Reloading .58 Rimfire for Springfield Trapdoor

Mar 15, 2021
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I recently inherited an 1863 Springfield Trapdoor. It’s one of the First Allin conversions and is chambered for .58 rimfire. I’m in the process of getting it checked out by a gunsmith to determine if it’s in fireable condition.

In the meantime, I’m trying to find a way to load this rare and obsolete ammo. I’ve found some really interesting rimfire brass adapters from Quality Cartridge that use a .22 blank as the primer. I’ve reloaded modern rifle and pistol rounds with smokeless powder but have never done black powder and certainly not rimfire.

Does anyone have experience with this round or some similar who could point me in the right direction with regards to reloading resources for this? Any recommended black powder reloading manuals with this cartridge, reloading dies, etc… would be very helpful.

Fire away! I’m all ears.
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I presume there's no brass avaliable for this, but if there was you could mix up the primer compound with the kit from a website called 22reloader. They make tools to reload .22, but the compound can be used for any rimfire cartridge and probably works best for black powder anyway.
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