OK, so shall I EF10 my stripped lowers or not? Clear opinion please, lets not turn

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Howzabout act like a law-abiding citizen until it's time to NOT act like a law-abiding citizen?

Totally illogical? Totally NOT level-headed? Not adult enough for you?

If I wanted an illegal gun I could get one, right? And I could hide it. And nobody would ever possibly know--until they did, YAAAAHTCH!, who woulda thunk I'd have a house-fire?--and then they're taking your picture with a booking plate under your chin.

Hey, I have to admit--I don't like getting on short lists, and maybe NOT building is a smart idea. Roll the dice/wait and see. But if you DIDN'T build out of fear, and the AG's asshattery holds up inre: no new sales/registrations, you might just be kicking yourself in the ass that you didn't get in under the deadline.


That is very true. The risk or registering is like you said, being on the short list. The risk of not is having an aluminum paperweight that you can't legally build into anything.
Registered Within 7 Day Window != Obtained

If a lower is considered an AW according to her, you obtained it prior.
You could FA10 it next month if that's true, sure its risky, but that's what it would mean. IFF that's what she meant!

The problem is she doesn't even know what she meant, she just does it for the children.
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As I read the quotes from the MA reps--even from Baker--there is an ominous admission on their part, and that admission is that while she handled her decree badly she had the "authority" to do it, under MA law.

I'm not seeing ANYBODY who is challenging her authority to do what she did.

The pressure coming against her seems to be all about tactics and procedure, and not the legality.
Howzabout act like a law-abiding citizen until it's time to NOT act like a law-abiding citizen?

Totally illogical? Totally NOT level-headed? Not adult enough for you?

If I wanted an illegal gun I could get one, right? And I could hide it. And nobody would ever possibly know--until they did, YAAAAHTCH!, who woulda thunk I'd have a house-fire?--and then they're taking your picture with a booking plate under your chin.

Hey, I have to admit--I don't like getting on short lists, and maybe NOT building is a smart idea. Roll the dice/wait and see. But if you DIDN'T build out of fear, and the AG's asshattery holds up inre: no new sales/registrations, you might just be kicking yourself in the ass that you didn't get in under the deadline.


If you really did build it, then fine I see your point. This thread is about registering stripped lowers. That suggests slapping parts on all of your lowers (or pretending you did) to register by next Wed.
If you really did build it, then fine I see your point. This thread is about registering stripped lowers. That suggests slapping parts on all of your lowers (or pretending you did) to register by next Wed.

A lawless cynic might argue that it really comes down to what the AG can prove in a court of law.

She can prove (and beyond a reasonable doubt) that your build was--or was not--FA-10'd.

That FA-10 will bear a date-stamp which the court will consider authoritative.

You can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you registered your lower in accordance with MA law, and that date corresponded to the guidelines established by her "amnesty" (assuming all of this is still an issue months from now).

Every other fact of the matter is VERY difficult to establish with certainty in a court of law--and if this is still America, the burden of proof lies on a prosecutor.
Mass gun owners after Healy edict bullshit, trying to log into E-FA-10 portal for no apparently good reason....

Don't be like this kid. For the love of god. Stop the insanity. Please. I beg of you.


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From the Q&A. Seems like it's also illegal to FA10 anything after that date, but once again, okay for now, but as worded appears less okay than 7/20 and earlier FA10s. In other words, it appears she's well aware of the 7 day window and anyone putting in a form after that date will be poking the bear.

Q: Does the Enforcement Notice apply to sales transactions that were started before July 20, 2016, but not completed until several days after that date?

Yes. But as a matter of enforcement priorities, the Attorney General’s office does not expect to focus on those transactions. Sellers should retain evidence that clearly establishes the date on which such transactions were commenced
Whether a lower was built or not doesn't matter. She decreed stripped lowers as firearms as of the 20th (capable of firing a round or not is inconsequential to her). Whether you fa-10 it or not is up to you. I did mine within the legal 7 days of becoming a "firearm" and am fine with my decision. I picked up my lowers from the ffl on 5/12 and a simple look at the ffl's bound book would prove that (if it was ever pushed that far which I don't think it would). You can call me a schmuck for not engaging in civil disobedience by leaving my property unknwown but I also look at it as an FU to the fuhrer by having my fa-10 date stamp after the 20th.
I don't have the parts to finish my build yet, although I do have a lower that I purchased previously to Healey's Self-Coronation Day. I guess to her I own an assault weapon that I obtained previously, even though MA law doesn't yet consider it a firearm.

I still don't know whether I should register the lower with some arbitrary barrel length, etc., or just sit on it.
You guys are literally a bunch of felons with multiple counts of violating the AWB already against you, and you're concerned about one more? I wouldn't touch an FA-10 with a ten foot pole at this point; that's like calling the police to report that you're holding a bag of heroin - illegal either way, but why does anyone need to know about it?

