Public Hearing Scheduled for 72-Hour Waiting Periods


NES Member
Jun 3, 2008
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Public Hearing Scheduled for 72-Hour Waiting Periods​

In addition to the three we notified you of earlier today, the bill for waiting periods has been scheduled for the same day as the Governor's Bill. Please consider coming to Augusta on Thursday, March 7th at 11:30am and testifying against these terrible bills. If you can't attend in person, please consider submitting testimony online.
**The Judiciary Committee may decide to limit testimony to 3 minutes total for both bills, please take this into consideration when writing your testimony**

Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 11:30 AM
State House, Room 438​

LD 2238: An Act to Address Gun Violence in Maine by Requiring a Waiting Period for Certain Firearm Purchases

Bill language can be found here.

In summary, waiting periods jeopardize the lives of the law-abiding and will hurt small businesses in our state. Once a background check is passed, imposing an arbitrary waiting period could be the difference between life and death for someone looking to leave a domestic violence situation. Wiating periods would make it impossible for gun shows to continue in our state, and would shutter small businesses who depend on traveling patrons for their livelihood.
A longer list of talking points can be found here.

The Gun Owners of Maine Board of Directors

If you have any questions email
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