Obama to Announce New Executive Action concerning guns:

I proposed this years ago on here and was met with understandable apprehension. But if you think it hasn't been time to start organizing ourselves and training in the ways of unconventional and guerrilla warfare, you are a fool.

Stock all the guns and ammo you want, shit load of good they'll do you when they come to take it and you have no one to help you.

Give me a break, Rambo. If you think that you and your 5 buddies are going to stand up to a SWAT team in body armor and a bear cat, you are the fool.

Now I am sure that you , and the rest of the Wolverines, think that you might stand a chance, but I've got news for you. You don't. So just go back to playing Call of Duty when you are not delivering Dominos pizza and emptying the trash when your mom calls down the cellar stairs.
Give me a break, Rambo. If you think that you and your 5 buddies are going to stand up to a SWAT team in body armor and a bear cat, you are the fool.

Now I am sure that you , and the rest of the Wolverines, think that you might stand a chance, but I've got news for you. You don't. So just go back to playing Call of Duty when you are not delivering Dominos pizza and emptying the trash when your mom calls down the cellar stairs.

Funny didn't SWAT declare themselves a Corporation a few years back? Show me where is says Corporate entities have a LEGAL right to attack individuals... This is gonna be good .
Obama is going to take questions from the audience. I'm sure that the questions will be unbiased towards guns. Let's invite Obama to a town hall with NES members.

In addition to discussing gun issues with Cooper, Obama will also take questions from the audience on the issue.
Funny didn't SWAT declare themselves a Corporation a few years back? Show me where is says Corporate entities have a LEGAL right to attack individuals... This is gonna be good .

And why do you think I have to show you something? Give them a call and let them know that YOU said they don't have a legal right to ... blah blah blah.
That should do the trick. [thumbsup]
And why do you think I have to show you something? Give them a call and let them know that YOU said they don't have a legal right to ... blah blah blah.
That should do the trick. [thumbsup]

You can't that's why ... let me guess your a George Soros fan? and the blah blah blah crap, what's that left over jingle balls garbling your speech?
I never said I could and i don't even know who George Soros is. I will google him.

The blah blah blah was to indicate that it is just more of the same rhetoric that you can and will do nothing about. I made a comment about a prepping for "guerrilla" warfare. You can replace SWAT with FBI or ATF if you would like.
And what is the difference? If a SWAT team shows up at your house, what are you going to do? Argue the finer points of corporate legality? Or are you setting up the claymores now?

“I get too many letters from parents and teachers and kids to sit around and do nothing,” he said in a weekly address from Hawaii, from which he’ll return next week after a two-week family vacation.

You can't that's why ... let me guess your a George Soros fan? and the blah blah blah crap, what's that left over jingle balls garbling your speech?

Oh, I get it. You are training with Skyline in the arts of unconventional and guerrilla warfare. And the jingle balls comment must be because you are grumpy because you are hungry before lunch. Don't worry, his Mom will call you guys when the hot pockets are ready for lunch.
Give me a break, Rambo. If you think that you and your 5 buddies are going to stand up to a SWAT team in body armor and a bear cat, you are the fool.

Now I am sure that you , and the rest of the Wolverines, think that you might stand a chance, but I've got news for you. You don't. So just go back to playing Call of Duty when you are not delivering Dominos pizza and emptying the trash when your mom calls down the cellar stairs.

So what's your idea?

It's not about winning the fight or only picking fights you can win. It's about showing them that you will fight; something the republican's don't seem to understand either. Their M.O. has been "oh we don't have to votes to to do that so let's do nothing at all".

But seriously, what IS your idea? What you are going to do? I'd love to hear it.

Now excuse me, I have some BF4 to play.


Has everyone forgotten what the second amendment is for? Why does anyone own a AR15? If you aren't going to do what the second amendment is for when the time comes, why give a shit whether or not they ban your guns?
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I support a background check that has open critiria and a set of law to back it up. If one was unfair denied the right, he can win millions of dollars lawsuit against Gov.
So what's your idea?

