Out of state P1640

Oct 25, 2005
Cape Cod, MA
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Is it posssible to transfer through an FFL out of state hand guns that are on the approved list made prior to 1998 into MA? I have seen several Para 1640s for sale on gunbroker at reasonable prices and was wondering if it was worth contacting the seller to determine the date of manufacture. I was under the impression that there is something that will prohibit the transfer.
You might be better off contacting the seller for the serial number (doesn't need to be the complete number, omitting the last 2 -3 digits is sufficient), then contact the manufacturer to verify the production date.
Thank for the all the help. I went ahead and checked the serial number and it turns out it made in 1994 but was sold as a frame kit rather than a complete pistol.
The fact that it was sold as a frame kit has NO impact wrt MGLs on being pre-1998, if that fact is of any help to you.
Sending PM about an instate one if you're interested

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Out of state custom pistols

How do the MGL's apply to pre-1998 pistols that were assembled from parts that are on the list (Example: made by GQSMITH with SVI or Para frame)? I would have thought that the entire pistol would need to have been assembled by the approved manufacture. I am actually in the market for a used SVI but would want to be 100% sure before trying to convince someone to sell to me in MA.

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