post trump, covid vax family relations: conservatives vs liberals

Lost my best friend and mentor over it. He's the type who knew all about Drumpf, couldn't have been more opposed to someone of his ilk and low character, but soon as it was between him and Hillary, oh well. Shame to see it happen.
Of course, he is better off !!!!!!!
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left of this country had benefited from multiple decades of ignorant tolerance - as silent majority simply discarded the factual level of danger those rabid socialists represent, but, with times changing, with the core of the democratic party and majority of liberals siding with hamas, with DSA creating riots and protests, and pro-palestinian scum chanting everywhere while parents are forced to pay close to $100k annual tuitions - the backlash will come, and will be severe.

Supporting dementia Joe because you dont like Trump is like eating shit because you don't like broccoli.

Like gun control, Trump is a perfect IQ test. Prefer someone that you may not like or prefer a lying, corrupt, racist pedophile dementia patient?

If you pick the latter, you have the IQ of a pile of shit.

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Reluctant to jump into this one because this thread is reminding me of the last time I saw my family, which was right before the vaccine came out.

When I put up the Trump yard sign in 2015 it started to get bad, but after I declined the vaccine that was it. They severed their ties with me (both sides of the family).

There was a baby shower several years ago. My wife was asked NOT to attend unless she got vaccinated, and was told the exact vaccine that she was to get, other variants were not acceptable. And if she did not get vaccinated to please SEND a gift!!! I told her F**k That!!!.

So now I have to meet with my attorney a redo my estate. I don’t have kids so right now my entire estate is going to people that will not even talk to me. The executor now hates me as much as she hates Trump. I have been putting this off because I was hoping it would get better with time, but it hasn't. :(
I severely doubt it. Most of these trust fund babies at these universities think they know everything there is to know, and yet don't know that they wouldn't actually last 5 minutes in Gaza. Their parents are just as ignorant as they are. After all they're paying for them to be there in the first place. That in itself tells a story. The happenings at these "universities" is nothing new. The parents aren't sending them there out of ignorance of the indoctrination that the schools will force upon them. They're sending them there because of it. They want that s*** shoved down their throat. They need that s*** show down their throat. That's the commie way.
it takes time, stuff like that, to get around and turn around, but, eventually, it always does. push comes to shove, and with enough amount of shoving, people get mad.
Reluctant to jump into this one because this thread is reminding me of the last time I saw my family, which was right before the vaccine came out.

When I put up the Trump yard sign in 2015 it started to get bad, but after I declined the vaccine that was it. They severed their ties with me (both sides of the family).

There was a baby shower several years ago. My wife was asked NOT to attend unless she got vaccinated, and was told the exact vaccine that she was to get, other variants were not acceptable. And if she did not get vaccinated to please SEND a gift!!! I told her F**k That!!!.

So now I have to meet with my attorney a redo my estate. I don’t have kids so right now my entire estate is going to people that will not even talk to me. The executor now hates me as much as she hates Trump. I have been putting this off because I was hoping it would get better with time, but it hasn't. :(
That is really a shame. I have a couple of friends that have been lost over the same shit, luckily family has not had that problem, at least not yet.

So opportunity to have the executor have to give everything to people or organizations that she hates? LOL
Reluctant to jump into this one because this thread is reminding me of the last time I saw my family, which was right before the vaccine came out.

When I put up the Trump yard sign in 2015 it started to get bad, but after I declined the vaccine that was it. They severed their ties with me (both sides of the family).

There was a baby shower several years ago. My wife was asked NOT to attend unless she got vaccinated, and was told the exact vaccine that she was to get, other variants were not acceptable. And if she did not get vaccinated to please SEND a gift!!! I told her F**k That!!!.

So now I have to meet with my attorney a redo my estate. I don’t have kids so right now my entire estate is going to people that will not even talk to me. The executor now hates me as much as she hates Trump. I have been putting this off because I was hoping it would get better with time, but it hasn't. :(
I'm up for adoption.
My brother and I have always been the black sheep. All the aunts, uncles and cousins enjoyed looking down their noses at us because of our youthful shenanigans while everyone else was doing college and career stuff.

Basically, I would love for them to boot me from the family, but they still keep inviting me to weddings and funerals.

My aunt who is actually pretty smart and educated (and was also an army nurse at China Beach during Nam.) insists that Trump has dementia, but tapioca Joe is just fine. I can’t figure it out.

She’s not a moonbat, just one of those old school democrats that doesn’t realize how badly the party has shifted to the ideological left.
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I'm at the point where IDGAF. Mom's gone. My dad's 83, and sharp enough to see that his interests are no longer supported by the Dems he knew earlier in his life. I have no siblings. I don't really have contact with my Mom's side. Of the ones I see on my Dads side are all conservative.. hunting/guns/etc. If you're gonna give me shit for what I believe.. GFY..

