Plan ahead - Form 5320.20 took 6 weeks

Yeah, mine still hasn't arrived, and I sent it on the 22nd. I'm guessing it varies a bunch for no particular reason.
And of course it arrived today. Stamped date is the 11th, so it only took them a week and a half to get it to me.
I sent in a Form 5320.20 on January 22 with the intention of taking an NFA item to the Monadnock shoot on the 27th of February.

I didn't get it back in time for the shoot, but I got it back (approved) today.

Plan ahead folks.

Just wondering why you need to fill out a form to transport guns to another state? I thought that was already covered by federal law?
? huh ? it doesn't take much but I am confused? You mean to tell me I can't take my 12ga shotgun or my AR across the border to N.H. without that form be filled out and approved?
NFA firearms are machine guns, short barreled rifles, short barreled shotguns, etc. Google the National Firearms Act of 1934.
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