This is the worst kind of Stockholm Syndrome. "Saved us" from what?
It merely greased the dildo in our collective butt. It's still in there until the Courts pull it out officially. At this point? You have to decide whether to try to get comfy with the thing they've shoved in your ass, or just decide to reach back and pull it out yourself, unofficially. Some of us are doing that; you seem to be worried lest the state will come along and demand you stick it back in. Actually, you're not even that far along: your worry was whether there was adequate grease on it.
Stop this, and change your mindset. You're only as free as you think you are. Your statements suggest you're not free at all; they suggest you're grateful to the Commonwealth for not sticking it in harder. A lot of us don't have a lot of patience for that anymore, even if we did at one time. This state has a way of radicalizing people who love freedom; maybe you'll get there one day.
Good luck and happy shooting.