One Mauser led to another, and...

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Deleted member 67409

Ever buy one gun and then that gun leads you to another gun? Happened to me recently.

A few weeks ago, I bought a Polish wz. 29 that was scrubbed and sent to the Spanish Republicans in the Spanish Civil War off Gunbroker. I bought the wz. 29 because I wanted a Polish gun and considering I already have one AK and another AK receiver incoming, I didn't want a third AK (for now...). So, I decided to get a wz. 29 and there was one conveniently on Gunbroker in pretty nice shape. I read that Poland supplied scrubbed wz. 29s to the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War. After WW2, the Francoist government refurbished guns that had been captured in the Civil War, including wz. 29s. When Spain upgraded to the CETME and machine guns in 7.62 NATO in the late 1950s, early 1960s, Interarms cleared out Spain's arsenal of old, non-standard guns, including wz. 29s.

I told one of my friends that I was looking for a Polish Mauser. To my surprise, he said that he had one with a swastika carved on it. I found that odd because (a) a Polish person definitely wouldn't be carving swastikas into a Polish rifle after the start of the war; and (b) if the Germans captured a wz. 29 and used it, again, they wouldn't be carving swastikas in it. He eventually sent me some pictures and the rifle turned out to be a Zastava M98/48, a K98k captured by Yugoslavia and refurbished by Zastava, then known as "Preduzece 44". Turns out these guns were imported into the US in the late 1990s. These guns also saw some service in the Balkan Wars. Guys who collect Balkan War guns or Yugo guns in general know that trench art is somewhat common on Balkan War-era guns. My thought is that either the K98k was issued to the Ustase during WW2 and a Ustase miltia member carved the swastika, or more likely considering the refurb process, someone carved the swastika while the now-M98/48 was brought out for a second war. I paid a very reasonable price and did the transfer from him to me.

The guns are in pretty good shape, though the wz. 29 is missing a rear floorplate locking screw, which I've ordered a replacement for, and the M98/48's buttplate is rusted, which I'll remove with Kroil and 0000 steel wool. Both have very nice bores. The M98/48 has some pitting along the woodline on the receiver, but I took the action out of the stock and there's no rust below the stock. There are also some small waffenamts on the rear sight and other small metal pieces. The wz. 29 is not import marked as far as I can tell and I also took the action out of the stock to check for rust, damage, etc.

I shot them both at my friend's house and the M98/48 shot a little better at a pizza box at around 45 yards. Both did a nice job blowing up cans and bottles. I'm probably going to shoot the M98/48 more than the wz. 29 because the wz. 29 has very nice bluing.

And here's what everyone wants to see:

Nice pickup.

Could have been
ustace or post war sympathisizer. I've seen the marking on a few AK Balkan war trench art handguards.

I stick with bronze wool at the worst after trying cheese cloth or similar. Bluing looks very good, probably wasn't in the field much. Not much bluing left on my Bosnian SKS with dinged up wood.
Nice pickup.

Could have been
ustace or post war sympathisizer. I've seen the marking on a few AK Balkan war trench art handguards.

I stick with bronze wool at the worst after trying cheese cloth or similar. Bluing looks very good, probably wasn't in the field much. Not much bluing left on my Bosnian SKS with dinged up wood.

I forgot to take a picture, but on the right side of the M98/48, there's a bunch of dimples on the buttstock that look like someone was using the stock to disassemble the bolt. Most people I know stateside only take a bolt apart once every few hundred rounds, so could've seen some use either in WW2 or the Balkan Wars.
Congrats on the pick up ! I am fully aware how one Mauser leads to another and another. Ther is no cure for this addiction other than a shortage of cash!


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Congrats on the pick up ! I am fully aware how one Mauser leads to another and another. Ther is no cure for this addiction other than a shortage of cash!

What? No Kriegs, no walnut, no sniper repro, no blonde? No chatter stocks, tool marked receivers, or rejected Isle of Misfit Toys?

I think you have some work to do. Might as well have a bunch of Mitchell Mausers with that lot.:p
What? No Kriegs, no walnut, no sniper repro, no blonde? No chatter stocks, tool marked receivers, or rejected Isle of Misfit Toys?

I think you have some work to do. Might as well have a bunch of Mitchell Mausers with that lot.:p
oh man that hurts.. actually the SVWMB has a chatter stock, the blonde is a norwegian the K43 is all matching museum piece.
the luftwaffe BYF is an empty stock looking for a receiver. almost every gun is a fully matched or bolt MM minimum.

I also have picked up an S42 that would knock your socks off. as well as a lead on a 1940 337 that hopefully is mine after Christmas.

it's a meager collection but I will continue to work on it. [slap]
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oh man that hurts.. actually the SVWMB has a chatter stock, the blonde is a norwegian Krag, the K43 is all matching museum piece.
the luftwaffe BYF is an empty stock looking for a receiver. almost every gun is a fully matched or bolt MM minimum.

I also have picked up an S42 that would knock your socks off. as well as a lead on a 1940 337 that hopefully is mine after Christmas.

it's a meager collection but I will continue to work on it. [slap]

Meager collection 😂
Looks extensive and all look superb from here. [cheers]

That SVW Mother of Bonaparte viva la France 🇫🇷 No?
That SVW Mother of Bonaparte viva la France 🇫🇷 No?

