Scary situation

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The upstairs guy is an accident waiting to happen. For all anyone knows he may not even have a gun license. He is not a responsible gun owner and is a danger to the public. Let the cops straighten it out. If they let him keep his gun I'm sure he'll be more prudent the next time, if there is one. If nothing is done or said then the door is wide open to the next abuse of gun ownership.
I think you missed the point. You can not just go around pointing a gun a someone. Last I knew someone stealing a TV set was not a threat to YOUR life. You don't have the right to play cop just because you have a gun. Just call them, write down the plate and discription of the people ect.
I have never pulled my pistol/rifle/shotgun on anyone, but if I was, it is going to be if I am going to use it. the only time you can shoot someone is if you are fearing for your life or someone least in this state. You can't draw your weapon on a a person for walking into a hallway. It's not a good idea. Who in their right mind would pull their weapon and point it someone meaning to kill them because they entered a common area? What kind of person would do that? Not me. You risk too much.
it would help if he hadn't edited-- i hate to get involved, but he added to his post.

See post #29 of this thread.

I get the OP

I don't get why Biff44 would think of passing off a situtation where someone brandished a firearm at him is ok.. like it's an everyday occurrence ...unless he misunderstood the OP.

This thread has a bunch if "What ifs"
I agree with you Dick, I don't know why Clinotus feels the need to insult evryone here by his dumb comments, but it seems like he does this kind of thing a lot. I always see him posting comments just to piss people off....IMO.

Lighten up fellas. The sun will still rise in the morn.[thinking]
that sets off the most alarm bells right there. anyone brandishing a firearm against an alleged home invasion who has not already, or does not immediately afterwards call the police is either a power crazy idiot waiting to go off, involved in something illegal himself, or just batshit looney toons and shouldn't be armed to begin with.
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See post #29 of this thread.

I get the OP

I don't get why Biff44 would think of passing off a situtation where someone brandished a firearm at him is ok.. like it's an everyday occurrence ...unless he misunderstood the OP.

This thread has a bunch if "What ifs"
i think i misunderstood your post when i quoted it-- sorry
I agree with you Dick, I don't know why Clinotus feels the need to insult evryone here by his dumb comments, but it seems like he does this kind of thing a lot. I always see him posting comments just to piss people off....IMO.

Who are you? I dont even know you, first time I've seen you post. I do not think I go out of my way to offend or insult anyone and if someone calls me on it I apologize for it on the spot as its hard to read inflection with online posts. If I've upset you in some way, and you never broached it with me prior or via pm, well, that just sucks for you. If you find my posts dumb, put me on ignore or grow a thicker skin.

Thanks for capitalizing my username though. [wink]

What the guy did was DEAD WRONG. Period, end of conversation. He overreacted in a big way and was in no fear of his life. His ONLY responsibility if concerned was to call the cops himself telling them that someone might be attempting a B & E.

I would have called the cops and EXPECT that if I acted the same way to someone else who is not threatning my life, to do the same.

Too late to do much about it now but I'd still go to the PD where it happened and let them know. After 27 years of CCW, I have zero respect for bad gun owners. They hurt the good ones.

Spot on.

We can't clamor for holders to be firm examples of the law, when we let stuff like this slide. We have to keep some standards here.
You may have not seen my posts before, but I have seen yours and some have made me wonder what you were thinking. Are you trying to be funny, incite conversation, or are you a jerk? You have never insulted me, but others. I guess it is hard to understand a person during a conversation online. I guess I may need to grow thicker skin if I am to post online, but sometime, Clinotus, you may need to think before you post. You may be pissing people off...and I don't think I'm the first to question you.

Who are you? I dont even know you, first time I've seen you post. I do not think I go out of my way to offend or insult anyone and if someone calls me on it I apologize for it on the spot as its hard to read inflection with online posts. If I've upset you in some way, and you never broached it with me prior or via pm, well, that just sucks for you. If you find my posts dumb, put me on ignore or grow a thicker skin.

Thanks for capitalizing my username though. [wink]

Spot on.

We can't clamor for holders to be firm examples of the law, when we let stuff like this slide. We have to keep some standards here.
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You may have not seen my posts before, but I have seen yours and some have made me wonder what you were thinking. Are you trying to be funny, incite conversation, or are you a jerk? You have never insulted me, but others. I guess it is hard to understand a person during a conversation online. I guess I may need to grow thicker skin if I am to post online, but sometime, Clinotus, you may need to think before you post. You may be pissing people off...and I don't think I'm the first to question you.

