Redo MA gun laws!

Wouldn't the AWB fix the 10 rd mags?

I was thinking for handguns.

I would like to see them do away with the restricting our freedom of choice, gun suppressors and assault weapon configuration laws.

Yeah, if only we had someone to turn to at the state to help with consumer fraud. Gee, I thought we did, but I don't know who that would be off the top of my head. Anybody know? We should call them, and turn in Martha Coakley.
I was thinking for handguns.

Yeah, if only we had someone to turn to at the state to help with consumer fraud. Gee, I thought we did, but I don't know who that would be off the top of my head. Anybody know? We should call them, and turn in Martha Coakley.
Unfortunately, the office to which a complaint for the many RICO and consumer protection violations that the MA AWB brings is the same office that is victimizing the residents of this state with those violations... The AG...

Which is why this is a civil rights issue. Unless there is a miracle in the state house, this state will havea to be brought to justice in the federal courts and penalized accordingly.
Dont join the NRA. Give your money to Comm2A instead. At least they have some balls and are trying to help MA. To the NRA, MA is like a sick person that is almost impossible to heal, so they forget about it. But the disease is slowly infecting those around MA.

Comm2A's latest lawsuit was partially funded by a matching grant from the NRA.
The necessity for a gun license in MA seems to stem from the days back before the NICS check system was instituted. It allowed the state to institute it's own background check as a prerequisite to getting your fid or ltc supposedly in order to keep firearms out of the hands of convicted felons. However, since every dealer in the country must call in a background check any time somebody goes to purchase a gun under the current FED system, the Mass system has become a redundancy. All it serves to do now is to confuse, bully, and victimize otherwise well meaning, law abiding citizens. Therefore, MA needs to be like any other state. No ltc, no fid, no restrictions, no more bullshit. If you pass the NICS check when you go to buy guns, you can own guns PERIOD. The only license you should have to apply for is a CCW license if you want to carry. Thats it. These laws have never worked and never will. Lets throw em out!
I'd love to get rid of the high capacity crap as it was my reading of the laws stating that you had to possess the magazine before sept 1994 otherwise it is illegal to own one regardless if you have a class A permit or not. What is the point of stating in the laws you can have a high cap magazine with a class A but not actually buy one from out of state and bring it in. It seems stupid to me along with the whole, no folding or collapsible stock rule. Banning all the things in the state AWB just means that there is more things legal gun owners can possess. It is going to do nothing for all the gangbangers and criminals out there with their illegal guns. They aren't going to care what is and isn't legal but the state in its infinite stupidity along with a large portion of the population of this state seem to think that banning all guns will mean that there will not be any more gun crimes. If more people were legally carrying then the criminals might think twice about breaking in or robbing someone if there was alot better chance of them getting shot, the gangbangers shooting each other aside which they will do anyways regardless of legality.

Also on my list of things I would love to see changed are:
-freedom of choice for consumers (can get any pistol or rifle desired in MA)
-mail order of ammunition and all other gun supplies
-deer hunting with rifle
-legal ability to shoot off your back step (when safe to do so)

I can see where the no deer baiting rule comes from because some may consider it unfair to set up a garden/field just to get deer or bear to come and shoot them, as it might be considered unsportsman like. But the no hunting deer with a rifle is a load of crap, limit the magazine cap to 10 for those cases as I really don't see the need to someone to be blasting at a deer with 50 rounds of ammo. If they're doing that then they probably are not actual hunters but just some idiot out for a trophy and likely to get someone else killed by their idiotic actions.

I also really hate the no mail-order ammo crap as there seems to be so many good sales from either cabelas or some online retailers out there but I'm stuck with the options of buying from the local gun shop or placing the order from cabelas online and then trying to get down to the store in CT to pick it up there.
I'd love to get rid of the high capacity crap as it was my reading of the laws stating that you had to possess the magazine before sept 1994 otherwise it is illegal to own one regardless if you have a class A permit or not. What is the point of stating in the laws you can have a high cap magazine with a class A but not actually buy one from out of state and bring it in.

Jason Guida just became your new best friend! That's exactly how he reads the law too.


The best "redo" I could hope for is that my state of residence changes to NH!!
I'd love to get rid of the high capacity crap as it was my reading of the laws stating that you had to possess the magazine before sept 1994 otherwise it is illegal to own one regardless if you have a class A permit or not.
It did and does not read that way for the same reason the Federal law was not written that way. Ex-post-facto and a property interest in the now banned components would make a fantastic constitutional challenge to the law.

The law says "manufactured," it says nothing about where it is possessed, both you and Guida are wrong.
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