Question: Applying for a Class A LTC w/No Restrictions in Medford, MA: Please help.

Is this part true? It's been my understanding that moving into a town/city requires one to notify the appropriate authorities, including the local chief, but that your license does not get reissued and the local chief cannot add restrictions until you renew. True?

I apologize if I was mistaken, I surely would hate to spread falsehoods...

I guess I thought I heard they could neuter you when you move, but I am unable to find a source for this and perhaps it is just when you renew...

Just out of curiosity, if I apply for the LTC in Medford and he tells me I'm going to get a restricted class A, do I have to accept it? As in, can I be like "No thanks." and then move somewhere else (in state) and reapply again? Or would I automatically have to wait 6 years? Thanks again for all the great info to everyone who replied!
Ask BEFORE you apply. Then you can say "No, thanks" and save yourself $100. You don't get your $100 back if you don't like the restrictions...
I apologize if I was mistaken, I surely would hate to spread falsehoods...

I guess I thought I heard they could neuter you when you move, but I am unable to find a source for this and perhaps it is just when you renew...

When you renew, they treat it like a brand new application... and can do whatever they want. Once you have your license (if you don't get arrested or something like that) it's yours for 6 years.
Thank you for the clarification and sorry for my FUD!!

No worries, this state is hugely anti-gun and the make the rules as complex as possible to screw things up. I usually hesitate to weigh in on anything legal related because I'll wind up being wrong. I only know this because I went through it last year. Everybody at NES is here to help...

well, mostly[wink]
Yeah, you NES guys are extremely helpful. After experiencing the type of people on this board, I am definitely going to join NES and GOAL when I get a chance. You guys have been really helpful.

Thanks and keep that info on Medford coming if anyone has any more, or on Everett/Arlington, too. More than likely going to end up moving to one of those cities if my Chief tells me he will not hand out an unrestricted license.
Update: Wish I had my LTC. Just got robbed today at knife point. Some stupid jammed out drug addict brought a 12 inch butcher knife into my gas station and threatened to kill me, took all the money, and left. And of course, I had no way of doing shit about it. What a wonderful world.
Just being able to walk away in a situation like that is a win win. You would be a blurb on the news if you actually shot a bad guy and then you would have everyone calling you a gun crazed vigilante. IMHO unless you are in danger of being hurt, it is much better to let the bad guy take the money and go.
Flame on
Update: Wish I had my LTC. Just got robbed today at knife point. Some stupid jammed out drug addict brought a 12 inch butcher knife into my gas station and threatened to kill me, took all the money, and left. And of course, I had no way of doing shit about it. What a wonderful world.

man, that is twisted. So, is there any possible financial way to move to Arlington or somewhere green? WHich gas station is it? I went to school in somerville and frequented many a gas station trying to get gas late at night after a run for 24 hour IHOP, lol.
For god sakes didn't you have your little brite light scratch their face off thinga ma jiga the law enforcement community recommends for self protection. Sorry, you were just being robbed at knife point and not raped so you couln't have used it anyway. Glad your okay but the robber will no doubt do it to someone else now!
Update: Wish I had my LTC. Just got robbed today at knife point. Some stupid jammed out drug addict brought a 12 inch butcher knife into my gas station and threatened to kill me, took all the money, and left. And of course, I had no way of doing shit about it. What a wonderful world.

Well, I'm glad you were ok. Please post a link to the news story if it comes out.
The gas station I work at gets robbed constantly, this was my first time personally... I'm glad I could walk away but the guy was threatening and motioning at me with a 12 inch knife. Though I am grateful nothing bad happened, I would have felt a little better if I had known that if worse came to worst I could protect myself in a life or death situation. Definitely not feeling bloodthirsty but it'd be nice if robbers stayed on the other side of the counter, showed their weapon, and demanded the money rather than threatening me for it. The policy is: give them the money, insurance will cover it. And I'm totally all for that, just when I get threatened bodily harm... kinda gets a bit different.
i know this sucks but hear me out.

Sgt Murrary is retiring. If he has not already, meaning is is now 2008. He handles all the permits. The gentleman taking over is a really nice and down to earth guy who beleives in the right to bear arms. I would talk to him about your struggles and see what his input is before you go out and get a lawyer and everything like that.

Mine..yeah its restricted..but I do know of some people that have ALP from Cheif Sacco as well..
Thanks for the info. I've heard that Chief Sacco is the only one who gives them out though, so what do you think my chances would be with him? I've had a couple of officers tell me Sacco is who gives them out.

Also, do you know the name of the down to earth guy taking over? That'd be awesome if you could let me know, thanks a lot.
Sacco is the one who gives them out yes but it also helps when they put in a good word for you. Murray never real cared about anything. he was miserable. just took your prints and sent you off. never really talked to you or anything.

I forget the guys last name that is taking over but i think his first name is Paul. Ill talk to my cousin and find out what the last name is as he is waiting for his to take over the position before applying himself.
Any update on what the last name is of that new down to earth guy yet?

Also, talked to about 5 different officers. Most of them avoided questions, one said that even Medford police are sometimes unable to get an unrestricted LTC. Also talked to a security guard who happens to be a woman and she said that they restricted hers to work only and said that "after 2 years" she could reapply and if she hadn't had any problems they "might" upgrade it.
idk if i already said this, but have you ever thought of getting some OC? pepper spray?
its a good tool to have....i carry some (almost) everywhere.

i assume u have an fid, but if not you can get one with the course you took (or must take) for your ltc.. or you can just get a restricted fid for 25$...

even when you get your ltc, id still carry OC
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