SAP gloves

i beleive they are. I used to get them from a guy in boston..someone once said you could get them at Police Stores but only if you were LEO.
I suspect that they'd fall under this law:

Chapter 269: Section 12. Manufacturing and selling knives, slung shots, swords, bludgeons and similar weapons

Section 12. Whoever manufactures or causes to be manufactured, or sells or exposes for sale, an instrument or weapon of the kind usually known as a dirk knife, a switch knife or any knife having an automatic spring release device by which the blade is released from the handle, having a blade of over one and one-half inches or a device or case which enables a knife with a locking blade to be drawn at a locked position, any ballistic knife, or any knife with a detachable blade capable of being propelled by any mechanism, slung shot, sling shot, bean blower, sword cane, pistol cane, bludgeon, blackjack, nunchaku, zoobow, also known as klackers or kung fu sticks, or any similar weapon consisting of two sticks of wood, plastic or metal connected at one end by a length of rope, chain, wire or leather, a shuriken or any similar pointed starlike object intended to injure a person when thrown, or a manrikigusari or similar length of chain having weighted ends; or metallic knuckles or knuckles of any other substance which could be put to the same use and with the same or similar effect as metallic knuckles, shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty nor more than one thousand dollars or by imprisonment for not more than six months; provided, however, that sling shots may be manufactured and sold to clubs or associations conducting sporting events where such sling shots are used.
surprised butter knives and baseball bats are not banned in MA. I have seen some serious damage done with baseball bats... and a butter knife can certainly impale someone... Seriously....
Nunchakus (otherwise known as numchucks which is technically incorrect terminology) are illegal as well. But chain and bars can be purchased at any Aubochan hardware store and are just a deadly on their own and could be assembled in about 5 minutes. Go figure. What is the point. [rolleyes]

MA has some of the dumbest/pointless laws I have ever seen. Idiots... [laugh]
SAP Gloves?

We use SAP here for Checks and Payroll.


If you ever tried to set up a whole company on SAP.. your know why you need gloves... they are padded on the knuckles to help dampen the impact of punching server racks all the time...
Those would fall under M.G.L. 269-10b, carrying a dangerous weapon, which is a felony.

The law says carrying it under your control in a motor vehicle or on your person, so unlike some charges (drugs, guns) there's nothing against posession, only manufacture, sales and carrying.

However, remember this post?

Guy was charged for "carrying a dangerous weapon" (4 counts) for possessing them in his house, not carrying them in any way.

Illegal, maybe, maybe not. Get your life all messed up because a local LEO doesn't know or care about what the law says specifically...? For sure.
I had a pair a long time ago. They work well. Many years back when I used to buy a lot of that stuff and work out I used to have a slab of 3/8 plywood in my cellar that I used to practice striking moves on using nunchucks. When I got the sap gloves I tested them out by punching holes through the plywood with very little hand damage.[devil]
I took apart a window in my parent's house and found the sash weight to consist of a broken steel sash connected to an eight inch lead filled wooden sap.
I guess sixty years ago my father thought it would work well as a sash.
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