P226 Fail

Jan 5, 2008
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Look what fell out of my P226 when I pulled out the take down lever. Funny thing is I have no idea how long I've been shooting it like this.
Holy smokes!! New locking insert at Topgun Supply is $140 and it's out of stock right now. http://www.topgunsupply.com/sig-locking-insert_p226.html

Maybe Sig will send you one if you send the CS people a pic in an email. I wonder if an old worn recoil spring caused that. Good idea to change them every 3000 rounds or so. I actually changed mine in my 229 after 1300 rounds because the middle strand was getting quite extended.
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Long out of warranty, I' bought it in '85. It's also been refinished. Round count is maybe 30-50K. I think I probably ran the original recoil spring for much of that time. That would have killed it.

I found a cheaper replacement at another place. This is my USPSA gun. I can always steal the part from my carry gun if I have to.
I wonder if the take-down lever might be damaged, also. You're lucky to catch that. It could have caused dental problems or worse.
Oh my. I better check my 226! She's seen a lot of rounds...

I hope that you're giving any gun a good check-up WAY before it gets to 30,000 - 50,000 rounds.

Every 3,000 to 5,000 rounds or so spend the $27 bucks to replace the springs. While you have it apart give it a good detail cleaning / lube job and it will function for many thousands of rounds with just basic maintenance.

Some of the loaner guns at Sig have well over 100,000 on them (so I've been told) and they work just fine.
I hope that you're giving any gun a good check-up WAY before it gets to 30,000 - 50,000 rounds.

This aint my first rodeo. [wink]

Yes I do a good detail cleaning every trip to the range and I did replace the springs when I bought it. However, my 226 doesn't make it to the range that often. I'm maybe 2000 rds into it over the few years I've owned it. Some of my other guns get WAY more of a workout.
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