It's not about winning the fight or only picking fights you can win. It's about showing them that you will fight; something the republican's don't seem to understand either. Their M.O. has been "oh we don't have to votes to to do that so let's do nothing at all".

But seriously, what IS your idea? What you are going to do? I'd love to hear it.

Now excuse me, I have some BF4 to play.

My idea is to NOT post about guerrilla warfare on a public internet forum. Or plans or provision that I may have made.

It IS about winning, especially the fights you can win. The liberal left and the media keeps saying that the people are in favor of gun control, but they keep losing when it counts most and the number of gun owners grows daily.
Organizations like GOAL and the NRA and COMM2a are making a difference every day. I have personally introduced dozens of people to firearms and helped more than a few get their LTC's. NES is 15k members. If everyone of them got 4 people into shooting, that is enough people to sway a vote

NES's Garandman has it right. Read his signature line. "Relentless. Upbeat. Pressure". I don't agree with everything he says, but that really is the right approach.

And as bad as it is, it used to be worse. Comm2a is doing great work.

I am not saying don't prepare for the worst, but honestly, if they come for your guns, it is very unlikely you are going to have prior notice to gather the rest of the gorillas.

What is BF4 ?
I am not greedy. I would go straight for the M4's and ACOGs. Maybe a Barrett if they had some. [grin]

I will take millions of dollars over any firearms. You can always buy whatever you want from unclear eugene
My idea is to NOT post about guerrilla warfare on a public internet forum. Or plans or provision that I may have made.

It IS about winning, especially the fights you can win. The liberal left and the media keeps saying that the people are in favor of gun control, but they keep losing when it counts most and the number of gun owners grows daily.
Organizations like GOAL and the NRA and COMM2a are making a difference every day. I have personally introduced dozens of people to firearms and helped more than a few get their LTC's. NES is 15k members. If everyone of them got 4 people into shooting, that is enough people to sway a vote

NES's Garandman has it right. Read his signature line. "Relentless. Upbeat. Pressure". I don't agree with everything he says, but that really is the right approach.

And as bad as it is, it used to be worse. Comm2a is doing great work.

I am not saying don't prepare for the worst, but honestly, if they come for your guns, it is very unlikely you are going to have prior notice to gather the rest of the gorillas.

What is BF4 ?

Great! I'm glad you've done so much for the gun community. And I agree 100% that all legal means need to be utilized to protect our rights. Granted, voting every 2 or 4 years does hardly anything, especially in a Lib controlled state like MA. More needs to be done, protests in front of politicians' homes, protests where the libs like to congregate, whole foods or whatever. They do it to us in front of our gun stores and in front of other places that won't do their anti gun bidding. The only thing that will win the fight against aggressive liberalism is aggressive conservatism.

And if me talking about the need to prepare for the worst gets 5 people and their friends to do so, then mission accomplished.

We should be supportive of each other, not shit talking and being divisive. If you support the second amendment like you say you do.
We should be supportive of each other, not shit talking and being divisive. If you support the second amendment like you say you do.

Talking about " unconventional and guerrilla warfare" on the internet, does not help our cause and I do not support it. I must have missed meeting you at the State House rallies.
And while I am sure there is much to be learned playing Battle Field 4, I got my training in the Marine Corps. They also taught us not to run our mouths when and where unfriendly's might be listening.

Good luck with the gorillas.
Talking about " unconventional and guerrilla warfare" on the internet, does not help our cause and I do not support it. I must have missed meeting you at the State House rallies.
And while I am sure there is much to be learned playing Battle Field 4, I got my training in the Marine Corps. They also taught us not to run our mouths when and where unfriendly's might be listening.

Good luck with the gorillas.

We're supposed to be second amendment advocates on here aren't we? But we can't talk about what the second amendment is for? You think armed resistance isn't something the powers that be don't already know or assume to be true?

At least you've outed yourself for the fudd that you are. As long as you get to keep trap shooting right?
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