either. What good is you taticool ar gunna do against a squad of marines in full gear with an Apache flying support? Hint not much. So stop preaching about your blood lust and really think about a way you can organize people to avoid a civil war.
Because people have seen some shit such as the marine your going back and forth with. Or some of us appreciate what he did and don't want to see that shit ever. I fall into the latter category, will I step up of the time comes. I'd like to think I will, do I ever want to see that time come on us soil. No sir I do not and you'd be wise not to want it either. What good is you taticool ar gunna do against a squad of marines in full gear with an Apache flying support? Hint not much. So stop preaching about your blood lust and really think about a way you can organize people to avoid a civil war.

I'm right there with you in the latter category, pal. No where in my posts (and yes I double checked) did I preach blood lust or wish shit to go down. What I did say, is that the writing is on the wall, we all know what the gov't's end game is with this legislation, and people would do well to get ready.

What I did call for is more protesting and holding our politicians accountable. It's one thing to have protestors where you work (i.e. The state house) it's another thing entirely to have them legally on a public way across from your house peacefully exercising their first amendment rights.

But I guess that makes me a tacticool keyboard ninja who apparently loves xena and hot pockets.
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Switching gears a tad, I find it very interesting the timing of the Oregon standoff and Obamamama's announcement to make it legal to own rubber band guns only. Now all the country needs is for the standoff o go hot and a sizable body count to happen.
If anyone gets a chance and sees some pictures of the "patriots", see if any of the individuals look familiar to the parents of Sandy Hook. Actors got to make a living also!!
I'm right there with you in the latter category, pal. No where in my posts (and yes I double checked) did I preach blood lust or wish shit to go down. What I did say, is that the writing is on the wall, we all know what the gov't's end game is with this legislation, and people would do well to get ready.

What I did call for is more protesting and holding our politicians accountable. It's one thing to have protestors where you work (i.e. The state house) it's another thing entirely to have them legally on a public way across from your house peacefully exercising their first amendment rights.

But I guess that makes me a tacticool keyboard ninja who apparently loves xena and hot pockets.

Yeah, at the end of the day, I owe you an apology. And although my intentions may have been good, it really is not my place to tell you what you should or shouldn't post. I still disagree with you, but apologize for the ribbing.

Know this. I am just about as far from a FUDD as you could get, and if it were to get ugly, I would be the first to hand you a fresh magazine, and I am pretty handy with a rifle.. and a pistol.. and a shotgun.

Rep point for going green.
Yeah, at the end of the day, I owe you an apology. And although my intentions may have been good, it really is not my place to tell you what you should or shouldn't post. I still disagree with you, but apologize for the ribbing.

Know this. I am just about as far from a FUDD as you could get, and if it were to get ugly, I would be the first to hand you a fresh magazine, and I am pretty handy with a rifle.. and a pistol.. and a shotgun.

Rep point for going green.

I also didn't mean to insult you as a person nor belittle your service to our country. I made an assumption out of a misunderstanding and called you a fudd. I think I misunderstood what it is exactly that you disagree with me on.
Get involved in the process to help to bring about changes in the law by supporting groups and candidates with whom you agree. Donate to organizations which are using the court (s) to help
pass certain laws with which you agree and to overturn others about which you don't agree. Groups such as Comm2A, GOAL and the NRA come to mind as groups who have brought some positive changes to lawful gun owners.
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Any thoughts on how an executive action requiring all private sales to be done at FFL's, would impact Mass? Like could you still transfer an off-list handgun, just use the FFL for the background check? Or might this effectively make it impossible to transfer an off-list handgun in a private sale?
Any thoughts on how an executive action requiring all private sales to be done at FFL's, would impact Mass? Like could you still transfer an off-list handgun, just use the FFL for the background check? Or might this effectively make it impossible to transfer an off-list handgun in a private sale?
I'd be more concerned about the treasonous filthbag's (or his potential successor"s) next "executive action" banning FFLs, which by then will be the only way for legal law abiding citizens to legally sell/swap firearms....or busting FFLs balls so brutally via intimidation, threats, excessive fees ("taxes"), IRS/Depts. of Revenue harassment, etc etc etc until those good citizens who are FFLs throw up their hands and scream "Screw this, I simply can't take this sh*t anymore/it's just not worth it anymore" etc. and 30-40 percent or more of them, over time, simply "go away"...

FaceKook/TwitHeads rejoicing at the sniveling twot's assault on the 2A, posting "YAY! Those vile evil FFL terrorists! Shut em down! Go Hillary Go!!" as she appoints Deval Patrick to the SCOTUS...

Then what?... But "that'll all never happen in America" I'm sure....
I'd be more concerned about the treasonous filthbag's (or his potential successor"s) next "executive action" banning FFLs, which by then will be the only way for legal law abiding citizens to legally sell/swap firearms....or busting FFLs balls so brutally via intimidation, threats, excessive fees ("taxes"), IRS/Depts. of Revenue harassment, etc etc etc until those good citizens who are FFLs throw up their hands and scream "Screw this, I simply can't take this sh*t anymore/it's just not worth it anymore" etc. and 30-40 percent or more of them, over time, simply "go away"...

FaceKook/TwitHeads rejoicing at the sniveling twot's assault on the 2A, posting "YAY! Those vile evil FFL terrorists! Shut em down! Go Hillary Go!!" as she appoints Deval Patrick to the SCOTUS...

Then what?... But "that'll all never happen in America" I'm sure....

If any of that were possible via Executive Order he'd have done it already. He's pretty limited in what he can do, though he can still do a lot of damage.
Although I try to stay in the loop with all government stuff, I'll admit a little naivete on the "EA" stuff, so I'm curious: What exactly ARE the "limits" to what a muslim sympathizing/terrorist consorting/ treasonous/disgraceful maggot CAN (and cannot) do via "Executive Action(s)"?.... Is it spelled out CLEARLY anywhere as to what this maggot can and cannot do via the "stroke" of his... pen? (as if he'd even care to read the "spelling").. Cuz there is nothing, literally NOTHING, that this maggot could possibly do that would surprise me at this point....So the question : What exactly, spelled out clearly, is "off limits" to a tyrant via the circumvention of Congress known as "Executive Action"?
Any thoughts on how an executive action requiring all private sales to be done at FFL's, would impact Mass? Like could you still transfer an off-list handgun, just use the FFL for the background check? Or might this effectively make it impossible to transfer an off-list handgun in a private sale?

The private sale requires 12 witnesses includes one lawyer, one law enforcement and one priest.
I think you mean Exec Actions.

EA's are nothing more than a wish list with a fancy name....they carry no weight of law and Congress is under no obligation to do anything with the requests.

This whole thing is a lot of huffing and puffing by Obama to distract from the abject failures of his administration to address unemployment, trade, terrorism and virtually every other issue they have made a mess of

Not sure what you mean - he can issue an EO to require any individual who sells more than 0 guns per year to be an FFL. This is just changing an ATF regulation, doesn't require congressional approval cause it's not a law, just a regulation.
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