@CrackPot let's look at the feature test thing for a minute, as the feature test for semiautomatic rifles looks pretty restrictive.
So if I am reading it right, basically the first delimiter is a detachable mag, if it doesnt have this, then most of the other shit doesn't matter? (eg, like a DSI AR15 would walk around it, one of those shitty lowers that cant even take a mag. )
So as a plain example, someone could have a Garand, or an SKS with a threaded barrel and a "shroud" on it, and it doesnt matter because they both have integral magazines.
On the other hand, you take something like a Ruger Mini 14, and because it has a detacheable magazine, the feature test now applies, so in order for that Mini 14 to be
legal, it'd essentially have to be like the ranch version that only has the "barrel shroud" at best and no threaded barrel? So an M1 Carbine would probably also be OK.
But yet on the other hand, you take other stuff that was "previously annointed as being completely legal" like a Tavor X95.. and that has a "pistol or thumbhole grip" and a "barrel shroud". etc. Bam now illegal unless it comes in completely mutilated to get around the test.
Of course then theres the "copies or duplicates" problem. that has a layer of lard on top of this, right? So on top of all that bullshit, I can't just build an AR pack it with a 10 rd mag, have no other evil features (eg, a completely unshrouded upper and gas tube, lmao) and that wouldnt be legal "Because it is a copy or duplicate?" etc.