As for inlaws. My FIL is conservative. MIL is pretty middle.. only one SIL who is a moonbat, but IDGAF. I see her 1-2x yr and nobody talks issues. Shit nearly hit the fan during covid and the vax bs.. where it was "we can't get together if everyone's not vaxxed" but wife and fam got thru that.

It's really hard at work where moonbats run rampant.. I'm in the environmental permitting division of a civil engineering company. All the stupid sustainability, climate change, and environmental justice bullshit has grown an entire business section catering just to that, so I hear that in meetings.. One stupid gay millenial even thought it was a great idea to hang a 3x5 pride flag from the suspended ceiling tracks.. I told my boss how I thought that was quite inappropriate.. regardless of the flag.. keep your shit confined within your cube/office walls.. I had to be delicate on that one as I was relatively new and didn't want to come across as the intolerant a**h***.
have you all resolved your differences or still separated and at each others throats. it's been the 7th yr since i got banned, and kicked out of the family and fortune by my liberal side. all it took was a trump vote and being unvaxed. my wife's family is still ok

The spark was unrelated to any of that but my right-leaning views on politics and social matters are profoundly anathema to 3 of my siblings and led to events of which the details are going to remain private, but they are disowned by me and will be forever (it's mutual). The other one, he's a fricking idiot, but okay at heart.
My last name (the greek side) is no where near what they assigned at Ellis.
My Rich greek grandma didn't like my Scottish Canuck grandfathers last name, and required he change it when they got married.
Your point is effing retarded. And childish. And indicative of the complaints regarding Trump.
Frangakis clan from Crete here.
Reluctant to jump into this one because this thread is reminding me of the last time I saw my family, which was right before the vaccine came out.

When I put up the Trump yard sign in 2015 it started to get bad, but after I declined the vaccine that was it. They severed their ties with me (both sides of the family).

There was a baby shower several years ago. My wife was asked NOT to attend unless she got vaccinated, and was told the exact vaccine that she was to get, other variants were not acceptable. And if she did not get vaccinated to please SEND a gift!!! I told her F**k That!!!.

So now I have to meet with my attorney a redo my estate. I don’t have kids so right now my entire estate is going to people that will not even talk to me. The executor now hates me as much as she hates Trump. I have been putting this off because I was hoping it would get better with time, but it hasn't. :(

I got a few neices who were big into the BLM movement and hated when I poked holes in the narrative. They are convinced I am a closeted Grand Dragon and want nothing to do with me.

Thankfully my fudd father, who makes excuses for Joe Biden but hates Trump because he was programmed to, can still have conversations with me.
My wife and I long ago established a family policy to take the high road--sometimes it's hard, but in the long run it saves a lot of grief. I have a first cousin who is so rabid lefty it's almost indescribable. He will not even speak to his own daughter or his twin brother. He emailed a while ago saying, you probably hate me, but I'll be going through your town and asked if we wanted to have breakfast with him (he was on his way to a BMW motorcycle gathering). We said sure; he said just don't bring any guns. We had breakfast (I carried--no one tells me what to do about that). On the saddle bag of his classic BMW he had a bumper sticker saying "Don't Mistake Your Racism for Patriotism." I laughed to myself. He later sold his bike, Corvette, and Mercedes and bought an electric Ioniq. When passing through, he wouldn't visit my brother, who's the chair of the Art Department at UAB (ever hear of a conservative artist) because he didn't want to spend any more time in Alabama than he had to. I still wish him well, even though I doubt I'll ever see him again.
Reluctant to jump into this one because this thread is reminding me of the last time I saw my family, which was right before the vaccine came out.

When I put up the Trump yard sign in 2015 it started to get bad, but after I declined the vaccine that was it. They severed their ties with me (both sides of the family).

There was a baby shower several years ago. My wife was asked NOT to attend unless she got vaccinated, and was told the exact vaccine that she was to get, other variants were not acceptable. And if she did not get vaccinated to please SEND a gift!!! I told her F**k That!!!.

So now I have to meet with my attorney a redo my estate. I don’t have kids so right now my entire estate is going to people that will not even talk to me. The executor now hates me as much as she hates Trump. I have been putting this off because I was hoping it would get better with time, but it hasn't. :(
Look elsewhere. No need to leave shit to anyone.
My wife's parents are very pro-Trump; her sister voted for Biden but she *never* discussed politics, which is perfectly fine by me; however, her brother and his wife are very vocal about their left-leaning views. It's usually not hard to shy away from political conversations but COVID brought out the worst in them, especially masking.
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