Pocket Semi Auto

Patriot - That's some serious artillery you have there! Thanks for sharing. This 357 Magnum can do some serious damage too. Pete

Bos Pat, what caliber is that 1991A1 pistol? This may be a stupid question, but with the 12g shell in the guard it is decieving. Nice pistol, regardless of caliber! Look like Pachmyer grips?
Looks like a 66, is it? I like your grips. I had Pachs on my 2.5" 66 but I went back to the stock ones vs the Pachs
as the stock grips, while not as nice, conceal better.


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Mine is 3" PC 686P (7-shot) ported with night sights. I had the cylinder converted to accept moon clips, but can also be loaded by hand, one-by-one...a great shooter, and a keeper.
oldfella said:
Mine is 3" PC 686P (7-shot) ported with night sights. I had the cylinder converted to accept moon clips, but can also be loaded by hand, one-by-one...a great shooter, and a keeper.

What frame is that on? The 66 is the K-Frame which doesn't like a steady
diet of mag and +P loads so I shoot mainly .38 special with it most of the
time. Oldfellar, that is a nice looking piece o' iron! Any idea of the size
difference between your shooter and the K frames?

Oh Yeah, the photo is excellent! What did you take the pic with?

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Mine is an L-Frame, both K and L frames are similar in size; the L-Frame, 686 in particular, is S&W workhorse, like a tank - in addition, K-Frames shoot 38's, the 686 shoot both 38's and 357 magnums... all day. he 686 comes in 6- shot and 7-shot (686Plus) in various barrels lengths - I happen to like 3"s... not a common length.

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I've decide to trade my S&W PC 640 for a 340PD, half the weight and a bit smaller that my 640. I wouldn't dare shoot .357 magnums through this lightweight, but the .38+P is not a bad round.

oldfella said:
I've decide to trade my S&W PC 640 for a 340PD, half the weight and a bit smaller that my 640. I wouldn't dare shoot .357 magnums through this lightweight, but the .38+P is not a bad round.


I should have my 340PD back from Magnaport end of next week. I will send you a report.

PC 640 is very interesting to me [wink]
oldfella said:
I've decide to trade my S&W PC 640 for a 340PD, half the weight and a bit smaller that my 640. I wouldn't dare shoot .357 magnums through this lightweight, but the .38+P is not a bad round.


Oldfella, I have the 340PD, & it's awesome. My curiosity got the best of me & I did shoot a couple rounds of .357. Ouch! Everything else I've fed it from regular .38spl (between 120 & 158 grain), & .38+P was good. It's surprisingly accurate for such a small & light gun.
I picked up an AMT .45 Backup from a local shop before it hit the shelves. They were concerned about offering it for sale due to their sketchy history of reliability. So, they sold it to me at a reasonable price (LNIB with all the factory papers) with the understanding that if it jammed, they didn't want it back. So, I took a chance at it.

I'm happy to say it is completely reliable. I got only one mag with it, so I ordered two more from CDNN. They must get 2nd's or something since both mag baseplates blew off during firing the first time to the range! I TIG welded them back on and have not had a problem since.

I shoot mostly cast bullet reloads. Just to test it out, I mixed five different types of cast bullets in the mags and kept firing like that. No malfunctions at all. It finally failed to go fully into battery after a few hundred rounds of my extremely dirty reloads (cast bullets and Unique powder) with no lube at all. I started with the pistol dry, just to see if it would still work like that. It did perfectly.

The groove in the slide that is the "sight" is a little hard to get precise with. I find that if I hold it a little low and line up the groove with the chest of the silouhette that way, I qualify with a 100% every time, although the course is only out to 15 yards. It functions fine with 230gr Federal Hydrashocks and 200gr Blazer JHP's, too. In fact, it functions with anything I put into it!

It's far from my favorite handgun, but I wouldn't part with it, either. It's a good gun to just throw into your pocket when wearing a larget pistol isn't possible. My friend has a .380 Backup and has also found it to be reliable.

I know I jumped into this thread late and you've decided on something else, or so I figured since I haven't read every post here. But, for what it's intended for (close up, last resort defense), it would serve you well. Believe me, with the EXTREMELY heavy trigger pull, you don't have to worry about a ND, either!
It's good to hear K-DUB, that gives me encouragement. I got it yesterday and cleaned it up real good inside and out; the trigger pull is awfully hard/stiff, I will consider changing the rebound spring after my first shoot... that thing is amazingly light weight.

wchandler said:
There's a Colt Mustang at Zero Hour Arms... Not sure of the price.

WChandler, Cross-X - you guys have been very helpful suggesting MA gunshops and shooting schools... to a poster who lives in TENNESSEE. [rofl]

Guys... read the info on the sidebars! [wink]

I really don't think that Pete is going to come up here to look for a new gun - he can get them easier and cheaper at home, I'm sure.
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You know I saw that but I figured this the "NES"(Northeast) website!!! I figure it was a type-O or something!!! Oh well, maybe somebody reading it found the info of some use!!!

You ought to take a look at what courses Randy Cain is teaching locally. Cumberland Tactics http://www.guntactics.com/

Randy is top-notch as a trainer, I took his defensive handgun course last Summer here in the MA area, but he hails from Goodlettsville, TN which might be in your neck of the woods.
dwarven1 said:
WChandler, Cross-X - you guys have been very helpful suggesting MA gunshops and shooting schools... to a poster who lives in TENNESSEE. [rofl]

Guys... read the info on the sidebars! [wink]

I had no idea dwarfs snooze for as long as they do -- my comment was made way back on page two -- so where the @$#% were you? [wink]
Cross-X said:
I had no idea dwarfs snooze for as long as they do -- my comment was made way back on page two -- so where the @$#% were you? [wink]

Would you believe working? This is a rarity - me having time and an internet connection during the day.

oldfella said:
I have problems racking the slide on semi autos - any one here owns an AMT Backup - I found one in .45 Cal. on Gunbroker. Has any one here handled, fired one of these babies - is it dependable, hard to rack the slide ?... tell me about it.

I'm not too sure about the .45 ACP version... but I know one thing is
for sure on the DAO .380... whatever you do... DO NOT DRY FIRE IT without
a snap cap. The firing pin will self destruct in a very short period of
time. Been there did that. Don't have that gun anymore. Aside from
the pin self destructing, otherwise the gun was pretty reliable.

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