PA - Teen Tased For Running Onto Field At Phillies Game

Both work. Logic huh? Like needing a taser to stop a perp who is trapped in a ballpark?
...then ETR:

Wassa matta, the logic getting to you, making your brain hurt? Come on, if you can't come up with something better than that, you should probably bow out of this discussion till you take a debating class or eat some blueberries or...something. [wink][smile]
If you have trouble, ask a friend to help you with the big words.

If I need it, Dench will help me out on those, although I have about as good a grasp on grammar as you do on police work ethic. [laugh]

Both work. Logic huh? Like needing a taser to stop a perp who is trapped in a ballpark?

Know something, you're right...they shoulda tackled him instead, shame if the kid suffered a broken arm or leg or something. [rolleyes]
If someone jumps the fence into my backyard and is now trapped, outnumbered, and outgunned, I'm not going to get excited enough to shoot or tackle them. Using unnecessary force when you have the upper hand is classic beta behavior(most trusted public servants.)
It is quite easy and safe to sit on your couch presuming to know exactly how this kid should have been stopped.

He was trespassing on private property, interfering with the game and there is plenty of history of people running on fields with less than good intentions. Chicago first base coach, Milwaukee right fielder who got tackled and beaten by a fan a while back, I'm sure you could find plenty of other cases. ALOT of people could have been hurt, the security guards are rightfully maintaining the integrity of the playing field and doing their jobs to protect posted, private property. Their job is to remove these people and they are right to do so and will. They could easily get hurt in the process. If a cop is going to be nice enough to help, why should he risk getting hurt or having the kid get hurt worse? The cop is guilty of looking like an idiot with the taser flailing around and not much else. How many times have you tackled somebody or otherwise used force on a non compliant person? I've done it countless times as a security guard (unfortunately) and not once did it turn out pretty for EITHER of us. I ended up with scrapes most of the time, sprained wrists, twisted ankles, etc. The idiots that had to go down also got hurt more often than not. It is never a pretty or easy game, the taser actually avoids alot of that.

What would you do if you had somebody climb your fence on your private property with signs posted and then enter your house? Would you let them run around potentially breaking things, not knowing their full intentions and just let them get tired? Would you lock them in the house so they "won't go anywhere". Please you'd be holding your gun and ready to use it otherwise you would not be on this forum.
If someone jumps the fence into my backyard and is now trapped, outnumbered, and outgunned, I'm not going to get excited enough to shoot or tackle them. Using unnecessary force when you have the upper hand is classic beta behavior(most trusted public servants.)

Does your backyard have 20-30 potential high profile targets, on live TV, whose lives may depend on the trespass law being enforced?

Don't try to argue that athletes are not potential targets for a lunatic, if that's what you think you're a fool.
If someone jumps the fence into my backyard and is now trapped, outnumbered, and outgunned, I'm not going to get excited enough to shoot or tackle them. Using unnecessary force when you have the upper hand is classic beta behavior(most trusted public servants.)

What's the point in outnumbering him and outgunning him if you're just going to let him run around? At some point you have to stop him and at some point you are going to have to physically restrain him. I agree with you though. Tasers are too dangerous. A baseball bat would've been much better.
A fence jumper is going to beat up a pro ball player? Some people are out of their minds with security fantasies.
I think it's funny how everyone assumes what this kids intentions are. Remember when we used to assume in a hostage situation on a plane it would just end with a ransom demand, maybe 1 or 2 hostage causalities. I remember a funny little diddy about assuming and a September day back in 2001 i ASSUMED would just be another day at work.

How many here would be verbally SLAYING the cop for not doing something if the kid ended up knifing one of the ballplayers?
Bottom line....17 year old kid getting his fifteen minutes by interrupting a baseball game by running in circles (those were probably the most exciting moments of the game anyway) ....tazed. Necessary? No, I think not....
You want freedom or safety?

Monica Seles wanted both, all she got was stabbed by a psycho fan

While she was playing. Pretty much ruined her career

This is not a freedom or liberty issue climbnsink, this kid was breaking the law, and was removed in the safest way possible for all involved.

Why do idiots like you put the freedom of the masses over the rights of individual idiots?

You'd rather endanger innocents than risk harm to one whom willfully chose to disregard the law?

How bout all of NES come to your house for a party this weekend, all weekend, we'll eat all your food, drink all your beer, trample your lawn, hey, it's a free country right, why not?
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You want freedom or safety?

Really?!?!? You're repeating yourself now?

Most reasonable people want a happy medium of the two, I think it's fairly obvious that you want total freedom to do whatever you want and just allow people to police themselves (anarchy). Be careful what you wish for though, cause when you yell "FIRE" in a crowded movie theater just cause it seemed like a fun idea at the time and some parent that just had their kid trampled beats you to death in the parking lot...just remember, you wanted FREEDOM!!! [laugh]
Make the pitcher earn his money. He has to beam the runner in the head (knees may suffice) with a fastball if they wish to continue playing.
It absolutely is a freedom and liberty issue. You think anyone approaching sports stars should get tased? Unfortunately that is what we are getting, pols, celebs, and cops almighty, and the rest of us peasants without rights. If you own a gun you are in violation of some law at some point in time. Does that mean you should be able to be tased at given time for the safety of others? If Deval drives through your neighborhood maybe the swat team should stop by your house and shoot your dogs and hold your weapons for a bit. You know for safety, lots of politicians have been shot we can't risk that happening again.
Tasing people is not the safest way to remove them, or should we tase teenagers loitering around convenience stores? Sad to see self proclaimed liberty lovers defending excessive state force.
Monica Seles wanted both, all she got was stabbed by a psycho fan

While she was playing. Pretty much ruined her career

This is not a freedom or liberty issue climbnsink, this kid was breaking the law, and was removed in the safest way possible for all involved.

