Patrick's Unlikely Gun-Toting Friends

Honestly... I could care less what the 2 (alleged), gunowners think or what their opinion is.

What really burns my ass is the way the Citzens For Safety parasites are displaying these 2 as representing the opinion of the majority of MA gun owners.
It's free propaganda for Citizens For Safety. [STRIKE]Liberal[/STRIKE] hack papers do this all the time. I took offense in the early 90s to a front page Boston Globe article about ATF traced guns titled "A Grim Reminder". I called an ATF agent who was able to cast doubt on some claims in the article. I called the Globe and asked where they got the information. They said they got a fax from Handgun Control, and printed it. On Page 1. Without attribution. Later, they did publish my Letter To The Editor in reply.

I don't think GOAL could shoot a fax to the Globe and have it printed as a news story.

I agree, that the globe nor any other publication claiming journalistic integrity should simply regurgitate propaganda from either side.
This "it's ok because it doesn't affect me!" type of thinking is the reason that this country will fall apart.

This apathy toward the government trampling on others has reached scary levels and we see evidence of it every day. Whether it be how many guns you can buy, the food you can eat, or how close to the property line you can build your shed. What these people fail to realize is that every additional restriction placed on these "other people" is in reality an additional restriction placed on themselves. Just because the government isn't coming after you specifically does not mean they aren't coming after you next. Most people sit idly by as legislators and bureaucrats pile on law after law and regulation after regulation. These are the same people that looked at the Patriot Act and said "that's cool with me, I'm not a terrorist". To them I said "you're not a terrorist, YET". These people keep feeding the beast then act surprised once they get bitten.
You should tell your legislators in Mass to look south for answers. In 2007 they passed a "Study on 1 Gun A Month" in CT (because the actual bill could not pass)....3 years later we still have not heard publicly the results from the study.....I wonder why....They also have not proposed it since...

That would be south west for most legistraitors. And yes, the distinction is important. It reflects a state of mind.
Whomever it was agreed to have their image used for this video or the video's makers have opened themselves up for one hell of a lawsuit.

My bet is it's either stolen footage or some guy/guys agreed to have their activities taped on a range for some stupidly small amount of money.

Either that, for Robinson figures that the guy in that picture would never possibly see his mug in the Metro, which is just a "lesser birdcage liner" than the Glob.

I sent the links to the video and article to Marc Folco, a columnist for the Standard Times and this was his reply.

"Hello Mark,
Thanks for sending. Watched the video and read the story. Will gladly point out the bs in an upcoming column.
Why do they never mention oh i don't know the other crap that goes with the bill, oh I remember because then it would be showing it's true color of a bill ment to hurt people who follow law not any form of criminal.

Take an extremely controversial and hotly debated topic that even the legislature in Mass. isn't behind, find ONE gun owner who will speak on the record in favor of OGAM, find ONE anti-gun group, write it up in 200 words without rebuttal, fact-checking, or even bothering to talk to a legislator about the bill OR the alternative bills already in the legislative process and call it "news."

Nice way to single-source a story by talking to a guy your source at the anti-gun group gives you so you can say it wasn't all just a press release. This is a classic example of stenography masquerading as journalism.

I don't have a problem with the FUDD, we all know those guys. I have a problem with the newspaper that doesn't do due diligence.
Link to the previous thread about the video:

In a nutshell:

  • The video was produced by Nancy Robinson's "Citizens for Safety" propaganda organization.
  • The guy is some moonbat who has indicated that he wants to run for mayor of New Bedford.
  • The woman is a hack politician with questionable moral fiber..
  • The video (at least most of it) was shot at the New Bedford Police Department range on Woodcock Road in North Dartmouth. Your tax dollars at work.
Link to the previous thread about the video:

In a nutshell:

  • The video was produced by Nancy Robinson's "Citizens for Safety" propaganda organization.
  • The guy is some moonbat who has indicated that he wants to run for mayor of New Bedford.
  • The woman is a hack politician with questionable moral fiber..
  • The video (at least most of it) was shot at the New Bedford Police Department range on Woodcock Road in North Dartmouth. Your tax dollars at work.

This is one step away from true government sponsored propaganda.
This is one step away from true government sponsored propaganda.


It appears they are now playing the video at the Statehouse in an effort to get traction for this bill. From the State House Service:


3. GUN CRIME: Gov. Patrick's effort to limit gun purchases to one per month has gained little traction in the House despite a promise by Speaker Robert DeLeo that the bill would see floor debate. With two weeks left for formal legislative business, each day dims the prospect that Patrick's bill (H 4102) will clear the House in time for Senate passage and agreement between the branches. Patrick has pointed to recent gun violence in Boston as proof for why the gun bill is needed, while critics have argued the bill would penalize lawful gun owners and do little to fight crime. Patrick says the proposal would crack down on "straw purchases" in which a legal gun buyer purchases guns in bulk and distributes them to illegal buyers who use them for street crime. On Thursday, Rep. David Linsky (D-Natick) urged colleagues to oppose a bill by Rep. George Peterson (R-Grafton) that gun ownership advocates have supported as an alternative to the governor's bill. Patrick's bill would also require firearm resellers to log their transactions, establish dangerousness hearings for gun crimes, and establish a felony crime for possession of a gun while committing a misdemeanor that involves the use of force. Linsky urges colleagues who may oppose the one-gun-per-month provision to back other aspects of the bill. Citizens for Public Safety has put together a video featuring testimonials from two gun owners who back the one-gun-per-month provision. During the two-minute video, the words "This is crime control, not gun control" flash across the screen.
It appears they are now playing the video at the Statehouse in an effort to get traction for this bill. From the State House Service:


3. GUN CRIME: Gov. Patrick's effort to limit gun purchases to one per month has gained little traction in the House despite a promise by Speaker Robert DeLeo that the bill would see floor debate. With two weeks left for formal legislative business, each day dims the prospect that Patrick's bill (H 4102) will clear the House in time for Senate passage and agreement between the branches. Patrick has pointed to recent gun violence in Boston as proof for why the gun bill is needed, while critics have argued the bill would penalize lawful gun owners and do little to fight crime. Patrick says the proposal would crack down on "straw purchases" in which a legal gun buyer purchases guns in bulk and distributes them to illegal buyers who use them for street crime. On Thursday, Rep. David Linsky (D-Natick) urged colleagues to oppose a bill by Rep. George Peterson (R-Grafton) that gun ownership advocates have supported as an alternative to the governor's bill. Patrick's bill would also require firearm resellers to log their transactions, establish dangerousness hearings for gun crimes, and establish a felony crime for possession of a gun while committing a misdemeanor that involves the use of force. Linsky urges colleagues who may oppose the one-gun-per-month provision to back other aspects of the bill. Citizens for Public Safety has put together a video featuring testimonials from two gun owners who back the one-gun-per-month provision. During the two-minute video, the words "This is crime control, not gun control" flash across the screen.

Its so bad they're using a lie as subliminal suggestion? Only in Ma.
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