PSA: iS It pRe HEaLY?

Genius! Made me look at the classifieds. The asking prices are amazing. LOL.

Your message is cool and all...but you are still selling standard lowers for $500+. So these posts don't mean anything to me while you provide fuel to the fire. I understand the definition of capitalism so you do you.

I've worked a double yesterday/today so I'm too tired to say anything else other than "Irony", because it is pretty thick here

+rep though because your message is clear and accurate. Even though I may have differing opinions on your execution

It’s not quite apples to apples.

One is charging more on the supposed basis that Heelie’s proclamation is law, making the product rare and special as a result. They’re perpetuating and validating the notion that Heeley can birth legislation from her ass (legasslation?).

The other is charging more because so many people are afraid that she really can pass a law while she’s sitting on the can (a lawg?). They’re calling bullshit on her, satisfying demand legally, and making a buck in the process. They’re able to charge more because everyone else is scared.
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Awesome prices, too rich for my blood regardless but damn that Spartan helmet is tempting. Thank you.
The disturbing aspect of this is that it was a double cross - the MA AWB was designed to not outright prohibited ARs as part of of a deal, with GOAL even declaring it was "good bill" rather than a "partial defeat". It turned out to be "They only took post ban mags for now; they'll be back for the rest later".

Senate President Karen Spilka seemed to have an open mind, and even seemed to understand that people used ARs for legit purpose. She didn't even bring a bodyguard on her fact finding trip to a range where she tried out out my JP AR15. But, shortly thereafter, I heard of her reply to a constituent regarding the Healy Ban that the law "was accomplishing what was intended".

The lesson is that the other side will double cross us any chance it gets.

There was a great example on Canada, eh? a couple of decades ago or so. For point of background the "self defense" argument was lost in Canada years ago - argue anything except sporting use up there and you have the same credibility as a US resident suggesting middle schoolers carry defensive sidearms. So,, when the govt made it clear they were banning > 5 round rifle and >10 round handgun mags (among other things), the govt pacified the sport shooters by adding a "high capacity magazine" license for competition shooters to the law. Almost immediately after passage of the law, the decision was "After consultation with sport shooters and gun control advocates, it has been decided that the need for public safety outweighs the legitimate need of sport shooters so no such licenses shall be issued.".
God damnit. I want one of those crusader lowers so bad. If this pricing came up a couple months ago I would have bought one. Would have been great to SBR. But I just got approval for my SBR last week.
Oh well. Awesome deal!
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A little too over the top.
Gents (and ladies), I just want to bring to attention a public service announcement. If for some god awful reason you need to mention the words pre and Healey in the same sentence let alone at all, for the love of all that is holy at least do her the dignity of properly spelling her name. It is Maura Healey.

There is no “pre Healey” or “Healey ban”, but if for some reason you are misinformed on this and what the written law is or did not get exposed to Schoolhouse Rock on how a bill becomes a law as a child I want to correct you right now there is most assuredly no Healy Ban or pre-Healy anything. Asking if something is Healy or not, making a post about a Healy, or in any way shape or form selling a “pre-Healy” item is quite possibly the most asinine form of bending over on your knees and taking it up the ass from the state AG possible. Again for the record your honor it is Maura Healey. That is h-e-a-l-e-y.

That is all and have a lovely Father’s Day weekend.

PS: Buy Lowahs. 1-800-BUY-LOWA. 5$ from every purchase goes to Karz-4-Kidz.

You sir, are truly a piece of shit.

Assuming you're just trying to take attention away from your own scummy antics by posting how others are 'wrong' or 'unjust' by how they label THEIR overpriced that they paid good money to post here. Meanwhile, the overpriced garbage you're peddling is somehow ok (by you) because you don't put a properly spelled name in your ad title?

Mind your own business and go f*** yourself.

The people of NES

P.S. I think I speak for a silent majority here. If i'm wrong, i'm sure they'll let me know.
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