Plinking Range??

The Goose

NES Member
Apr 30, 2005
Burliington, MA
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When my wife and I were driving home from the Pumpkin Shoot yesterday she was saying how much fun it was shooting pumpkins instead of paper targets. I related how growing up all we did was plinking at odd targets. Way out behind my house was an old, old trash heap that had been around for decades. It was all grown over land and we knew the owner. We would search through the rubble and find old cans or bottles or odd junk to set up and shoot. Great fun.

So my question is does anyone know of a gun club that allows some form of informal plinking? I realize that glass is too dangerous, but what about clay pigeons or plastic or cans etc. My wife and I were discussing it today and even if it were a little ride it would be worth it to join just for those occasional weekends. Also is this something that anyone else is interested in.

My thought was that perhaps some of the smaller and more rural clubs might not be as rule bound as those in my area. Also it might be fun to get a few folks together occasionally for some really informal shooting. I am a member of Woburn Sportsman Association and there has been some discussion of a plinking range, but even if they do I know it will, by necessity, be quite restricted.

So does such a place even exist anymore in MA or maybe even NH????
BR&P has a pistol (and .22RF rifle only) plinking range at 50 yds only. The rest of their ranges are strictly paper targets.

Mansfield F&G allows plinking rifle or pistol at any distance on their 50 yd range. Although you can do the same on their 100 yd range, the targets must be on the backstop, so you can move downrange to shoot, but only if nobody else wants to shoot at the bench.

Sharon F&G used to allow plinking at any distance up to 50 yds, but I haven't been a member there for 6 years and no idea if any rules have been changed. I do know that the range is restricted to pistol and Rimfire rifle ONLY. there is actually a house almost on the edge of the backstop!

Some others may allow plinking, but it might be restricted to only using their metal targets, only certain ammo, only set distances, etc.
So my question is does anyone know of a gun club that allows some form of informal plinking? I realize that glass is too dangerous, but what about clay pigeons or plastic or cans etc. My wife and I were discussing it today and even if it were a little ride it would be worth it to join just for those occasional weekends. Also is this something that anyone else is interested in.

Riverside Gun Club allows clay pigeons and plastic bottles. Targets must be on the berm but you can shoot from forward of the benches so long as everyone is at the same distance.
Riverside in Hudson allows shooting at plastic, pigeons, and what have you - no tin cans, no glass, though. Just clean up the dead plastic bottles, please. Unless someone else is shooting at them when you leave!
Head for the hills !

I shoot a lot at Woodsman rifle & pistol out in Athol, I usually have the place to myself. As long as you don't bring glass and clean up after yourself you'll be ok.

Fitchburg Sportsman's Club in Ashburnham if "paper only" but again if you clean up after yourself things shouldn't be a problem.

I leave each place cleaner than I found it.
Head for the hills !
I shoot a lot at Woodsman rifle & pistol out in Athol, I usually have the place to myself.

I grew up in Athol. My family moved away when I was in the 9th grade, but I have many fond memories of that town. We lived way out on Templeton Rd and I grew up hunting, fishing and shooting. Great place.
Head for the hills !

I shoot a lot at Woodsman rifle & pistol out in Athol, I usually have the place to myself. As long as you don't bring glass and clean up after yourself you'll be ok.

Fitchburg Sportsman's Club in Ashburnham if "paper only" but again if you clean up after yourself things shouldn't be a problem.

I leave each place cleaner than I found it.


Winchendon R&G, almost always alone there also.
Westford Sportsmen's Club allows any targets on the outdoor range that are safe and that you can (and do) clean up after shooting. Plastic jugs, tin cans, spinners, steel plates, bowling pins, etc. are all OK. Glass is a no-no.

Plymouth R&G, no plinking[sad]
And there aren't anymore pits available and most powerlines are all built up around. Progress can suck.
Hmmmm, another plug for my range:
The 50 yard range allows anything except glass and as long as you clean it up. My friend and I would bring spare car parts such as hoods, trunks and fenders after working all day at the body shop and blast them to bits.[smile]
Like I mentioned in Devilman's thread... dues are I think $100 for the first year and $75 each after that. Theres also a pistol range that did have steel plates hanging from the steel stands. Not sure if they're still there.
I was just there today at the 50 yard plinking one shooting the hell out of some soda cans and testing out some new mags by rapid firing my Mini 14. Only one there I might add with a small family next door at the pistol range.
Cape Ann sportsman's club in gloucester has a 25 yd range you can shoot plastic cans no glass just clean up afterwards pm me if you'd like to go sometime. All club members have their own key to the range
Up here Pelham Fish & Game has the action range where plinking of "non-messy" items is allowed, no restrictions on caliber etc, class III allowed.
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