Post SHTF Skill ???

I mean, I'd probably take a shot in the mouth for a bottle of irish whiskey to calm the nerves after eating my neighbors.

Personally, after being here a couple of years, I'm going out and buying a couple cases of Newports and finding some way to preserve them.[/QUOTE]

Can you tell when a Newport goes stale? They kind of taste like ass when they're fresh.
So you're the a hole that didn't prepare and you think you can just go around killing to get what you need. Good luck with that.[mg]
Nope, that's me. And I don't need luck, I need more .308.
In my SHTF group, we have almost all bases covered. 2 medics (1 combat experienced, the other one with masters degree, and both extremely competent), a comms and night vision guy, an IT guy, an electrician with advanced bushcraft skills, 2 cops (a Marine and a firearms instructor), a guy who can drive and fix anything with wheels, and a useless old man with bad knees who can still serve as a bad example. Defensive skills and better than average marksmanship are a given. Some of the are NESers, some aren't. They have the skills, they have the mindset, and they have the personal connection that makes them a team rather than a group.
Nope, that's me. And I don't need luck, I need more .308.
In my SHTF group, we have almost all bases covered. 2 medics (1 combat experienced, the other one with masters degree, and both extremely competent), a comms and night vision guy, an IT guy, an electrician with advanced bushcraft skills, 2 cops (a Marine and a firearms instructor), a guy who can drive and fix anything with wheels, and a useless old man with bad knees who can still serve as a bad example. Defensive skills and better than average marksmanship are a given. Some of the are NESers, some aren't. They have the skills, they have the mindset, and they have the personal connection that makes them a team rather than a group.

Unless you've formed your whole group just to be post apocalyptic thieves and murderers then my post doesn't apply to you because you are prepared.
Hopefully with all that brain power and strength you've put aside some supplies.
I'm a Marine.

If that isn't enough, I have years of experience in emergency response, first aid, combat lifesaving, and CPR.

Also comfortable maintaining/repairing electrical and mechanical systems, construction, auto repair, and more I'm sure I'm forgetting.
Develop a business relationship with a farmer. Trade for corn and potatos. Make moonshine, use some to trade with farmer, reserve the rest. Grow pot. Open cathouse and rent rooms to women (independant contractors). Sell booze and pot to patrons. Let’s see, sex, booze and pot. Sin always sells.
Lock picking.. hmmmm.

Last lock I had to deal with was more or a ... Grab angle grinder.. chow chow down..

Key wasn't viable. Not sure what pick would be .
Develop a business relationship with a farmer. Trade for corn and potatos. Make moonshine, use some to trade with farmer, reserve the rest. Grow pot. Open cathouse and rent rooms to women (independant contractors). Sell booze and pot to patrons. Let’s see, sex, booze and pot. Sin always sells.

Good gig if you can make it work.
I think this. My moonshine making fun is old and crusty and I'm missing some vital pieces of glass/metal ware.

Haven't done distillation since 2003. May need to de crust the brain case with some practice .

Depending on availability of food, I think lots of people would be fermenting anything they could find......if their bellies were full first so there would be lots of competition in the shine catagory and likely lots of buyers/traders for it too.:D

A bucket full of various seeds would go a long way towards survival depending on the season. Stuff like pumpkins, squash, beans, tomatoes, turnips, cukes and a few other large fruit bearing stuff would be a real good addition to anyone's supplies....they could feed a lot of people and most of it will keep a while in a root cellar or dried.
My favorite SHTF skill is negotiation. I have guns and ammo. What are you willing to provide me in exchange for your protection?

Other than that, I'd say it's my ability to think and act quickly. When under stress, decide on the next best step and execute until completion.
I'm an acquirer of things.

Some things let me collect or store water from the well, springs or pond on our land
Some things are long term stored things that you can feed your group, including a hand can opener.
Some things can be used to harvest things that go in wood burning things to cook or stay warm all winter with multiple spares of everything
Some things go bang.
Some things are lots and lots and LOTS of rounds for things that go bang, as in the ammo-less kingdom, even a man with .22 is king
Some things let you see in the day or the dark to aim at things far away with things that go bang
Some things warn you when people are nearby
Some things help you tell your group when people are nearby
Some things charge batteries when the sun is out
Some things can keep other things charged to keep the lights on at night
Some things store enough fuel to run a stove or genset for quite a while.
Some things store enough stabilized fuel to keep a tractor running for a long time
Some things help harvest or store the fruit trees and bushes on the land
Some things contain stored seeds long term to grow other things
Some things can use those seeds and practice a grow then harvest the fruits of those seeds
Some things lay eggs as a great protein source
Some things are distilled and store long term in glass
Well, when the October 2013 blizzard aka "Frankenstorm" paralyzed the northeast for two weeks, my family was just fine.
Whole home generator, set.
Plenty of stabilized fuel, set.
Multiple cooking options, set.
Plenty of food and bottled water, set.
Ten days without power and we were quite comfortable.

My wife is a good shot, I'm an accomplished marksman and veteran.
LOTS of ammo for my collection of over 50 weapons, lots of ammo.
Actually escorted two punks off my yard with some 30-06 persuasion, lol.

My best skills?

Being prepared for anything, and nerves of iron...
Well, when the October 2013 blizzard aka "Frankenstorm" paralyzed the northeast for two weeks, my family was just fine.
Whole home generator, set.
Plenty of stabilized fuel, set.
Multiple cooking options, set.
Plenty of food and bottled water, set.
Ten days without power and we were quite comfortable.

My wife is a good shot, I'm an accomplished marksman and veteran.
LOTS of ammo for my collection of over 50 weapons, lots of ammo.
Actually escorted two punks off my yard with some 30-06 persuasion, lol.

My best skills?

Being prepared for anything, and nerves of iron...
I'm not worried.
I can skin a buck and run a trot line. Make my own whiskey, and now that it's legal, my own smoke too.
Grow some tomatoes and some homemade wine....Shotgun and a rifle and a 4 wheel drive.
Because you know, a ........................
Antibiotics antifungals antivirals. From scratch. Also. Some medical. Not doing small bowel resections. But stitches snd basic. Plus. Can make gunpower out of urine.
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