Man! You keep poking!!!! ![rofl]

no, definitely not a French made svwmb
Its Nazi marked , semikriegsmodell phosphate and it’s a $3k-$4k gun. It’s a C block which makes it one of the last to roll off the assembly line at that factory. in April ish 1945 (IIRC without looking). There’s at least 3 gun collectors that keep telling me they have dibs

Majspud was the previous caretaker and SKSRAY behind him. Before that it was SKSRAYs dad and then the WWII vet himself. The bolt action is as tight as the day it left the factory. if it’s not the pinnacle of the collection it’s in the top 5

Tim can post the original posting if he chooses. He did a spectacular job documenting the rifle with pics and deserves the credit

frankly more than 1/3 of this fine collection passed through Tim to me and on occasion some have and continued to get traded back and forth. I actually need to update the photo as I think they’ve nearly doubled since this pic

as many have said, we are not owners of these works of art. We are merely the current caretakers

40 cal.

PS- the other rifle is a Norwegian k98. It must’ve spell checked Krag. I don’t own a Krag
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Agreed stamped by Hanz (with GI or Pierre looking over shoulder) but never saw the light of day outside the factory in a Wehrmacht soldiers hands. Come to think of it I had a shot at that one but a little rich for moi.

Never understood why three 45 codes for just 4 Months into the year.
BYF45, SVW45, and the French SVWMB ;)

Here's a French example after Pierre had his say.


Your bolt has 4 digit serial, oui?
Agreed stamped by Hanz (with GI or Pierre looking over shoulder) but never saw the light of day outside the factory in a Wehrmacht soldiers hands. Come to think of it I had a shot at that one but a little rich for moi.

Your bolt has 4 digit serial, oui?

It’s only money. What you going to do? Take it with you? I’ve seen better appreciation on my guns than CDs over the last 5-10 years

Yes 9201 C

I would say the price of the French one in your link is well overstated. It’s a post war rifle. It mights well be an RC

And by the way back to your razzing 😏 on walnut ! There’s at least 2 walnut on the first pic. You need to check your prescription!!! 😂

First pic. Top one (1917 Erfurt) and 4th one 1940 42 k98 with the scarred butt stock. ( which is now owned by Welder1)
There should also be a byf 43 bolt mm and DC. there someplace

I’ll do a walnut post at some point. I know I have around 10 of them unless I missed some
4 BSWs, S42, 37 sauer ,1934 banner model , 1937 Erma. 1917 Erfurt. BYF 43
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Impressive 40 Cal

You know I never looked at the 2nd pic. I was assuming that was the other side of the same group. Thems milsurps are sprouting up faster than rabbits, but hey you still don’t have a Flemish Giant.

The svwMB shouldn't have a chatter stock. It's a leftover spring '44 Sauer *C stock (5th day, 16th week = TH April 20), which is why it's in full trim and not a Kriegsmodell. Sauer switched off K98 production to full auto only in mid '44. At this point, Obendorf in the second week of April, 1945, they were throwing every part they could find into the assembly line. B and C blocks were being produced concurrently. Mauser fell the the French at the end of April.

We were shopping for a harness so I could take her outside...every woman in the store came by to talk to me. Wish I knew rabbits were chick magnets when I was single.
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The svwMB shouldn't have a chatter stock. It's a leftover spring '44 Sauer *C stock (5th day, 16th week = TH April 20), which is why it's in full trim and not a Kriegsmodell. Sauer switched off K98 production to full auto only in mid '44. At this point, Obendorf in the second week of April, 1945, they were throwing every part they could find into the assembly line. B and C blocks were being produced concurrently. Mauser fell the the French at the end of April.

We were shopping for a harness so I could take her outside...every woman in the store came by to talk to me. Wish I knew rabbits were chick magnets when I was single.

if it's not chatter, it's still quite rough. . did your bunnies chew on it?
So you saying an SVW 45 B-block would have been built simultaneously? March/April? I'll have to look for some pics. Brownish Patina from the weak phosphate looked a lot like the MB, in full Krieg stock but no cap or signs of one being screwed into the wood where the cleaning rod used to go.

The first MB marked were in the B block? Any idea why the change from year to letter? MO had byf45, svw45, svwmb in the span of 4 months.
. Sauer switched off K98 production to full auto only in mid '44. At this point, Obendorf in the second week of April, 1945, they were throwing every part they could find into the assembly line. B and C blocks were being produced concurrently.

I agree w Tim

This was not concurrent manufacturing that I grew up with. This was last ditch save the farm. Move parts out of factories that are falling back to the ones that could produce.

There are French made svwmbs that have been found with B codes. I’ve seen it Juergan in Germany owns one. How? They didn’t get to that box before the factory fell and the French used it post war
it’s also common to find bolt and receiver parts mixed in phosphate and blue. Who would have planned that ? They didn’t

bombs falling on you, factories using forced labor no one caring too much about fifo inventory at that point and lots of room for things to happen
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