Why do idiots like you put the freedom of the masses over the rights of individual idiots?

You'd rather endanger innocents than risk harm to one whom willfully chose to disregard the law?

How bout all of NES come to your house for a party this weekend, all weekend, we'll eat all your food, drink all your beer, trample your lawn, hey, it's a free country right, why not?

sounds good, he can just stand by and wait for us to leave. no need to interfere we don't mean any harm.
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You want freedom or safety?

Whose freedom was violated? And when in this instance did someone make a choice between safety and freedom? I would argue that the rights of the people playing and watching the game were trampled when that kid decided to trespass. The ticket holders have a right to watch the game in peace. The kid has no right to run on the field. Or didn't you think about that?
Maybe the founding fathers had a thought or two on that. Hmmmm. When have I proclaimed freedom to do what I want? Nor have I suggested this kid not be punished, or argued for anarchy, relax brother. Simply an excessive use of force by the state, that is all, no different then you guys getting your dog shooting merit badges.

Really?!?!? You're repeating yourself now?
Most reasonable people want a happy medium of the two, I think it's fairly obvious that you want total freedom to do whatever you want and just allow people to police themselves (anarchy). Be careful what you wish for though, cause when you yell "FIRE" in a crowded movie theater just cause it seemed like a fun idea at the time and some parent that just had their kid trampled beats you to death in the parking lot...just remember, you wanted FREEDOM!!! [laugh]
Maybe the founding fathers had a thought or two on that. Hmmmm. When have I proclaimed freedom to do what I want? Nor have I suggested this kid not be punished, or argued for anarchy, relax brother. Simply an excessive use of force by the state, that is all, no different then you guys getting your dog shooting merit badges.

If there was excessive use of force I would like you to cite the kids injuries please.
It absolutely is a freedom and liberty issue. You think anyone approaching sports stars should get tased? Unfortunately that is what we are getting, pols, celebs, and cops almighty, and the rest of us peasants without rights. If you own a gun you are in violation of some law at some point in time. Does that mean you should be able to be tased at given time for the safety of others? If Deval drives through your neighborhood maybe the swat team should stop by your house and shoot your dogs and hold your weapons for a bit. You know for safety, lots of politicians have been shot we can't risk that happening again.
Tasing people is not the safest way to remove them, or should we tase teenagers loitering around convenience stores? Sad to see self proclaimed liberty lovers defending excessive state force.

Your making arguments that are far fetched and out of the realm of possibility, you sound like a liberal.

Your are also ignoring the concept of personnel responsibility. The idiot kid is responsible for his behavior and he was held accountable, I have a hard time seeing the issue. I guarantee that kid will not be doing that again, isn't that what we want people learning from there mistakes or would you rather have then coddled like a baby?

BTW at your next sporting event take a minute to read the back of the ticket you purchased. It is a consent agreement that can be revoked at anytime by the owners or management of the facility, don't like the terms of the contract? Don't go to the game.
Really?!?!? You're repeating yourself now?

Most reasonable people want a happy medium of the two, I think it's fairly obvious that you want total freedom to do whatever you want and just allow people to police themselves (anarchy). Be careful what you wish for though, cause when you yell "FIRE" in a crowded movie theater just cause it seemed like a fun idea at the time and some parent that just had their kid trampled beats you to death in the parking lot...just remember, you wanted FREEDOM!!! [laugh]

You capitalized Freedom, now all i can picture is Climbnsink giving the Mel Gibson Braveheart speech on horse back in a movie theater!
Maybe the founding fathers had a thought or two on that. Hmmmm. When have I proclaimed freedom to do what I want? Nor have I suggested this kid not be punished, or argued for anarchy, relax brother. Simply an excessive use of force by the state, that is all, no different then you guys getting your dog shooting merit badges.

OK lets do this your way.

the guys runs on the field, security comes out the steps of the dugout and just stands there watching until the guy decides to stop. how long in your mind should they wait? 5 min., 15, 30 an hour? OK so the guy slows down to take a breather, the go out to him and he starts running again. this goes on for lets say 1/2 hour. they finally walk up to him calmly because they don't want to hurt the guy, and he either starts running again, pulls a knife out of his pocket or he takes a swing at security. where in your mind do you end this? do you wait for him to punch or pull a shank? do you let him run around till he decides to go home? what about the other people who decided to jump the fence because they saw nothing was being done and decided to join him?

come on dude and some point it's up to the idiots to understand that if you break the law and don't give up when asked, something might happen to make you stop. it was HIS decision to keep running, HIS decision not to give up that resulted in HIS getting zapped. the security didn't run into the stands just to zap the kid, the kid ran onto the field and WOULD NOT STOP. if he had stopped then it would have ended the way you want it to, he didn't.
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