Question about ... Marksmanship awards on uniform after separation


Army Veteran
Dec 23, 2008
Feedback: 18 / 0 / 0
I was looking at my dress uniform and wanted to have them right, even though I never wear them. My ribbons are done right but I wasn't sure about my marksmanship badges. Do I put on the highest badges earned on each weapon (rifle, pistol, mg) or do I put on the qualifications I held when my contract was up?
We were always told just to wear the highest we had achieved; though I think technically you are only supposed to wear what your current qualification is (for someone who is out that would be nothing); but, I haven't read AR 670-1 in awhile and really don't feel like reading AR 670-1 for you right now because it sucks and is boring.

Just Google AR 670-1 and read, it SHOULD have the answer for you.

on a side note, I once saw an old, old gentleman at one of our 31st infantry military balls who was wearing his "Flamethrower" marksmanship bar, below his Expert badge. No one said a word about it to him, so I'm assuming you're probably good to go with whatever your highest was.
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If you don't get a straight answer in AR 670-1, I'd just wear your highest. There isn't anybody going to bust your 'nads over it. I know I certainly won't, and I retired with just under 40 years in. You could ask your state's National Guard State Sergeant Major (whether you were in the Guard or not).
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