Random Weirdo

Actually, you are wrong.

Virtually every one of my handguns and half of my rifles were purchased with the explicit purpose of using them as weapons, not as sporting goods.

That they can be used as sporting goods in no way cancels the reason they were bought and paid for: to be used as weapons.

You may have purchaces them with the intent of using them as such, but the point I was making was that possible use does not define an item. Not sure how they're referred to in your neck of the woods, but in the PRM, the paperwork that allows you to carry is not a "concelaed weapons permit," but a "License to Carry Firearms"

Being a Mass-centric person, by virtue of residence, I have to tailor my speech to the local audience. Hell, due to a codified mis-reading of the written law, slingshots are not allowed (the term was "slung shot", which is similar to a blackjack).

I understand that a carry piece can be used as a weapon....but around here, everything can be, and diferentiating between as weapon (bad) and a shotgun (not a "weapon"....not bad?) in Anti thinking is important.
I understand that a carry piece can be used as a weapon....but around here, everything can be, and diferentiating between as weapon (bad) and a shotgun (not a "weapon"....not bad?) in Anti thinking is important.
Your antis want ALL firearms gone. They don't give a shit what you or anyone else calls them or what their claimed or intended purpose is.

You play their losers' game by kow towing to what you think antis want to hear. I, OTOH, refuse to let them define the terms of the debate.
Bleh. Just turn the conversation to how they should accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior or how their life could be changed be becoming an Amway representative and follow them all the way to their car.
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