Damned if you do, damned if you don't
either way we are damned
I don't have any skin in this game, but if I did and after what happened, I wouldn't register one damn thing, ever again. They can eat shit and die. Just my opinion, for what it is worth.
I just had a buddy call me who told me he doesn't remember if he registered his lower when he bought it.. Thinks he did but just registered it again..... Any harm in registering a lower twice?
I just had a buddy call me who told me he doesn't remember if he registered his lower when he bought it.. Thinks he did but just registered it again..... Any harm in registering a lower twice?
No harm if infact it was already FA10ed. But it would need to have been built.
Alot of this confusion comes from some dealers FA10ing them at the time of sale, which IMO is kind of goofy because it isnt suppose to be fa10ed until built.
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I don't have any skin in this game, but if I did and after what happened, I wouldn't register one damn thing, ever again. They can eat shit and die. Just my opinion, for what it is worth.
I like your stance, but I think after what she did - EVERY American has some skin in the game
First of all dont get firearms law from an FFL
Second of all "her saying she will not go after you" is useless she may or the next AG may
Third, an fa10 must only be filed if you build it instate while a resident of the state, or you buy it out of state and bring it into the state while you are a resident of the state.....ifyou cant read between the lines of what ive just typed, im sorry.. thats all i have to say about it

As I read the quotes from the MA reps--even from Baker--there is an ominous admission on their part, and that admission is that while she handled her decree badly she had the "authority" to do it, under MA law.

I'm not seeing ANYBODY who is challenging her authority to do what she did.

The pressure coming against her seems to be all about tactics and procedure, and not the legality.

I and others would like to know where it is written under Mass law that she had the "authority"? I called his office and asked, the aid could not say it was written, he is taking her word for it and said I could google it, I said I did but cannot find it in writing and that him verbally agreeing with her does not sit well with me and she hung up. Keep calling and asking them questions and tying them up all day long people.

Healy has created this chaos to further her political career no question, and has what certainly appears to be unconstitutional.

Trying to decide on if you should register a build that was completed last week or not to, is a serious question. It can be more difficult if it is your only one and you have to choose between incriminating yourself or not even using your build and possibly taking it apart. The clock is ticking and time is running out in 2 days.
Whether a lower was built or not doesn't matter. She decreed stripped lowers as firearms as of the 20th (capable of firing a round or not is inconsequential to her). Whether you fa-10 it or not is up to you. I did mine within the legal 7 days of becoming a "firearm" and am fine with my decision. I picked up my lowers from the ffl on 5/12 and a simple look at the ffl's bound book would prove that (if it was ever pushed that far which I don't think it would). You can call me a schmuck for not engaging in civil disobedience by leaving my property unknwown but I also look at it as an FU to the fuhrer by having my fa-10 date stamp after the 20th.

I lean towards that also
you are missing my point - this goes waaaay beyond firearms.

Exactly, this is law without legislation, used to intimidate and impede legal commerce. By this precedent, the government could just find some vagueness in any law and scare people into complying. They want people to drive Prius', oh, "oh, those trucks weren't safety tested they way I interpreted the test. "You have 1 day to sell all trucks on your lot, or face arrest". if it were any topic other than guns, that's how absurd this would sound to everyone (else)....
There is no way to check if a hypothetical lower was FA10'd by the shop at purchase from the system as a citizen, right?

Also, no way to check what transfers they have in the system for you as an individual?

Just curious and want to confirm.
Pretty sure if the shop fa10d it you would have gotten a copy

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you are missing my point - this goes waaaay beyond firearms.

Not missing the point at all. However, the issue at hand is only a MA issue right at this point. A test run, so to speak, using firearms of those who they have totally under their control. Yes, they have you under their control, if you are asking if you should register something after what happened. Really? Still wanna know if you should register it? Open your eyes!
Not missing the point at all. However, the issue at hand is only a MA issue right at this point. A test run, so to speak, using firearms of those who they have totally under their control. Yes, they have you under their control, if you are asking if you should register something after what happened. Really? Still wanna know if you should register it? Open your eyes!
"Not missing the point at all" - then you go on to do just that.
My point is not directly about the registration question - I was addressing your previous "skin in the game" comment.
As you stated - a "test run" - is a MA test run which they would love to leverage at a national level. We as all Americans should be very concerned about what is happening in MA. It is a pure example of overreach of authority and bypassing the legislative branch - no matter WHERE it is currently happening.
It WILL in time creep to an attorney general near you if this is allowed to stand.
It is a fundamental breaking of the rule of law - right now it happens to be focused on our civil rights. she has set a precedent here to "re-interpret" anything she disagrees with and don't think there isn't any note taking going on by other AG's of her ilk that salivate at ding the same types of things. if they can do this with the 2nd A, then why not the 1st? or other rights? THIS is why we ALL have skin in the game. It's a much bigger picture than just "MA gun bans and registration"
"Not missing the point at all" - then you go on to do just that.
My point is not directly about the registration question - I was addressing your previous "skin in the game" comment.
As you stated - a "test run" - is a MA test run which they would love to leverage at a national level. We as all Americans should be very concerned about what is happening in MA. It is a pure example of overreach of authority and bypassing the legislative branch - no matter WHERE it is currently happening.
It WILL in time creep to an attorney general near you if this is allowed to stand.
It is a fundamental breaking of the rule of law - right now it happens to be focused on our civil rights. she has set a precedent here to "re-interpret" anything she disagrees with and don't think there isn't any note taking going on by other AG's of her ilk that salivate at ding the same types of things. if they can do this with the 2nd A, then why not the 1st? or other rights? THIS is why we ALL have skin in the game. It's a much bigger picture than just "MA gun bans and registration"

Wow. The saying really is true.....You can't fix ******
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