Get a solar battery charger. It will give you more flexibility. Recharge the batteries and plug them in the radio (or other portable electronics and flashlights) if there is no USB.
Get a solar battery charger. It will give you more flexibility. Recharge the batteries and plug them in the radio (or other portable electronics and flashlights) if there is no USB.
which then requires a radio that takes some sort of standard battery; most of them don't (aside from the cheap FRS jobbies you can find in sporting goods stores). You might have better luck finding a suitable HT that takes "regular" batteries than one that charges via USB, however.
Yeah HF is great if you have someone with similar technical acumen/resources on the other end. NVIS is a pain in the ass to set up for a layperson. Of course it all depends on what you want to get out of the system.
Another point to consider here: no matter what you're considering for comms, make sure it can put you in touch with people you need/want to get in touch with.
1500 watts of HF and the finest antenna money can buy won't do you shit if there's no one friendly on the other end to get your tx.
Standardize comms amongst your friends/family/whatever.