PA - Teen Tased For Running Onto Field At Phillies Game

Jul 30, 2009
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Philadelphia, PA- My FoxPhilly repots that A 17-year-old Phillies fan rushed Citizens Bank Park field Monday night as the Phillies were on the field playing against the St. Louis Cardinals who were up to bat. In response, Philadelphia Police used a Taser on the young man in front of the 40,000 crowd members.

Police are reviewing the case to see if it was an appropriate use of force.

"The teen, wearing a red Phillies National League Champions T-shirt and khaki shorts, was running around the outfield waving a white towel and eluding security. A uniformed officer pointed the Taser at him, fired and didn't miss, taking the boy down face-first, like the way Pete Rose used to slide," Fox 29's Steve Keeley reported.

The debacle was not live on television. However, fans did immediately upload the video to YouTube.

Philadelphia police Lt. Frank Vanore said the department's Internal Affairs Bureau will examine if the use of the Taser was "proper use of the equipment."

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Or a fat, out-of-shape one. Did you see the buddha belly on that donut-gobbler?

It only reinforces what my driving instructor told us so many years ago: Never run from a fat cop...
Perfect, they should do that to everyone that runs out on a field.

Why should the cops/security risk injury tackling these idiots when they can just pull the taser trigger?

Guessing it will make others think twice if they know that is the consequence.
I don't really care either way but from the distance he shot I wonder if he could have easily hit one of the field workers trying to catch the guy. How accurate are those tasers?
Philadumpia, what a surprise.... Even given that... play stupid games....... win stupid prizes!

That's bad. Stupidity getting its reward is OK, but if we accept cops shooting people in front of the world then we have bigger problems.
So he was trespassing and eluding security? I'm good with him being tased.
I actually like this idea for anyone jumping on the field. It should be a good deterrent for these morons.
God, I hate tasers. They're a tool for cops and security personnel too lazy or stupid to apprehend someone without force.

So Mr. [STRIKE]Weebles[/STRIKE] apprehension expert, what "non-force" method would you recommend in this situation??? I am willing to bet they already tried the yelling "hey stop" method and it failed...

Or a fat, out-of-shape one. Did you see the buddha belly on that donut-gobbler?...
Geez you guys are harsh, I've seen plenty of un-fit LEO's, but this guy doesn't look much worse than most of the MLB guys who play on that field...
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How about grabbing the kid like every other on-field incident in the past 40 years.

Hell, when that guy and his kid assaulted an ump at a Chicago game a few years ago, they didn't use a taser.
Wait thirty seconds, the drunk field rusher will tire himself out and go peacefully. The cop should have just pulled his handcuffs out and waited for the kid to walk over. Where is the kid going? How long can he run for? The delay getting his limp body off the field was longer than waiting for him to tire out and go peacefully. Tasing was out of line, acceptance of it is sad. The Founders would be ashamed of some of you.
God, I hate tasers. They're a tool for cops and security personnel too lazy or stupid to apprehend someone without force.

I don't doubt for an instant that they have been misused in certain circumstances. However, to classify them as a "tool for cops and security personnel too lazy or stupid to apprehend someone without force" really shows how ignorant you are with regard to policework. Try telling that to a 5'4"/120lb female cop that has no backup and has to take into custody a non-compliant 6'3"/225lb pissed off guy (just as ONE example of their proper use).
How about grabbing the kid like every other on-field incident in the past 40 years.
So grabbing (in this case certainly tackling) some one isn't force in your mind???

Hell, when that guy and his kid assaulted an ump at a Chicago game a few years ago, they didn't use a taser.
Actually I think it was a first base coach...but anyway isn't that a good example of why field jumpers needed be taken seriously, or would you prefer to wait until after they attack someone before action is taken to stop them??? And as for the Chicago incident, did Chicago PD/field security have tasers back then???

