One pcc to rule them all?

Feb 20, 2020
Feedback: 13 / 0 / 0
Brought to you by those crazy bastards that actually innovated for handguns at laugo arms with the alien.

A new PCC with all the features you could want.
Last round bolt hold open✅
AR style controls ✅
AR and Paddle mag release ✅
Rear charging handle✅
Side charging handle(reversible) HK slap ✅
European space magic recoil impulse (divided matter) ✅
Affordable (between cz scorpion and grand power stribog) ✅✅

Glock mag compatibility unknown/unannounced at this time

I'm not seeing anything that can't be had with an AR Pistol. So long as the controls you don't want on the gun can be removed, that kind of set up sounds great.

Edit: Divided matter is interesting, but by eye, recoil seems similar to what would be expected from any well-tuned 9mm, without the downside of having a tungsten mass penalizing weight. Educate me if the smoke is coming from my rectum.
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I'm not seeing anything that can't be had with an AR Pistol. So long as the controls you don't want on the gun can be removed, that kind of set up sounds great.

Edit: Divided matter is interesting, but by eye, recoil seems similar to what would be expected from any well-tuned 9mm, without the downside of having a tungsten mass penalizing weight. Educate me if the smoke is coming from my rectum.
Dooo youuu speeeak eenngglliisshh?

Sorry, but I have no idea what you are asking in your edit…

And back on topic, I like my CZ Scorpion 9mm.
Dooo youuu speeeak eenngglliisshh?

Sorry, but I have no idea what you are asking in your edit…

And back on topic, I like my CZ Scorpion 9mm.
... I didn't think I was unclear.... but I'll try again.

Divided matter is what they call their modified blow-back system. I don't see a major diffierence in recoil with their set up. That's a big guy shooting, getting his entire shoulder jostled by a 9mm. I watched some other videos of him shooting a Cox AR - and the recoil is similar.

Divided matter is interesting, but requires using a sizable albeit hollow tube of tungsten, which I would guesstimate weighs close to a lb. Tungsten is denser than lead by 50%. It's actually ridiculous. There is going to be a sizable weight penalty.

I have not, nor anyone else here, handled the gun in question, or shot it. So I am comparing it other recoil mitigation I've seen, like delayed roller AR-9's like Angstadt Arms, although not something like JP Arms just on price. And it's pre-production - things might change. Which is why I might be just blowing smoke out my ass, and could be dead wrong. I leave that possibility open.
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