Precision Long Range for SHTF

This is my favorite thread for thread drift. In one page it has gone to how to eat rabbits. That said even my smallest long range rifle (6.5 CM or 243 Win) wouldn’t leave much left of a rabbit to eat based on damage it does to deer.

I don’t see much use for my long range rifle in SHTF. Small game would be .22. Less noise less damage. My AR is good up close and out to 600 yards that doesn’t leave a big role for long range rifle
The only areas around here with 600+yard lines of sight are the roads and highways. Even then an AR would be an excellent option. I have a capable PRS bolt rifle, and precision 308 and 5.56 AR setups with good glass in addition to AR's set up with red dots. Diversity Ben, diversity. But if I could only have one, it would be an AR.
Can someone please cite more than one obscure occurrence of "rabbit starvation".
It's a wives tale.
Prove me wrong.
It is true. Rabbit has very little fat and if that is your only source of food, you will not be happy if you get protein poisoning. I actually learned that during an episode of SurvivorMan with Les Stroud. Let me google that for you... ;)

It is true. Rabbit has very little fat and if that is your only source of food, you will not be happy if you get protein poisoning. I actually learned that during an episode of SurvivorMan with Les Stroud. Let me google that for you... ;)

I've never watched Survivorman and the only Les I am familiar with is Les Baer. But I am sure Survivorman is a super knowledgeable dude with no ratings agenda to be beholden to.
The wiki article, like most wiki articles is all speculation. They refer to Icelandic arctic explorers eating their own dead and compared the flesh of a starved-to-death man as being similar to rabbit. It's not the mind changing argument I was hoping for.
So if I find myself stranded somewhere north of 66° in latitude I'll be sure to club a baby seal every now and then to vary my mostly rabbit/dead comrade diet.
I've never watched Survivorman and the only Les I am familiar with is Les Baer. But I am sure Survivorman is a super knowledgeable dude with no ratings agenda to be beholden to.
The wiki article, like most wiki articles is all speculation. They refer to Icelandic arctic explorers eating their own dead and compared the flesh of a starved-to-death man as being similar to rabbit. It's not the mind changing argument I was hoping for.
So if I find myself stranded somewhere north of 66° in latitude I'll be sure to club a baby seal every now and then to vary my mostly rabbit/dead comrade diet.
Maybe you should do some of your own googling. I guess if YOU haven't heard of anyone, they are nobody...
Maybe you should do some of your own googling. I guess if YOU haven't heard of anyone, they are nobody...
I can't speak to what TV personalities know or don't know. I don't watch TV.
Here is what googling found me;
Precision Rifle games makes you a better shot with all your guns.
It wouldn't be my first choice to carry around, but in any me vs them scenario where I got a say in the time and place, the longer the range and the more precise the rifle the better.
Precision Rifle games makes you a better shot with all your guns.
It wouldn't be my first choice to carry around, but in any me vs them scenario where I got a say in the time and place, the longer the range and the more precise the rifle the better.
I sort of feel this way as well the problem is that precision rifle at long range is not just marksmanship.

The problem with true long range precision rifle is all the science and ballistics behind it. You have to prepare an enormity of factors, control for an enormity of variables, learn how to do so and buy a bunch of gear to either detect, calculate or account for same said things. The other issue is there is always room for error and the practice required is also expensive, remember you're not shooting milsurp or steel case or rimfire ammo in this endeavor. And even if you reload your 300 win mag or 6.5 it still takes a huge amount of TIME to load develop and handload.

What I mean is A) even if you are capable of making a 1,000 yard shot I don't think it would help your survival and in most cases would compromise it if you start doing so and
B) the resources to get to being 1000 yard capable are so great that could be expended more efficiently towards things that could help with your survival like more water purufication, more food stores, more "normal" ammo, a silencer or three, learning archery, learning repair skills, more blankets, more security/perimeter stuff for your house, alternative heating source not based on electricity, solar panels etc.
At 300 yards I can hit a 6"x6" metal plate all day from a seated position with my AR-15. Bullet drop at 300 yards is about a foot. Generally I keep my 100 yard zero and shoot a little high. And to be clear I'm a competent shooter but not a competitive shooter by any means. I'm a decent club shooter with a very good rifle and optics.

If we're talking 600 yards it's a whole different ball game. We're talking about a bullet drop of 10 to 15 feet. Lower weight bullets may go subsonic and start to tumble. Wind that would be manageable at 300 yards with Kentucky windage will be a major factor at 600 yards and depends on your ability to read wind.

This is a long winded way of saying there are plenty of very good rifles out there. These rifles shoot better than most shooters can. And beyond 300 yards, or less during windy weather, a regular shooter like I am will struggle without lots of training and practice.

Plan for what's within your abilities.
I sort of feel this way as well the problem is that precision rifle at long range is not just marksmanship.

The problem with true long range precision rifle is all the science and ballistics behind it. You have to prepare an enormity of factors, control for an enormity of variables, learn how to do so and buy a bunch of gear to either detect, calculate or account for same said things. The other issue is there is always room for error and the practice required is also expensive, remember you're not shooting milsurp or steel case or rimfire ammo in this endeavor. And even if you reload your 300 win mag or 6.5 it still takes a huge amount of TIME to load develop and handload.

