Not really a prep but more of an experiment I decided to try: jewelweed oil infusion. I have tons of jewelweed plus a lot of other wild “useful” plants growing on my property and in the wetlands behind me. I will probably see what else I can forage before the summer is up……
1st pic is a pint jar filled halfway with stems, leaves and a few flowers with enough organic evoo to fully submerge plant material. I set this on a double boiler and heated for 3 hours.
2nd pic is straining the infused oil.
3rd pic is finished product.
The oil can be used in salve and soap. These are projects I plan to attempt in the near future.
I froze the oil coated plant material for another day, maybe see if it can be used as a poultice…….maybe
@mousegunguy can point me in the right direction there?