Redo MA gun laws!

My apologies, I thought you were responding to the recent posts, not the OP from 6 months ago. [Wink]

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My apologies, I thought you were responding to the recent posts, not the OP from 6 months ago. [Wink]

Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk

WTF. 5 years ago?

The more the merrier. Divide and conquer. New board of directors=new direction?

The more support the better. Unfortunately too many people complain and do nothing.
At least they're complaining.
Shall issue or no issue at all, no more LEO exemptions, legalize supressors, no permit for mace, no more lists

But we all know nothing is going to happen besides more bullshit but its still nice to dream
I don't think it is too late in the session/season to submit new bills. We should BURY them with onesies twosies bills, each correcting bad language or just plain old bad laws. We need to be relentless, and without relent, and not let up. Really.
Oops - night of the living post...

Write goal, send your ideas...

Show up to hearings, voice your ideas...

Send your ideas in writing to the committee...
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I don't think it is too late in the session/season to submit new bills. We should BURY them with onesies twosies bills, each correcting bad language or just plain old bad laws. We need to be relentless, and without relent, and not let up. Really.
Getting a sponsor for your bill is a non-trivial task... GOAL has done an outstanding job there, but now we need support it by going to our reps and demanding they support those we support.
The best approach to winning the battle of stupid gun laws is to get gun owners like us elected to offices that can make it possible. Certainly there are people qualified and pretty enough to take a shot at the offices. I fault the MA GOP for having dumb dinner parties to celebrate their almost wins rather than finding decent candidates and giving them more than a last minute good luck handshake. We can't forget that not everyone with a "D" next to their name is our enemy. Lets identify which districts have antis in office, locate someone that can qualify for that seat and do whatever it takes to get them elected. If we get a majority of gun owners in Boston then we can actually get some laws passed to fix the dreadful laws we have now. That said, who amongst us wants to be a senator, representative, or attorney general? Everyone else get off your asses and help get them elected.
Thats all well and good swampy but time and time again we have seen that either most people vote based on D or R next to a name or they vote based on hyperbole and scare tactics. The MA voter is one that is completely different from those of the rest of the country, they are feeble minded and dont care to much for change. They dont like to think for themselves and rather just go along with the herd.

The only way to change gun laws in MA is to grab the SJC by the throat and ram Supreme Court decisions down. If it means they choke to death on it them so be it, but things wont change unless they are made to change by force
Heres my idea, permit, thats it, over 21 you need a LTC, under 21 F.I.D.
2.there is no AWB, restrictions on magazine size.
4.LTC is a shall issue, if you pass the Background check the C.O.P. cannot refuse you. No restrictions.
5.If living in a house with children present, firearms need to be secured in a combination style safe/cabinet/lock box.

Thats it, if the gun is legal to sell to citizens anywhere in the U.S. it is legal to own in Mass.
Heres my idea, permit, thats it, over 21 you need a LTC, under 21 F.I.D.
2.there is no AWB, restrictions on magazine size.
4.LTC is a shall issue, if you pass the Background check the C.O.P. cannot refuse you. No restrictions.
5.If living in a house with children present, firearms need to be secured in a combination style safe/cabinet/lock box.

Thats it, if the gun is legal to sell to citizens anywhere in the U.S. it is legal to own in Mass.
Slightly revised:

1. You don't need a LTC or FID to possess a firearm of any type
2. No AWB or variant thereof
3. No restrictions, period. No trigger minimum, no capacity restriction, nothing
4. LTC optional since conceal carry is a right, having one might make some officers think you're one of the 'good guys' so get one if you like. Free of charge and they are shall issue for the asking
5. Parents should be responsible in securing firearms as they see appropriate, since there are no storage laws.

I would add:

#6 - No government official may decree a rule or regulation restricting anything in the name of "safety"
#7 - immediate release, expungement and compensation to anyone who has/had been caught up in the legal system for any infraction negated by these new guidelines.
Slightly revised:

1. You don't need a LTC or FID to possess a firearm of any type
2. No AWB or variant thereof
3. No restrictions, period. No trigger minimum, no capacity restriction, nothing
4. LTC optional since conceal carry is a right, having one might make some officers think you're one of the 'good guys' so get one if you like. Free of charge and they are shall issue for the asking
5. Parents should be responsible in securing firearms as they see appropriate, since there are no storage laws.

I would add:

#6 - No government official may decree a rule or regulation restricting anything in the name of "safety"
#7 - immediate release, expungement and compensation to anyone who has/had been caught up in the legal system for any infraction negated by these new guidelines.

Good luck with that lol. I am a fan of the Vermont model.
Slightly revised:

1. You don't need a LTC or FID to possess a firearm of any type
2. No AWB or variant thereof
3. No restrictions, period. No trigger minimum, no capacity restriction, nothing
4. LTC optional since conceal carry is a right, having one might make some officers think you're one of the 'good guys' so get one if you like. Free of charge and they are shall issue for the asking
5. Parents should be responsible in securing firearms as they see appropriate, since there are no storage laws.