50K volts is Non-force?
I never said it wasn't, I was asking Mr. Weeble's what "non-force" method he would suggest since he said:
God, I hate tasers. They're a tool for cops and security personnel too lazy or stupid to apprehend someone without force.
Indicating to me that he feels a non lazy/stupid person could have apprehended this party with out force...
i like them, the only people likely to get hurt are the stupid morons. it's better than killing them. as far as fat lazy cops go, when you have been on the job, most any job, for many years, that will happen with age. then you run into a situation with a young kid/adult there is no way your going to outrun them.

i bet next time he won't be running out on the field.

again with the political correctness. the cop should not have had to do that... yadda yadda yadda. I say take responsibility for your actions!! you want to be stupid, a moron, try to get your 5 minutes of fame, act like a big shot? well you got it, how did you like it?

it should not have been done in front of the world? what should they have emptied the park first? would that make it better? hell no. the only thing that would have done is bring out the tin foil folks wondering what was going on inside. it should be done in front of the world. that way the idiots that can't think for themselves will see what will happen before they decide to try it.

come on people if you do what you know is right you would not get in these types of situations. you act like a goof and you will. don't bitch about the end result AFTER the fact, think about it BEFORE you do something stupid. way too many people do stupid shit and then blame the cops, teacher growing up, mom, dad, babysitter when you were 4 etc when they get punished. you have a brain, try using it. it's not science or brain surgery, you don't need law school to figure out this dumb crap.
i like them, the only people likely to get hurt are the stupid morons. it's better than killing them. as far as fat lazy cops go, when you have been on the job, most any job, for many years, that will happen with age. then you run into a situation with a young kid/adult there is no way your going to outrun them.

i bet next time he won't be running out on the field.

again with the political correctness. the cop should not have had to do that... yadda yadda yadda. I say take responsibility for your actions!! you want to be stupid, a moron, try to get your 5 minutes of fame, act like a big shot? well you got it, how did you like it?

it should not have been done in front of the world? what should they have emptied the park first? would that make it better? hell no. the only thing that would have done is bring out the tin foil folks wondering what was going on inside. it should be done in front of the world. that way the idiots that can't think for themselves will see what will happen before they decide to try it.

come on people if you do what you know is right you would not get in these types of situations. you act like a goof and you will. don't bitch about the end result AFTER the fact, think about it BEFORE you do something stupid. way too many people do stupid shit and then blame the cops, teacher growing up, mom, dad, babysitter when you were 4 etc when they get punished. you have a brain, try using it. it's not science or brain surgery, you don't need law school to figure out this dumb crap.


I love reading the comments from Monday morning quarterbacks who always seem to know better what should or should not have been done. The kid should be happy as he probably got more fame out of the whole deal than he would have if he was simply tackled and carried off the field (of course that would be after he changed his underwear and wiped his ass).
the cop clearly could have used his magic lasso (sp) like Wonderwoman to slow the kid down.

me? i would have thrown a rubber bat-a-rang at his feet to make him trip.


file under: who gives a schit
Wait thirty seconds, the drunk field rusher will tire himself out and go peacefully. The cop should have just pulled his handcuffs out and waited for the kid to walk over. Where is the kid going? How long can he run for? The delay getting his limp body off the field was longer than waiting for him to tire out and go peacefully. Tasing was out of line, acceptance of it is sad. The Founders would be ashamed of some of you.

the founders should be ashamed of the stupid people doing stupid shit then others expecting tens of thousands of people to wait while a shithead tires himself out.
I never said it wasn't, I was asking Mr. Weeble's what "non-force" method he would suggest since he said:
Indicating to me that he feels a non lazy/stupid person could have apprehended this party with out force...

Oh, for Christ's sake, you're right. I should have said "Less force."

Congratulations, you win the Internets!!!

You know how I can tell this use of a taser was wrong? He shot the kid in the f^&(ing back, that's how. If the kid had a bat instead of a towel or was coming at the security guards or the cop in a menacing way I could understand it, but the cop shot him because he couldn't catch him.

I still think it was uncalled for.
Oh, for Christ's sake, you're right. I should have said "Less force."

Congratulations, you win the Internets!!!

You know how I can tell this use of a taser was wrong? He shot the kid in the f^&(ing back, that's how. If the kid had a bat instead of a towel or was coming at the security guards or the cop in a menacing way I could understand it, but the cop shot him because he couldn't catch him.

I still think it was uncalled for.

Yep, Cops need to stop using less than lethal weapons to gain compliance when there is no threat
Since the guy was stupid it is OK for him to punished by the police. Right, keep working with that ideology folks. That will work out real well. And you folks claim to be followers of freedom. Shameful.
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