Post SHTF Skill ???

You should still wear protection, especially after SHTF.

I can hunt, fish, and cook. I can navigate with a map and compass. I am familiar with combat infantry tactics, defensive tactics and ambush.
I can make shelter out of damn near nothing, passed cold weather survival, can repel and parachute should the occasion call for it. I can procure, filter and purify water, start fire in most conditions.
I have been trained with multiple weapons systems and am familiar with explosives and trained in first aid, and battlefield life saving techniques. I am trained in hand to hand combat and studied martial arts.
I am pretty handy with a rifle.
I have carpentry skill and basic mechanical skills.
I like moonlit walks and cozy fires.

And I once wrestled a black bear. ( the bear won)

Other than the above, I got nothin'.
I can hunt, fish, and cook. I can navigate with a map and compass. I am familiar with combat infantry tactics, defensive tactics and ambush.
I can make shelter out of damn near nothing, passed cold weather survival, can repel and parachute should the occasion call for it. I can procure, filter and purify water, start fire in most conditions.
I have been trained with multiple weapons systems and am familiar with explosives and trained in first aid, and battlefield life saving techniques. I am trained in hand to hand combat and studied martial arts.
I am pretty handy with a rifle.
I have carpentry skill and basic mechanical skills.
I like moonlit walks and cozy fires.

And I once wrestled a black bear. ( the bear won)

Other than the above, I got nothin'.

1) Practice what you know.

2) Learn what you don't know.

3) Go to (1)

Lots of Zombiepocalypse-yearners can't open a can, without an electric can opener. The majority of people that live near you (Marlboro Country excepted) would be royally screwed in a 5-day winter power outage.

Before you start worrying about esoteric stuff...swear off electrons for a few days. Not just the TV and dishwasher, but your computer and phone. Without stocking up at Stop & Shop. Let us know how it goes.

When Hurricane Irene came through, I lost power for five days....and I'm not in the boonies. One neighbor bugged out (<1 year old in the house), next to them had (1) candle in the house. I gave them a spare propane lantern. And, it was August. Similar scenario in January.....less pleasant.
Never killed 100 Iraqis with an MRE spoon, but I have shot a a few.

Critical care nurse practitioner.
Combat medic.
Strip club manager ( I can spot a pair of fake titties under a down parka).
Beer truck driver.
Copier repair man.

I also like long walks on the beach and interpretive dance.
QUOTE "enbloc, post: 6004627, member: 16105"]Raise your hand if you are usually the one guy in the room not panicking... in any situation. [wave][/QUOTE]

[wave] ...but I'm a girl.
QUOTE "enbloc, post: 6004627, member: 16105"]Raise your hand if you are usually the one guy in the room not panicking... in any situation. [wave]

[wave] ...but I'm a girl.[/QUOTE]

Yes, you are! And I know that Post-SHTF, you will be the Queen of The North Country!
Never killed 100 Iraqis with an MRE spoon, but I have shot a a few.

Critical care nurse practitioner.
Combat medic.
Strip club manager ( I can spot a pair of fake titties under a down parka).
Beer truck driver.
Copier repair man.

I also like long walks on the beach and interpretive dance.
I'm hanging with you when shit goes south. You can't find a good copier repair man anywhere
Does your Wife ever visit this forum?
It doesn't matter. She could never figure it out that it is me. We have profile pictures that can be anything we want and screennames that hide our identity. I mean someone cant be that dumb to use their actual picture and their name as a screenname............
It doesn't matter. She could never figure it out that it is me. We have profile pictures that can be anything we want and screennames that hide our identity. I mean someone cant be that dumb to use their actual picture and their name as a screenname............

LOL... " OMG! Honey! Someone is pretending to be YOU on this online gun forum!"
Let's define what a SHTF situation is. Zombie Apocalypse?
Commie Invasion?
Ice Storm?
Loss of employment?
Loss of a spouse?
Debilitating car accident?
The more localized the SHTF scenario the more likely it is to occur to you. So we should all be preparing for the most likely first. Once we are ready to be without work for six months then we can worry about the zombie hordes.
I live in the country so I have the ability (and do) grow my own vegetables, medicinal herbs, and some fruit. I keep chickens. I'm handy with a gun so I can hunt squirrel and rabbit. I am a carpenter by trade so I'm good with tools and can do basic mechanics when needed.
Most importantly I have no debt excepting a mortgage and I am diligently working on eliminating that. I have enough money to pay my bills for six months if the fam and I live frugally. No fancy micro brews, no dinners out.
life insurance.
I have enough food and potable water stored for three or four months. And it is food we eat, not MREs.
Having a basic knowledge of medical preparedness for when help is not on the way is extremely important.
Having a generator and practicing to use it by playing "the power is out!" for a weekend is very useful.
Having a bug out location. Not necessarily a remote cabin in the woods but family or friends who live not too close but not too far away. And have your BOB ready to deploy.
And I listen to The Survival Podcast. It's all about preparing for a probable SHTF moment. People call or write in to hear responses from a group of knowledgeable people on all things survival. It's one of the few podcasts I listen to anymore.
Survival Podcast
Never killed 100 Iraqis with an MRE spoon, but I have shot a a few.

Critical care nurse practitioner.
Combat medic.
Strip club manager ( I can spot a pair of fake titties under a down parka).
Beer truck driver.
Copier repair man.

I also like long walks on the beach and interpretive dance.

Ah the ballet...

What red blooded American male doesn't love the arts?
Let's define what a SHTF situation is. Zombie Apocalypse?
Commie Invasion?
Ice Storm?
Loss of employment?
Loss of a spouse?
Debilitating car accident?
The more localized the SHTF scenario the more likely it is to occur to you. So we should all be preparing for the most likely first. Once we are ready to be without work for six months then we can worry about the zombie hordes.

The losing your job thing doesn't really apply to me, I'd have to do something outright criminal at this point. Even then, I know of people getting their jobs back from doing things I'd never even contemplate doing. I don't play that game so losing my job isn't a huge concern. Loss of spouse would be a kick in the nuts, but let's be honest, life does go on. I'm pretty much debt free, no mortgage, but pay rent. In a SHTF situation, rent probably isn't going to be an issue, who's going to evict me? Losing both vehicles would probably be the biggest hit I could take from your initial list, as both are paid off.

Big storms are at most regional events:

Katrina put parts of New Orleans under water for a couple weeks. Most of the city was back up within a year (other than the welfare crowd). My family evacuated until they opened the roads back up, some actually stayed and rode it out. If you are talking 6 months of nothing, it's going to be a major incident that probably isn't localized, at best it'd be a regional thing, more likely national. There will still be food and fuel from other regions not affected if it was a 'simple' regional situation, no one starved to death during Katrina.

The longest I went without power was maybe two weeks during Alicia that hit Houston back in the mid to late 80s. It sucked, but we never felt panic or went without food.

This is a little 'tongue in cheek':
A zombie apocalypse would probably be the best event for supplies. If it's a TWD event, there will be plenty of supplies left around, it happened in a matter of days and killed a high 90% of the population. If it's a flu event that takes weeks or months, that would be worse as supplies will be consumed at a high rate until the collapse. Early adapters would be able to build a nest and ride it out, max credit cards and worry about it later.

Personally, after being here a couple of years, I'm going out and buying a couple cases of Newports and finding some way to preserve them.
Lockpicking, which I am surprised to read no one else mentioned.

If I have to get in, the lock is going to be cut, the gate will driven over, or the door is coming off the hinges or a window is coming out of its frame.:D
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