I would add:

#6 - No government official may decree a rule or regulation restricting anything in the name of "safety"
#7 - immediate release, expungement and compensation to anyone who has/had been caught up in the legal system for any infraction negated by these new guidelines.

oh i def like #6 and #7
Slightly revised:

1. You don't need a LTC or FID to possess a firearm of any type
2. No AWB or variant thereof
3. No restrictions, period. No trigger minimum, no capacity restriction, nothing
4. LTC optional since conceal carry is a right, having one might make some officers think you're one of the 'good guys' so get one if you like. Free of charge and they are shall issue for the asking
5. Parents should be responsible in securing firearms as they see appropriate, since there are no storage laws.

I would add:

#6 - No government official may decree a rule or regulation restricting anything in the name of "safety"
#7 - immediate release, expungement and compensation to anyone who has/had been caught up in the legal system for any infraction negated by these new guidelines.

[rofl2] Are you kidding? Coakley has your safety as her prime concern. Mother Coakley would never allow something into the state that might hurt our children or our dogs. Shame on you for daring to say anything against the Nanny...just, shame on you! [wink]
Gosh, I was looking for something, and came across this old gem. Not a whole lot has changed here in MA in 6 years!
Join GOAl. Join NRA. Vote republican. That's about all you can do.

What are they doing for MA? Including republicans (Romney in particular)?
Why at least MA draconian double restriction on handguns cannot be brought in front of a federal judge? He/she will rule it unconstitutional (just like it happened in IL). If all goal's, nra's actions are efforts to pass some pro gun law in liberal state like ma (or cancel anti gun law), the organizations are completely useless for MA. I would rather buy ammo and go to the range then pay someone to bang their head against the wall.
With all the "noise" complaints that come from people who live near(right on top of) ranges, its high time to legalize the possession and use of suppressors for other than those with a manufacturers FFL.

Other than paranoia, there is no reason that they should be illegal. They would still have to comply with federal registration and tax as they do now in every other state where they are legal to own and use.

When was the last time you heard of someone using a suppressor in a crime in Mass...or anywhere else for that matter?

dont you watch movies?

Coyote: How about making some of the hunting laws a little more reasonable: For ex: You can use any caliber for coyotes, but not a slug. You can use artificial light for raccoon, but not for coyote. If you can use artificial light for one, then you should be able to use it for all animals that can be hunted at night.

Also, why cant bears and Deer be bated? things like that are a pain in the A** to deal with.
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Join GOAl. Join NRA. Vote republican. That's about all you can do.

Dont join the NRA. Give your money to Comm2A instead. At least they have some balls and are trying to help MA. To the NRA, MA is like a sick person that is almost impossible to heal, so they forget about it. But the disease is slowly infecting those around MA.
Dont join the NRA. Give your money to Comm2A instead. At least they have some balls and are trying to help MA. To the NRA, MA is like a sick person that is almost impossible to heal, so they forget about it. But the disease is slowly infecting those around MA.

I wish I had a choice in the matter.
I'd go the opposite direction, and make all of MA a gun-free, 100% political-correct, illegal-loving, liberal welfare state. Ship all of the libtards there, erect a 20 foot wall around it, and protect the rest of the country from them.

It would be easier than trying to change the current gun laws.
I'd go the opposite direction, and make all of MA a gun-free, 100% political-correct, illegal-loving, liberal welfare state. Ship all of the libtards there, erect a 20 foot wall around it, and protect the rest of the country from them.

It would be easier than trying to change the current gun laws.

No need to spend money on a wall. As long as the state runs a deficit, has plenty of unions, tells people what to eat and how to raise their kids and gives people free crap, the liberals will not run away.
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OK, to drag this back on topic, what would people most like to see changed out of these choices?

10 round magazine limit
"assault weapons ban" (meaning "pre-ban" configurations go away, including flash suppressors, folding stocks, etc.)
freedom of choice for consumers (can get any pistol or rifle desired in MA)
mail order of ammunition and all other gun supplies (or eventually guns as well)
no restrictions on LTC's
end the Class A, Class B stuff
deer hunting with rifle
legal ability to shoot off your back step (when safe to do so)
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OK, to drag this back on topic, what would people most like to see changed out of these choices?

10 round magazine limit
"assault weapons ban" (meaning "pre-ban" configurations go away, including flash suppressors, folding stocks, etc.)

freedom of choice for consumers (can get any pistol or rifle desired in MA)
mail order of ammunition and all other gun supplies (or eventually guns as well)
no restrictions on LTC's
end the Class A, Class B stuff
deer hunting with rifle
legal ability to shoot off your back step (when safe to do so)

Wouldn't the AWB fix the 10 rd mags?
I would like to see them do away with the restricting our freedom of choice, gun suppressors and assault weapon configuration laws.
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