Police at Manchester Firing Line

Aug 10, 2008
Merrimack NH
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When i drove by at 4:30 there was a patrol car, SUV and a van backed up to the door with its rear doors open...hope everything is ok with MFL and Jim...
Lol, will wonders never cease... the BG check system actually caught someone. Course, who knows what the warrant was for....

Lol, will wonders never cease... the BG check system actually caught someone. Course, who knows what the warrant was for....


It doesn't matter what it was for, could be unpaid child support, it doesn't change the fact that a warrant existed and the NICS system found it, proving that it does indeed work.
However, I wouldn't expect the MSM to actually report that the current system works as intended, and continue to side with the anti's for MORE gun control.
I'm kind of shocked that they reported the guy to the police..

I'm not. Even if the system automatically notifies the nearest PD of the warrant, I think that MFL being a legitimate business would notify the police as well. More so if not notifying them could cause them legal difficulties of their own.
So the check picked it up.. Sad; I've always wanted to meet the guy who checked "yes" under the "Are you a fugitive from justice?" box. [grin]
IIRC, the FL CCW app has two boxes with the second one reminding you that if you are checking the second one, you should check the first as well... [laugh]
He had failed to go to court for misuse of license plates. A BW was issued,and the bad bad man was caught while trying to buy a gun. Glad to know that NICS is used to catch such people [laugh]

Hey if it stops one criminal from getting a gun then it's worth all it costs right? [laugh]
PS: NICS Contacts the police, not the dealer. We know nothing until a cop walks in.
Which helps with the poker face... [wink]

This is how this system is supposed to work. It isn't perfect, but neither is it your COP deciding you aren't suitable because you complain about his slow licensing process on line...
Why would you be shocked if we had reported a bad guy? Help me understand your post jenlynn!
PS: NICS Contacts the police, not the dealer. We know nothing until a cop walks in.

I'm guessing NICS knows your physical storefront location by your FFL# and caller ID, but what if you were selling at a gun show and calling NICS from your cell, how would they know where to send the cops to make the arrest?
probably bought a car and swapped his old plates over without registering the new vehicle to avoid fees. it's pretty common.

That's how it starts, but the next thing you know, the guy is smoking dope, dealing heroin, and knocking over banks.
It doesn't matter what it was for, could be unpaid child support, it doesn't change the fact that a warrant existed and the NICS system found it, proving that it does indeed work.

It does matter because the suggestion is that NICS stops violent criminals. I have no doubt NICS catches a fair number of genuinely bad people, but I'd also bet that more often than not, this happens.. Misuse of license plates? I feel SOOOOO much safer now!!! About the only good that came out of this was is saved Jim @ MFL from any potential legal liability.

Why would you be shocked if we had reported a bad guy? Help me understand your post jenlynn!
PS: NICS Contacts the police, not the dealer. We know nothing until a cop walks in.

Did they stall you with a "Delay" on the guy? I've often heard that's what usually happens... They'll say its delayed, but only for a few minutes.... eg, long enough for the police to come by and nab the guy.

He had failed to go to court for misuse of license plates. A BW was issued,and the bad bad man was caught while trying to buy a gun. Glad to know that NICS is used to catch such people [laugh]

You'll get a warrant issued if you chose not to pay your excise taxes in Massachusetts. Sounds like something familiar. Should that disqualify somebody from purchasing a firearm, IMHO.
You'll get a warrant issued if you chose not to pay your excise taxes in Massachusetts. Sounds like something familiar. Should that disqualify somebody from purchasing a firearm, IMHO.

Not the same ballgame. In MA if you don't pay your excise tax you get marked as non renewable... you can't renew your registration or DL with outstanding taxes. They don't come and arrest you or anything like that.

I feel that if Jim from MFL had been notified that the customer had a warrant he should call the police anyway, even though he doesn't know anything until they show up. If I ran a business such as his I would turn in a customer with an outstanding warrant. It would be the right thing to do. The warrant was for something simple, but it may not have been.

MFL is a great place, I would hate to see anything bad happen to Jim. Besides, it's not his fault if someone has an outstanding warrant. I'm just glad this was something simple and it was taken care of.

Though it does suck the guy got arrested for misuse of plates. You have got to feel like an idiot at that point.
I only sympathize as I had a bench warrant for a bounced check on a ticket when I was 19. I had a relative write me a check to pay it and gave them the cash. Only they never told me the check bounced. Ended up snowballing from there, but I took care of it as soon as I knew about it. Thank god I didn't get arrested.
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