What I mean is A) even if you are capable of making a 1,000 yard shot I don't think it would help your survival and in most cases would compromise it if you start doing so and
B) the resources to get to being 1000 yard capable are so great that could be expended more efficiently towards things that could help with your survival like more water purufication, more food stores, more "normal" ammo, a silencer or three, learning archery, learning repair skills, more blankets, more security/perimeter stuff for your house, alternative heating source not based on electricity, solar panels etc.

There is definetly a point that resources wasted on long range shooting games will not pay a dividend in SHTF. The skills you mention would probably be a lot more valuable than making a 1000 yard shot. But if it gets your friend to the range more and he justifies his enjoyment that way, good for him.
We all need to practice more than we do.

I have never been to a precision rifle match, but I do know that Sniper work isnt just shooting accurately at long ranges.

Being a military or police sniper is about far more than marksmanship.
Military snipers spend a lot of time in the woods learning scouting and stalking and a police snipers job is 99% intelligence gathering and over watch/force protection of the rest of the SWAT team.
If the trigger has to be pulled, the skill set that is valued is making a coldbore first round shot that stops the bad guy, at ranges that vary from 0 to 500 yards or sometimes more, shooting uphill or shooting down from the roof of a 20 story building.

These would be valuable tools to have in the toolbox when the excrement hits the rotary oscillator.

Do the guys at Precision Rifle matches practice more than just flat range marksmanship?
Do the guys at Precision Rifle matches practice more than just flat range marksmanship?

Some ranges offer significant vertical differences, but I'm not aware of any building to street level type of angles. Regardless, it's just a calculation / compensation.
Are you drunk or something? Or do you just lack basic logic circuits?
My point is having a diet consisting of a single source, be it rabbit or coconut, a person will become malnourished. The likelihood of having absolutely nothing else to eat than rabbit is as likely as being stranded in the arctic.
And, yes, I'd have blown over .08%
There is definetly a point that resources wasted on long range shooting games will not pay a dividend in SHTF. The skills you mention would probably be a lot more valuable than making a 1000 yard shot. But if it gets your friend to the range more and he justifies his enjoyment that way, good for him.
We all need to practice more than we do.

I have never been to a precision rifle match, but I do know that Sniper work isnt just shooting accurately at long ranges.

Being a military or police sniper is about far more than marksmanship.
Military snipers spend a lot of time in the woods learning scouting and stalking and a police snipers job is 99% intelligence gathering and over watch/force protection of the rest of the SWAT team.
If the trigger has to be pulled, the skill set that is valued is making a coldbore first round shot that stops the bad guy, at ranges that vary from 0 to 500 yards or sometimes more, shooting uphill or shooting down from the roof of a 20 story building.

These would be valuable tools to have in the toolbox when the excrement hits the rotary oscillator.

Do the guys at Precision Rifle matches practice more than just flat range marksmanship?
In my experience he seems more interested in the science than the shooting and when he does shoot the ammo is so expensive he doesn't do much of it. He justifies it that he tries to make the most to be hyper-accurate and that I am wasting ammo when I go through hundreds of rounds of budget ammo vs a few dozen ultra match grade rounds but gun for gun, ammo for ammo I always seem to out-shoot him.

I don't profess to be a marksmanship expert but I have rented guns out in the Southwest desert and hit steel at 6-700 yards so I don't think marksmanship is a problem for me.

The cost in time and resources for the other stuff though seems overwhelming and likely mistakes the goal of staying alive with being a combatant. I think the two are mutually exclusive.
In my experience he seems more interested in the science than the shooting and when he does shoot the ammo is so expensive he doesn't do much of it. He justifies it that he tries to make the most to be hyper-accurate and that I am wasting ammo when I go through hundreds of rounds of budget ammo vs a few dozen ultra match grade rounds but gun for gun, ammo for ammo I always seem to out-shoot him.

I don't profess to be a marksmanship expert but I have rented guns out in the Southwest desert and hit steel at 6-700 yards so I don't think marksmanship is a problem for me.

The cost in time and resources for the other stuff though seems overwhelming and likely mistakes the goal of staying alive with being a combatant. I think the two are mutually exclusive.
Maybe I read this wrong, but anybody who relies on the mathematics/science of shooting instead of trigger time is doomed to failure.
What I mean is that a sniper is a military force multiplier whose sole mission is to show up, lay prone with his nice rifle and optics engaging targets for which he has knowledge as well as previous intelligence at will. Someone in a position to survive has to take care of water, food and shelter as well as protecting his own to a degree

My thoughts are that you need to lay down the crackpipe and watch less pathetic Tom Berenger movies. Show up and lay prone... Yeah, that's it. Nothing more to it, really.
Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ.
If you eat rabbits for survival, you need to eat the marrow, brain and organs. That's where the fat is. Just eating the "meat" because you're queasy is what causes rabbit starvation.
Any danger of Variant Harvey-Jakob disease from eating the brains?
My thoughts are that you need to lay down the crackpipe and watch less pathetic Tom Berenger movies. Show up and lay prone... Yeah, that's it. Nothing more to it, really.
Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ.

Well, you need a ghillie suit and some jerky too. Everyone should have a ghillie suit. You can get them from Cheaper Than Dirt. You are not a real sniper/ operator if you don't have a ghillie suit...and some camo face paint.
Camo face paint? Hah! You need to blend in with all of the nature. I present to you, monkey? I think it's monkey, or maybe eagle? Let's go with monkey, face paint and camo clothing. They'll never find me. 😏

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