my electrician carries a small .38 wheel gun and left it on my kitchen counter while he was wiring for my new dishwasher...
not sure if he does that with every customer though
During work in office attire a Seecamp in an Akers Rear pocket holster, totally undetectable. Afer work or on weekends usually the Seecamp plus a S&W 642 in a front DeSantis pocket holster. Somestimes a Glock 26 or 19.... IWB, Fist Kydex holster.
My S&W 36 and model 60 were snappier and more painful to shoot than my P3AT. But then that's my experience and opinion and worth less than you paid for it.
Thats just what I've heard, but I haven't personally shot one. I have the .32 and thought it was going to be much worse than it actually was. If it wasn't such a pain for me to find the WWB that works in it I would shoot it much more often. I actually enjoy the little thing.
An M60 is a good choice IMO, in its original .38 spl it was the original stainless revolver, now upgraded for .357 with a slightly larger frame. If "firepower" is an issue, when you can afford it, why not carry two J frames? The "New York Reload" is still the fastest reload under most conditions
I am an entertainment electrician and understand your plight. Your solution will be a combination of pant and gun. I found that Riggs Workwear by Wrangler makes some awesome pants. not only do they last forever and are reinforced everywhere, they come with cavernous pockets (13" deep). I pocket carry a Keltec P11 and use one of the leg pockets on the opposite side for a reload. (I had 5 pairs that took over a year to fail.)