Probably all of them. Sometimes I do think I'm hilarious! Other times its a topic starter, other times...who knows. As we both mention, it is hard to read someone online. If you have a problem with a post of mine say so and I'll try to re-address or re-explain myself, you can still call me a poopy head or tell me my opinion on the topic sucks, or shoot me a pm. I'm not a big meanie by any means. If I'm pissing people off, that means I'm not drinking the Kool-aid, and if they are pissing me off that means I'm not drinking it either. Doesnt mean we have to spike the punchbowl though. [wink]

If the facts are as we have been told, and that it was a common area, and there was no other reason to explain the behavior, then the guy comitted a serious felony.

The OP was a victim of an Assault by means of a Dangerous Weapon to wit (firearm).

Report it to the local authorities who can investigate it appropriately unless of course, there is more to the story which may reflect negatively upon you and/or your friends. (i.e. What is the BG going to say to the LEO?)

They may or may not put a lot of investigation in the Assault charge due to the time that has lapsed and they will question the delayed report but they will be able to identify the BG and know whether he is properly licensed or not and be able to take appropriate action if he is or isn't.

Only you were there and only you and your friends know what really happened so keep in mind what the BG or any other witnesses might also tell the PD. If there are facts that may not have come out that may reflect negatively upon you or your friends then maybe you should weigh your options and maybe STFU and carry on.

Just my $.02

ETA......Stop the hating on clinotus.....he raises some valid points.
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For all of you guys who are advocating this guy rat the other guy out...think about youself in that situation. Do you want the cops showing up everytime someone sees YOU with a handgun? Jeez, don't you think it is bad enough out there without turning each other in for meaningless stuff.

Think about myself in that situation? I would never do what that guy did, he overreacted in a very dangerous way. Having a gun pointed at you is not "meaningless stuff". The OP didn't break in from outside, or even enter the house from the outside. He entered a common foyer from inside his friend's living room. That type of reaction from the neighbor is INSANE.
Morons like that (if, like Half Cocked said, your story is 100% accurate and you did not provoke anything) have no business owning anything more dangerous than a ball of string. I would definitely call LE, because if everything you say is true, this guy will probably end up doing it to someone again, perhaps with deadly results.

This isn't a victimless crime.
I don't believe someone's psychological baggage gives them an excuse to act dangerously towards others. I do however, agree with Snapshot and others. Call him up and tell him to stop waving guns around and if it happens again, he'll be reported with a complaint.
Ah, some common sense! Finally! I think we are going to see a WHOLE LOT of this sort of stuff in the near future. IF the economy really goes into the tubes like some say, you will see all sorts of break-ins and robberies going on. Stuff that will make the Lawrence riots of a decade ago look like a cake walk. But it will then grow like a cancer to the suburbs, then to rural areas. Is your answer to "call the cops" and have them deal with it all? The government's solution to this is to disarm the populace, confiscate the guns, and everything will be like Candyland again! I am sure they will use examples like this case, things that are not clear at all about who is right or wrong, as their reason to confiscate the guns.

MAYBE a better way to handle this is to get to know your neighbor. Figure out what his issues are. Maybe he is a mean sob and this is a indicator of violence to come. Maybe he is a scared old man and does not want to get broken into for a fifth time. As a neighbor you should know this. You might need to know this guy if bad guys are breaking in your door at 3 AM some cold dark morning! Having the cops come and take away his LTC and guns may NOT be in your best interest in the long term! I would talk to this guy and figure out his story first. Once the cops are called, it is out of your control and possibly out of having a reasonable outcome. And remember, good fences make good neighbors! Maybe this guy feels that that was his only entry way to the 2nd floor appartment, and that the other tenants do not have a right to use it. If that is the case, a simple telephone call upstairs "hey fred, we are trying to get a big TV into the house, can we use the main door?" probably would have gotten you a very different response!

I am not saying that this guy was right to use a handgun this way. I am saying that the knee jerk reaction--call the cops, is also a wrong idea.
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i would personally be all set with trying to get to know someone that whips a pistol out when the door sqeaks... if the guy thought he was being robbed, he would have called the police before he opened his door. i would have called after he pulled the gun because i would have assumed that he called them... but that's just me.

no one i know that owns guns is that loose or paranoid and i feel safe at all times.

i would not feel safe around someone like that.
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