Portable shelter

Wouldn't wanna use one to bug out....but might be handy to keep one either on your main lot or a camp lot (if you have one) for extra room if you need it (displaced friends/relatives, etc).
They look like a small and deadlier version of a trailer! Sure sets up in about ten minutes, but I think a regular tent would be much better.

It is a clever concept. I like how all of the heat, AC, and lights are located on the center spline to allow the rest to fold up. I see it more useful for their target audience of emergency response personnel, short term command centers, disaster recovery housing, stuff like that. I can't imagine this being useful as a 'prepper' item. Too much of an investment for something that is really only truly useful if you have an electrical grid to hook it up to.

For the average Joe, almost any camper would be better.
It is a clever concept. I like how all of the heat, AC, and lights are located on the center spline to allow the rest to fold up. I see it more useful for their target audience of emergency response personnel, short term command centers, disaster recovery housing, stuff like that. I can't imagine this being useful as a 'prepper' item. Too much of an investment for something that is really only truly useful if you have an electrical grid to hook it up to.

For the average Joe, almost any camper would be better.

I'm under the same mindset. My main thought was using it as a temporary shelter while a much more permanent home and/or shelter was built. My wife and I are seriously contemplating moving down south by purchasing land, using this while building a more permanent structure, then selling it or using it like a clubhouse on the property.
The company definitely seems to be marketing this product towards disaster relief or something similar. It seems like a great idea for that but not for "prepping" or "bugging out". A most ingenious idea, though.
If you watch one of the demo videos with it on the trailer, they have a generator, so I imagine it's simple to hook up.

I wish it would deploy from the trailer, that'd be slick :)
I'm with the camper is better people. Even for the buy land then build a permanent home crowd. That's on my agenda as well and plan on using my camper till I build a house.
They stole my idea.
think it would be useful if you could have some type of insulation in the walls, roof and floor durring bugout in the winter here and would be used for "first winter" or "first year before something else could be built.
I figured any vechicle could pull it if you keep size and weight down.
My idea would have lower layer with a couple of 55Gal drums , one for each type of fuel and one water.
a portable genrator would also be included with remainder packed with food and onther items.
the top would a series of stacked panels, that you pull off and build a box.
the panels would be specialized for wall or ceilings.
ceiling you could add PV
goal was to build a 10x20 ft building, with food and fuel in no larger than a popup camper
to bug out to new location you would hook it up and go.
one the fuels would be gas,and a a 35 gal tank in my tow wehicle i would have 90 gals of total fuel with a 55g and can go 1200 miles plus.
i would drag it up north, to an undisclosed location:) and wait it out
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