Prep for November.

Knob Creek

NES Member
Oct 9, 2007
South Coast Mass
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Seeing lots of posts on Facebook and YouTube about what to buy before November. Pretty much what you should prep for any month of the year. I don’t know what they are expecting.
Saw a video where some lady was predicting a post-election shitshow, and urging her viewers to stock up for six months of chaos.

I live in the land of a Bossgrrl governor, a black female attorney general, and babbling idiot senators. I'm already prepared.
Saw a video where some lady was predicting a post-election shitshow, and urging her viewers to stock up for six months of chaos.

I live in the land of a Bossgrrl governor, a black female attorney general, and babbling idiot senators. I'm already prepared.

"Bossgrrl governor, a black female attorney general, and babbling idiot senators." Similar stomping grounds... "I'm already prepared." Similar action... :)
Prep as usual....why change for this (aside from the more ammo part)

My "prediction"....

Harris wins: lots of angry grumbling/failed election fraud lawsuits from the right and probably some celebratory 'peaceful' gatherings from the left.

Trump wins: All bets are off.
The left will have a complete meltdown and make the Floyd "mostly peaceful" crap look like a Mayday celebration in small town USA back in the 50s.

I'm going to load up on toilet paper. Hey, it worked for Covid, right? 😉
You really should be stocked up with extra TP. All the stuff that besides disinfectant and hand sanitizer that was scarce during Covid will be scarce in any situation.

People are going to remember running out of shit paper and buy it up weather or not it makes sense.

Nothing stupid is going to happen for those of us well outside the cities, but the shortages will still be real. Have at least a months worth of canned goods, frozen meats, beans, rice, pasta and crap like that.

I don’t really anticipate empty shelves, but there may be times you want to just hunker down and watch the cities burn.
You really should be stocked up with extra TP. All the stuff that besides disinfectant and hand sanitizer that was scarce during Covid will be scarce in any situation.

People are going to remember running out of shit paper and buy it up weather or not it makes sense.

Nothing stupid is going to happen for those of us well outside the cities, but the shortages will still be real. Have at least a months worth of canned goods, frozen meats, beans, rice, pasta and crap like that.

I don’t really anticipate empty shelves, but there may be times you want to just hunker down and watch the cities burn.
For sure. I know the owner of a small town NH general store, and during Covid hysteria he was turning away out of staters who would march in and try to buy him out of just about everything. Fortunately for him, none of them got more aggro than he could handle.

Wouldn't mind cracking a cold one while watching rats burn down their own craphole cities again. However, the aftermath of that includes the probability of some number of the rats out-migrating and crapping things up in whatever unlucky place they settle next.
Prep as usual....why change for this (aside from the more ammo part)

My "prediction"....

Harris wins: lots of angry grumbling/failed election fraud lawsuits from the right and probably some celebratory 'peaceful' gatherings from the left.

Trump wins: All bets are off.
The left will have a complete meltdown and make the Floyd "mostly peaceful" crap look like a Mayday celebration in small town USA back in the 50s.


With a Harris win:
Then in January and beyond we have every bat crap crazy idea that she still believes in. Think an EO on gun confiscation, the house & senate have some press conferences and write some strongly worded letters. SCotUS will schedule a hearing in a couple months.

Meanwhile doors are being kicked in.
A winters worth of wood pellets, propane tanks topped off for the generator, full pantry I got several cases of 9mm. All set on .45's &12G Springfield Hellcat looking mighty tempting.
Usual things.
Another shotgun, more 00, propane fill, booze.
Almost done with the get ready for winter chores so I can get back to casting and reloading. Other projects as well.
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