Our 10/22 Takedown has a pair of snakebite notches in the forward edge of the ejection port
from a Failure to Eject that caused the bolt to slam the open end of the empty case there.
It's only happened once, so there's only one pair of notches.
And we're not alone:
You ought to try covering up the PC9's scratches with a black magic marker (or bluing marker)
and see if the wear resumes even though you're no longer using
crap Korean mags that cause stovepipes.
If not, then the facile conclusion is that the port only experiences scarring
if you use mags/ammo that stovepipes.
Yeah, this is kind of "blaming the victim".
But you said you had a spate of them,
and I wouldn't define a stovepiped case as "being thrown rearward and outward".
Sorry about that.
Bonus anecdote:
After 162 rounds down the pipe,
our SR-556 has brass-colored marks on the, er, brass deflector behind the ejection port -
even though there have been no malfunctions at all.
It's not going to improve the upper's appearance if I wear off the finish
in a vain attempt to remove the brass marks.
So call me a slob, but based on the rash assumption that they won't buff out,
I have no intent of lifting a cuticle to address the situation -
not even to cover them over with some kind of black marker.